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Lockdown in Germany: CSU man calls for an early end - but Dobrindt is already warning of the next corona wave


Chancellor Angela Merkel explained her Corona policy on Thursday afternoon. A debate about an early end to the lockdown could now arise.

Chancellor Angela Merkel explained her Corona policy on Thursday afternoon.

A debate about an early end to the lockdown could now arise.

  • Chancellor

    Angela Merkel


    (CDU *)

    spoke on Thursday (January 21) in the federal press conference.

  • She explained why it is

    important to keep the infection rate low

    because of the

    Corona *


    (update from January 21, 11.35 a.m.).

  • On Friday, the RKI classified 20 countries as high-risk areas (

    update from January 22nd, 8:35 p.m.


  • This

    news ticker

    is continuously updated.

Update from January 24th, 10:00 p.m.:

The CSU regional group leader in the Bundestag,

Alexander Dobrindt

, currently sees no basis for discussions about

corona easing


"The probability that we might experience a longer lockdown is currently higher than that of coming in a different direction," said Dobrindt on Sunday in the ARD report from Berlin.

"It's all painful, but the risk is currently relatively high that we will experience another wave with the mutated virus."


CSU politician

said the numbers are still far too high


"We have seen in England, in Ireland, that schools in particular have been underestimated in terms of their infectious effect, in the acceleration of the infection and that is why it is right that the schools are now closed too." can think of an opening again.

Meanwhile, the

virologist Alexander Kekulé *

criticized the policy


He is considered an opponent of a lockdown as the main means in the fight against corona.

Lockdown in Germany: Politicians are calling for the end of February

Update from January 23, 9.21 a.m

.: After the extension and tightening of the corona measures, voices are now

stirring that are pushing

for an 

end to the lockdown in mid-February


The vice-chairman of the Union parliamentary group, 

Georg Nüßlein

, calls for the lockdown to be definitely ended after the previous time limit has expired.

"Because of the massive effects, it is not justifiable to prescribe a nationwide lockdown until the

 incidence number

 falls below 50 or below 35," said the CSU politician of the 

Augsburger Allgemeine


"If something does not happen in the next few weeks that we cannot foresee now, for example a massive spread of mutated viruses, then by mid-February at the latest we will have to take a different path than the previous one."


Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer

 wants to enforce easing after February 14, when it is responsible.

The CDU politician told the newspaper 

Welt - 

initially in schools and barbershops.

“Then in March we can talk about retail.

And after Easter also about gastronomy. ”

The opening of schools is a controversial issue. 

Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus 

warned against opening too quickly.

“We are all doing each other a disservice by allowing face-to-face lessons too early.

Health comes first, ”he told the 

Passauer Neue Presse


The new virus mutations made him "very worried".

Corona lockdown in Germany: the medical president calls for perspectives for the population

Medical President Klaus Reinhardt 

- actually a supporter of the lockdown - demanded perspectives for the population from politics.

"It is understandable that people are tired after ten months of the pandemic and that the 

Corona protective measures are

 stressful," he told the 

Rheinische Post 


The prospects also include clear communication about 

vaccination capacities.

Virus mutations are of great concern.

Labor Minister Hubertus Heil therefore reserves the right to extend the home office requirements for employers if necessary.

"We'll see in good time whether an extension beyond March 15 is necessary," he told the

 Rheinische Post 


Germany is serious about travel deterrence: RKI declares 20 high-risk areas for the first time - with strict rules

Update from January 22nd, 8:35 p.m.:

Because of the particularly high number of

corona infections

, the

federal government

for the first time classified more than 20 countries as

high-risk areas

as of


, for which slightly stricter





As the

Robert Koch Institute

announced on a website on Friday, this includes the neighboring country of the Czech Republic, the holiday countries Portugal, Spain and Egypt as well as the USA.

While previously only


with very contagious


and "normal"


areas were identified

, there are now also "

high incidence areas


These have significantly higher

numbers of infections




Travelers from “normal”

risk areas

must be




no later than 48 hours after entering



In addition, they have to be in


for ten days

, but can be

freed from it prematurely

by a second negative


from day five.

The difference between the

high incidence

and virus variant areas: The test must be carried out a maximum of 48 hours before entry.

In addition, the exception rules for the

quarantine can be


But that is a matter for the individual federal states.

