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"Biden's policy toward Iran - an existential threat to Israel" Israel today


| United States Pro-Israel Senator Ted Cruz warns: "New administration will try to revive nuclear deal" • But promises: "US will stand by you" • Full interview in the "Israel of the Week" supplement Ted Cruz. "The balance in favor of Israel in Congress - will be maintained" Photography:  AFP Just before the start of a new era in the United States, Ted Cruz, one of the most pro-Israel senators in the United S

Pro-Israel Senator Ted Cruz warns: "New administration will try to revive nuclear deal" • But promises: "US will stand by you" • Full interview in the "Israel of the Week" supplement

  • Ted Cruz.

    "The balance in favor of Israel in Congress - will be maintained"



Just before the start of a new era in the United States, Ted Cruz, one of the most pro-Israel senators in the United States, warns that relations between Washington and Jerusalem will now be particularly fragile, mainly because the new administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris poses significant security challenges. To Israel.

The Republican senator, who was one of the closest figures to outgoing President Donald Trump, in the dramatic moments when he decided on a tough policy against Iran contrary to the recommendations of his advisers, warns in an interview to be published this Friday in Israel this week that the new administration will almost immediately cancel Trump Other dangerous in the area.

Biden delivered the victory speech: "We will unite America and lead by example - not by demonstration of power" // Photo: Reuters

"I think the biggest security threat to Israel from the Biden-Harris administration is their attempt to re-establish the destructive agreement with Iran," Cruz said.

He adds and demonstrates from the past that "under the Obama administration, the seemingly greatest achievement of his foreign policy in his second term, was the sending of hundreds of billions of dollars to Ayatollah Khamenei (as part of the agreement, as part of the thawing of frozen Iranian assets)." Death to Israel'".

The Biden-Harris administration, he is convinced, "will put at the top of its foreign policy goals the return of this failed agreement. The most significant victory in the Trump administration's national security field over the past four years is the withdrawal from this destructive agreement."

Cruz argues that the implication is that the new U.S. administration that will be sworn in tonight (Israel time) at a ceremony on Capitol Hill is an "existential threat to Israel."

Cruz is one of the most active legislators when it comes to defending Israel in Congress from various initiatives designed to punish it for its policies toward the Palestinians.

He is proud to have succeeded in thwarting the moves of the radical left in the Democratic Party to turn Israel into a leper, but believes that now that Biden is in power, he is in fact a prisoner of these factors.

"Unfortunately, Democrats today are led by the extreme and angry left," Cruz accuses.

"The voices that determine policy, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and House of Representatives Alexandria Oxio-Cortez, are shameless socialists. I believe America will continue to side with Israel," he said.

"It is clear," Cruz said emphatically, "that there are anti-Semitic and anti-Israel elements on the far left of the Democratic Party, and with the Democratic majority in Congress, this extremist faction will have a much greater impact."

For the time being, however, he is optimistic that it will be possible to maintain the balance of power in both houses of Congress in favor of Israel, even though both will be under democratic control.

"Democrats take revenge"

And what next?

"For eight years I have worked to be Israel's leading defender in the US Senate, and I intend to continue to be so.

I hope that a significant two-party coalition will remain that will stand by Israel. "

Although Cruz has a full stomach for Trump's conduct around the violent events in Congress, he claims that the heated speech he delivered in the moments before the onslaught hit the spirits with "irresponsible" messages.

In the same breath, however, he argues that Democrats are acting in a way that is contrary to democracy, by initiating dismissal proceedings against him in an expedited and inappropriate manner.

"The Democrats and the media have exaggerated in response," he claims, "the Democrats' vengeful charges in the impeachment process against the president, along with the purge that social networks are carrying out on conservative users, are reminiscent of the latest scene in all Godfather movies. They try to eliminate their opponents and close accounts."

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2021-01-19

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