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Joe Biden wants to destroy Trump's legacy on the first day of office: "Undo serious damage"


The future US President Joe Biden wants to bring the US on a new course in a hurry. With dozens of regulations, he wants to reverse the measures taken by the outgoing President Trump.

The future US President Joe Biden wants to bring the US on a new course in a hurry.

With dozens of regulations, he wants to reverse the measures taken by the outgoing President Trump.

  • Lightning start on the first day of office as President: Joe Biden * wants to

    reverse Trump policy.

  • Joe Biden: The US will



    Paris Climate Agreement

    on Wednesday


  • Joe Biden's 

    inauguration will also be

     broadcast live on

    free TV

    and live stream in Germany.

Washington - The

future US President Joe Biden

does not

allow himself

a break

after the

inauguration on Wednesday afternoon

in Washington.

On the very first day of office he wants to sign regulations that


a clear change of course for the policy of the

outgoing President Donald Trump *


For example, the


Biden will

plan to

return to the Paris climate agreement

, which Trump had canceled.

In addition, the new president will lift Trump's entry ban for citizens from several predominantly Muslim countries.

Joe Biden also wants to have a mask requirement for all federal buildings and travel between US states.

This announced

Biden's prospective chief of staff Ronald Klain to

senior staff.

The letter is available to several American media outlets.

Biden also wants to

extend the deferral for student loan payments

on the first day

in the White House *

by ordinance, as well as a moratorium on evictions and foreclosures.

Many people are

in need because of the corona pandemic

and can therefore no longer pay their rents or mortgages.

"These executive measures will bring relief to the millions of Americans who are struggling in the face of this crisis," wrote Klain.

"President-elect Biden will take these steps - not only to


the most serious

damage done to the Trump administration

, but also to move our country forward."

Joe Biden: Dozens of ordinances in my first ten days in office

And that is just the beginning.

In the ten days after the inauguration, according to Klain, things will continue at a rapid pace.

For example, the Biden chief of staff announced a series of

further directives on the corona virus for

January 21


According to the American news portal

Politico, this

involves rules that enable schools and companies to reopen without risk.

Corona tests are to be expanded

, workers are to be protected and clearer public health standards are to come.

Joe Biden does not require Congress approval for any of these actions.

On January 22nd, Joe Biden will also instruct the government authorities to initiate emergency aid for people particularly affected by the pandemic and economic crisis.

Joe Biden

will also


measures to

reform criminal law

and further directives on

climate protection and immigration

as early as next week


According to Klain, this also includes a regulation according to which children who have fled from Latin America who have fled from their parents on the border with Mexico are reunited with their parents as quickly as possible.

In one of its most controversial actions, the Trump administration had separated these children from their families and moved them to separate accommodations as a deterrent.

There are also further rules for purchasing US-made products and support measures for predominantly black residential areas.

Joe Biden: Highest security standards for inauguration after storming the Capitol


will take the oath of office as the 46th President of the United States on Wednesday on the west side of the Capitol.


Washington is a high-security zone this year following


storming of the Capitol by militant Trump supporters


There are metal fences, concrete barricades and police checkpoints around the Capitol, the White House and other government buildings.

Thousands of members of the National Guard are on duty.

Usually, crowds of spectators attend the inaugurations of new presidents.

Due to the corona pandemic, this is forbidden anyway this year.

The important public moments such as the oath of office can

 be seen


on several German channels

on free TV

, as well as on

Internet in 

live stream

and on various US channels such as CNN.

US star Lady Gaga will sing the national anthem.

Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi and other music stars will be performing on a special that evening.

Joe Biden had already announced a bundle of actions on Friday aimed at


problems and delays in the

vaccination campaign in the United States


He also presented plans for another billion dollar

Corona aid package


However, this must be approved by the Congress.

Canadian Reports: Joe Biden wants to stop controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline

According to Canadian media reports, Joe Biden also wants

to withdraw

the approval for the

controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline

between the USA and Canada in

a timely manner


It would be a sign that Biden is

serious about climate protection.

Donald Trump had given the green light for the construction of Keystone XL in spring 2017.

Trump's predecessor,

Barack Obama

, had previously rejected the project, mainly for reasons of climate protection.

Environmentalists warn, among other things, of the

catastrophic consequences of possible leaks


They also complain that too many greenhouse gases are released in the complicated process of extracting oil from tar sand.

What Klain's letter

did not contain,

according to


: The

return to the World Health Organization.

Some time ago, Joe Biden had announced that he would return to the WHO on the first day of office in order to bring the USA back into the international fight against the corona pandemic.

Trump had turned his back on the organization in 2020 and stopped multi-million dollar payments.

When the USA will return to the WHO remains open for the time being.

(With dpa and AFP) * is part of the Ippen digital network


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-01-18

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