Corona pandemic: Members of the Bundestag should contact health authorities

Update from January 21, 6:35 p.m.:

Angela Merkel

now apparently also

wants to involve the members of


Bundestag of

the Union faction

in the fight against the

corona pandemic

: The


has asked the 246 elected representatives from the




to themselves the situation with the

health authorities

in their constituencies elicit.

That is what the


of participants in the latest group meeting should have learned.

"Maybe everyone can make a virtual visit to their health department so that we can collect some information from the base ourselves," said


, according to the report, at the circuit on Wednesday.

After all, it is not easy "to get an overview of over 380 health authorities in Germany".

The statement is quite explosive: The

technical and personnel equipment

of the offices important for infection chain tracking

has been criticized for months

- and their networking, for example with the

Robert Koch Institute


Merkel apparently also suspects that the stagnant flow of information is partly due to human factors: "Who likes to admit that they are not completely under control of their work?"

The Chancellor allegedly expressed herself cautiously optimistic about the further progress of the pandemic - albeit linked with a


"Now we have to see that we are not again very close to the end of the pandemic, that we are not again shortly before get big outbreak. "

Corona in Germany: schools in focus - Giffey appeals to countries

Update January 21, 15:45:

"We will not get this infection process under control, if we now do not have these three weeks to communicate," said

Federal Minister for Family Affairs Franziska Giffey

(SPD) on Thursday after consultations of the

corona Kita Council

in Berlin.

In doing so, she made an appeal to the other federal states to stay with the agreed closure of daycare centers and schools until mid-February - and to adopt a uniform approach.

"It depends on whether we can all get into a real open perspective."

Chancellor Angela Merkel: Explanation of her current corona policy - also for schools and daycare centers

Update from January 21, 12.46 p.m.:

It was one of the rather rare sights:

Chancellor Angela Merkel

personally in the house of the Federal Press Conference.

It seemed important to her

to explain

her current

corona policy


Lockdown extension, bottlenecks in the corona vaccine, an EU summit in the evening - there was a lot to discuss.

So she went into how politics must weigh up between further restrictions and damage to the economy and society

(see update from January 21, 11:41 a.m.)


Merkel explained that, from her point of view, schools and daycare centers must first reopen when the corona numbers have fallen.

But she also took Biontech under protection

(see update from January 21, 11:57 a.m.)


Overall, the


was still cautious.

She urged that the resolutions continue to be obeyed - mainly because of the more contagious

virus mutations


But in view of the vaccine and the slowly falling numbers, Merkel was nevertheless hopeful and confident.

Overall, she is satisfied with her policy

(see update from January 21, 11.50 a.m.)


Corona: Angela Merkel explains her policy - In conversation with Russia about the vaccine

Update from January 21, 12:19 p.m.:

The journalists in the room had many more questions, but the press conference with

Angela Merkel

about the corona pandemic is now over.

Update from January 21, 12:14 p.m.:

Recently it was repeatedly heard that

Merkel is

in talks with the Russian President about the corona vaccine Sputnik V. She confirms with

Vladimir Putin *

To have talked to collaborate on the subject.

She knows that the political differences are currently very large, but still believes that cooperation is important because of the humanitarian aspect of health.

The vaccine from Russia has to be approved by the European approval authority, so Russia has now turned to Ema.

Merkel, in turn, asked the German Paul Ehrlich Institute

to support

Russia in


If the

vaccine is

actually approved in Europe, one can continue to talk about the production and application.


Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) during the press conference on the current Corona situation in the house of the Federal Press Conference.

© Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters / Pool / dpa

Update from January 21, 12:04 p.m.:

Merkel will


again at the

EU summit in

the evening.

The virus and especially the mutations from Great Britain and South Africa must be contained.

There will therefore presumably continue to be entry arrangements from these countries.

The EU must pursue the same goal, which is

to reduce


seven-day incidence


Merkel says more tests for

commuters could be


But that shouldn't happen overnight, so that nobody can work anymore.

"We all learned something new," says Merkel.

The restriction of the free movement of goods would not be an issue.

Border controls

are briefly addressed: Merkel thinks that if a country has exponential growth and still keeps restaurants or the like open, one should think about it.

But the Chancellor does not currently see this danger - Merkel thinks that neighboring countries are also currently doing a lot to contain the virus.

