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Senator Ted Cruz criticizes the Paris Agreement against the climate emergency with a message ridiculed on the networks


The Republican made a headless comparison on Twitter. Alexandria Ocasio Cortéz responded with a mockery and a very serious criticism, which found an echo on social networks.

Hours after assuming the presidency, Joe Biden re-incorporated the United States into the Paris Agreement, an international treaty signed in the French capital in December 2015 with the aim of combating the climate emergency.

Biden's decision was applauded by those seeking to save the planet from destruction, but others, like Senator Ted Cruz, criticized and misrepresented it.

"By returning to the Paris Climate Agreement, the president shows that he is more interested in what the citizens of Paris think than in the jobs of the citizens of Pittsburgh," said the Republican senator from Texas on January 20 through the social network Twitter.

"This agreement will have little effect on the climate and will harm the livelihood of Americans," he added.

Her colleague Lauren Boebert, a Republican representative for Colorado, echoed two days later, writing on Twitter that she "works for the Pueblo people, not the Paris people," referring to the city of the state she represents.

Both Cruz and Boebert hinted to the more than two million people who follow them on Twitter that the Paris Agreement is, in some way, a treaty to benefit the inhabitants of the French capital.

This is false and ridiculous.

The treaty bears that name because it was signed during the United Nations Conference on Climate Change held in 2015 in that city, but it affects the entire planet and is signed by practically all the countries of the world. 

The ignorance, or deception, of the Republican congressmen did not go unnoticed. 

"You could ask a third grader in your district to explain it to you," a Twitter user who identifies as a historian responded to Boebert.

Cruz did worse.  

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez retweeted Cruz's message saying, “Nice tweet Senator Cruz!

One question: Do you also think that the Geneva Convention is about the opinions of the citizens of Geneva? "

[The United States returns to the Paris Climate Agreement with Biden.

This is what environmental defenders ask you]

Ocasio-Cortez, nicknamed AOC, also took the opportunity to ask her nearly 12 million followers if they believed that "senators must be competent and not undermine the elections to incite an insurrection against the United States."

AOC was referring to the taking of the Capitol on January 6.

Minutes before supporters of former President Donald Trump stormed into Congress, Cruz had led a group of Republicans who opposed the certification of the Arizona Electoral College votes, which had already been awarded to Biden as a result of the Democratic elections. and clean.

Jobs and climate change

In his tweet, Ted Cruz said that returning to the Paris Agreement would cost the United States many jobs and accompanied his publication with a press release assuring that Biden's decision was due to “plans by the Democrats to destroy jobs they do not like, including thousands of manufacturing jobs ”.

Is this version of Cruz true?

In short, no.

It is also false.

World leaders ask Biden to become president of the fight against climate change

Jan. 25, 202103: 46

The loss of jobs to the Paris Agreement is something Republicans have repeated for the past four years.

However, their arguments have been refuted because they are based on a 2017 study that overestimates the likely impact of the alleged regulatory actions necessary to achieve the treaty's goals, without taking into account the benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

That report also assumes that industries are static and not compliant with regulations, several experts told the Politifact verification site.

[Trump's 7 Big Lies in the White House]

At the so-called Conference of the Parties, or COP21, held in 2015 in Paris, 197 countries, including the United States, signed the legally binding treaty to limit global warming “to well below 2, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius. , compared to pre-industrial levels ”.

The agreement entered into force on November 4, 2016, during the presidency of Barack Obama.

However, the following year, after arriving at the White House, Trump said that the pact hurt the economy and workers of the United States and announced that he would withdraw the country from the agreement, something that became official in November 2020. 

On January 20, with executive action, Biden reversed that decision.

Today, 189 countries are subscribed to the Paris Agreement. 

Source: telemundo

All news articles on 2021-01-26

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