She does not expect any final results for the EU summit on Thursday evening.

Chancellor Angela Merkel: Schools and daycare centers should first reopen

Update from January 21, 11:57


Angela Merkel

protects Biontech

from criticism.

She spoke to the boss Ugur Sahin *: "You can't imagine that, they don't have a day off."

One clearly benefits from the research of scientists today.

"What do we want to complain about now," emphasizes Merkel.

If the right time to talk about easing, says Merkel,

schools and daycare centers should

open first.

She wanted to joke briefly: "For practical reasons you have to call the hairdressers."

Meant more seriously, Merkel added that retail is of course important.

But the effects of openings of any kind had to be discussed.

Update from January 21, 11:50 a.m.:

A journalist asks whether


regrets having run again for this legislative period.

She repeats that the decision was difficult for her at the time.

“But I don't regret this decision.” Politics has the attraction that you come to the office in the morning and don't know what the evening will look like.

But this flexible reaction is also exhausting.

Nevertheless, she is satisfied with her work: "I think that I have done the job up to now." However

, she was unable to think

about many other things besides



Update from January 21, 11.41 a.m.:




again why she continues to hope for an incidence


* of 50.

There is no scientific basis for this determination, but it has been calculated that on average the health authorities are able to better track contacts again.

Of course, according to Merkel, it is even better epidemiologically to come under ten.

“That would mean that tough restrictions have to be imposed.” But politics must always weigh up.

Because these measures have economic and social consequences.

A trade-off between further restrictions and contact tracking must be discussed.


must always be justified.

Angela Merkel speaks to the press: Keep an eye on the risk of mutation

Update from January 21, 11.35 a.m.:

Angela Merkel repeats the promise of her health


Jens Spahn: By the end of summer every citizen should be offered a vaccination.

"I can promise you that we will do everything we can to get these



quickly as possible

." And Merkel emphasizes why it is so important that the number of infections is low.

Because then the virus “doesn't think so much” about the



The more widespread the virus is, the more likely it is for mutations that are more dangerous.

Update from January 21, 11:26 a.m.:

The next question is again about the

corona vaccine


“We knew that at the beginning we would not have as much vaccine as we will now have in summer.” The decisive factor is not how much was ordered in total, but how much vaccine there is in the individual quarters.

"I do not run any production plants for vaccines," says Merkel.

You can therefore not guarantee anything, only support that the vaccine production can take place.

Update from January 21, 11:22 am: In

between a question about the new CDU chairman

Armin Laschet

: “My term of office is this, in this legislative period.

I am the Federal Chancellor and I am responsible, ”says Merkel.

But what will happen in the next four years?



, together with the


decides on this question

." Which new accents are set, Merkel would offer her advice if asked.

But decisions are made by others.

This makes the distribution of tasks clear.

Angela Merkel in the Federal Press Conference: "I appreciate this cooperation"

Update from January 21, 11:16 am:

"We have


, we know how to find the way out of the crisis," says Merkel.

She also praises the fact that the vaccines appear to work against the mutations or can be adapted quickly.

“This is a huge research success,” emphasizes Merkel.

But many poor countries still do not have enough vaccine.

"There is a huge task ahead of us."

Update from January 21, 11.12 a.m.:

Merkel also comments on the

federal-state talks

, where it was recently leaked again that there was a dispute on certain points *.

“I appreciate this collaboration,” says Merkel nonetheless.

“Even if it is not always easy, but that is part of politics.” At this point you can tell that she is struggling to find the right words and how to express herself.

Update from January 21, 11:09 a.m.:

In the evening, Angela Merkel will once again


with the

EU heads of state and government

at a video conference.

The sequencing of viruses and vaccination as well as other strategies should be more important.

Angela Merkel in the federal press conference: Merkel warns of the risk of mutations

Update from January 21st, 11:07 am:

"Our efforts are threatened with danger," says



Namely the mutation of the virus *, which has already been detected in Germany.

You can still prevent the spread, says Merkel.

"There is still some time to prevent the danger of this mutated virus." Therefore, the additional measures decided on Tuesday are about precaution.

Update from January 21, 11:04 a.m.:

Angela Merkel

take the floor.

"We are in a difficult phase of the


." She would therefore like to explain her policy.

“We can't imagine often enough what if we had waited with the measures.” For example, until the intensive care units are even fuller.

"Then it would have been too late," says Merkel.

"It is very encouraging that the current situation is starting to relax." It shows that the effort is worthwhile.

Update from January 21, 11 a.m.:

Angela Merkel has arrived at the Federal Press Conference.

The press conference begins.

Update January 21, 10:56 a.m.:

In a few minutes,

Chancellor Angela Merkel


appear in front of the press.

It will primarily be about the corona pandemic and the latest resolutions.

Angela Merkel at the federal press conference - EU summit, corona vaccination and lockdown are the topics

Update from January 21, 9:50 a.m.:

After the Corona meetings in her own country,

Chancellor Angela Merkel



on the current

Corona situation

with the other EU heads of state and government on Thursday evening


Already in the press conference on Tuesday evening, she emphasized that efforts in the country will only be of use in the long term if the neighboring countries also pull along.

It sounded that if necessary border closings or the like could also be introduced.

So far, however, there is nothing concrete.

On Thursday afternoon from 11 a.m.

Merkel will

appear again in Berlin in front of the press, with the fight against the corona pandemic becoming the central topic.

According to her head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun, the Chancellor wanted to “take the citizens with her”.

She wanted to


the strategy in view of the risk of



The decisive factor is that everyone “participates very consistently over the next few weeks”.

Corona crisis and lockdown: Angela Merkel appears again in front of the press

Update from January 21, 6.46 a.m

.: After the federal-state decision on a further extension and tightening of the

corona measures


Chancellor Angela Merkel will

answer questions from journalists in the capital today (Thursday, January 21).

Before the Corona crisis, the Chancellor was much less likely to answer questions in the house on the banks of the Spree.

Before that, she usually accepted the invitation once a year and was otherwise represented by

government spokesman Steffen Seibert


Today, however, she will be there in person for the fourth time since the beginning of the corona pandemic.

In a telephone conversation with the

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

, she previously commented on the press in Germany and even complained.

As Trudeau chatted up close in an address to his nation, Merkel complained "that she is criticized every day in the German media because things are not going as well as in Canada." Defended at the latest Corona summit in the Chancellery on Tuesday Merkel then already vehemently opposed criticism of her policy.

After the lockdown was extended: Merkel is already warning internally - and will appear in front of the press on Thursday

First report from January 20

: Berlin - At the latest

Corona consultations

in Berlin, Chancellor

Angela Merkel (CDU)

is said to have

become emotional - when she

encountered resistance from the federal states on

the subject of



A day later, however, it seems to be back on track.

One should “please do not think that when we are at


, the life of summer is immediately back.

Then we are immediately back to

exponential growth,

"warned Merkel on Wednesday in a video link of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag, as the


claims to have learned.

Merkel was referring to the

7-day incidence

, which on that day was






federal government has set 50

as the target value for



According to the report, Merkel said the health authorities had to be trained to re-establish

contact tracking




She was quoted as saying: "Otherwise we won't get any leeway for openings."

Corona in Germany: Merkel calls the 50s incidence "pretty shaky"

If, for example, the opening was opened at an incidence of 100 or 120 in neighboring countries, it would have taken two or three weeks to return to exponential growth.

Then there are again restrictions, whereupon the infection numbers drop again.

Depending on the severity of the lockdown, one can observe whether the curves are a little steeper or less steep.

But they would repeat themselves.

Therefore, it is the Federal Government's approach to insist on creating the 50 mark or going below it, stressed Merkel after this information.

An incidence of 50 is

"still pretty shaky"


With qualified health authorities, you then have "a

fair chance

to make a few, but very sequenced and well-thought-out relaxations".

Lockdown tightening: Merkel appears in front of the capital's press

Merkel therefore spoke of a very serious situation in an otherwise very hopeful time, after the incidence fell after Christmas and you had a

vaccine *


Now it must be ensured that in Germany, very shortly before the

"final stretch of the pandemic", you

do not get another major virus outbreak.

On Thursday from 11 a.m. onwards, Merkel will


herself at the

federal press

conference and answer journalists' questions.

We will then report continuously at this point in a news ticker.


AFP / dpa / frs


* is part of the Ippen digital network.

List of rubric lists: © John MACDOUGALL / AFP

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-01-24

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