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First Corona easing for some students in Bavaria - Greens rant: "Without a plan and strategy"


Minister of Education Michael Piazolo hopes that as many students as possible will be able to return to alternate classes in mid-February. He promptly received criticism for this.

Minister of Education Michael Piazolo hopes that as many students as possible will be able to return to alternate classes in mid-February.

He promptly received criticism for this.

  • The Corona * lockdown in Bavaria is about to be extended.

  • From February 1st, graduating classes can return to alternating classes (update from January 27th, 5:02 pm)

  • Education Minister Piazolo hopes that as many students as possible will return as soon as possible and has received criticism for this statement (see update from January 28, 2:43 p.m.).

  • This news ticker is updated regularly.

Update from January 29, 7:24 a.m.:

The Bavarian authorities

reported new infections to


Robert Koch Institute

(RKI) in 1970 within 24 hours.

According to the figures published on Friday, seven districts and urban districts in the Free State were below the

incidence value

of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week, but six were still over 200.

In connection with Corona,

113 new deaths were recorded

within one day.

In Bavaria, 398,573 infections and 10,229 corona deaths have been reported since the beginning of the pandemic.


seven-day incidence

for all of Bavaria was 93.8, according to the RKI.

Nationwide, the agency registered a value of 94.4 - the current goal of the federal government is an incidence of 50.

First Corona easing for some students in Bavaria - Greens rant: "Without a plan and strategy"

Update from January 28th, 2:43 pm:

Bavaria's Minister of Education, Michael Piazolo, is hoping for "as many students as possible" to return to alternating classes from mid-February


He said that on Thursday in Munich and named February 15 as the target (see update from 11:39 a.m.).

From the perspective of the Greens, Piazolo's statement is not enough.

“This is yet another advance without a plan or strategy,” said the parliamentary group's spokesperson for education policy, Gabriele Triebel.

Instead of


a concrete

incidence value for openings




test strategy

for the schools, this statement arbitrarily sets a date without specifying any recognizable and transparent criteria.

Corona in Bavaria: Official easing for some students - the others should follow quickly

Update from January 28th, 11:39 am:

Bavaria's minister of education,

Michael Piazolo, is

hoping for the return of “as many students as possible” to



from mid-February


“The goal is to bring significantly more students into the classroom again from February 15,” he said on Thursday in Munich.

The focus is on the younger students, for whom the care at home is particularly intensive.

From many conversations he knows that the

school family is longing

for a resilient perspective, for planning security, for a return to normalcy.

Unfortunately, the infection process currently does not allow

classroom teaching

for everyone.

"But we want to get as many of the other students as possible back into schools as soon as possible, as early as mid-February, at least for alternate classes," said Piazolo.

He pointed out that there would be an

education summit

with all those involved



In addition, it must always be remembered that in a pandemic everything could change again in a short time.

As good as the


teaching may be, it can never be an equivalent substitute for face-to-face teaching, since it is also about social contacts between the children.

These are "incredibly important".

Corona crisis in Bavaria: graduating classes start with alternating lessons

From next week (February 1st) the

final classes

at grammar schools as well as the technical colleges (FOS) and vocational high schools (BOS) are to start with alternating lessons.

Pupils from other types of schools who are about to take the Abitur or vocational high school diploma - for example at the evening grammar schools - should then go to alternate classes.

For all returnees, the



and a

mask requirement



in the classroom.

According to Piazolo, this is around 2.3 percent of students in the country.

"We are in an emergency," said Piazolo.

He knows of the special


for students, teachers and parents who have to organize lessons at home.

After three weeks of


there are glimmers of hope that the number of infections would decrease, albeit slowly.

“But we always have to be careful because there are several mutations that pose a particular risk of infection.”

Personal contact between teachers and students is essential to ensure that no child is “lost” in distance learning.

Regular feedback from teachers for completed tasks and their regular availability are also important.

"Not all children have the same


, and we have to ensure that schools therefore guarantee the same standards."

Corona in Bavaria: chief doctor makes first beer garden hope

Update from January 28, 9:34 a.m

.: In the Free State, more than 10,000 people have died after a

corona infection

since the pandemic


As the

Robert Koch Institute

(RKI) reported on Thursday, the death toll rose to 10,116.

On Wednesday, the authority had reported 9,943 Covid 19 deaths.

According to the RKI, the number of people who tested positive for the

Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus

in the Free State rose

by 2,869. The total number of people infected in Bavaria grew to 396,600.

Clemens Wendtner

, chief physician at Munich Klinik Schwabing,

justified the still high number of corona deaths

with the fact that many older patients no longer wanted to be treated in the intensive care unit.

They would have appropriate advance directives, as he





The effect of the


is currently not showing any effects.

Corona in Bavaria: Chief physician warns against lifting the lockdown too quickly - extension possible

Wendtner also warned against unlocking the


too quickly.

The current wave has to be "flattened very slowly", which will take time.

In the


, Wendtner even suspected that the lockdown would have to be extended.

For the


, however, Wendtner is a little more optimistic than

virologist Christian Drosten


"We have it in our own hands," says Wendtner.

"We have to hold out for a few more weeks now." An even harder lockdown may have to be accepted.

For the summer, however, the chief doctor sees opening perspectives, as he





Perhaps one could then go back to the beer garden - with some distance and mask.

Söder as a guest in Markus Lanz's ZDF talk: "This mutation really worries me"

Update January 28, 8:13:

On Wednesday evening (January 27) was

Markus Söder

in the

ZDF talk show Markus Lanz


The moderator spoke to Bavaria's Prime Minister about his colleague

Winfried Kretschmann

, who stated that he wanted to open at least daycare centers and primary schools as soon as possible.

“We made a conscious decision to play it safe in Bavaria.

(...) We are also adhering to the

decisions made in Berlin,

”he said, referring to the talks between the

federal and state governments


Unfortunately, it turned out that schools and daycare centers “can be part of a pandemic,” said Söder.

After all, there was even the message that the mutation had occurred in a daycare center.

"In this respect, I just urgently advise caution."

We are currently looking at a good



On Wednesday evening, the incidence in Bavaria was just below 100; some time ago it was twice as high.

In addition, a few weeks ago 51 counties and cities were above the limit of 200, as of yesterday evening there were only four.

“But this


really worries me.

If you loosen up too quickly and the mutation comes along, then it can be a

dangerous combination

, ”warned Söder in a talk with Markus Lanz.

Corona crisis in Germany: "Reacted too late and relaxed too quickly"

When it is time to


, the focus is also on schools and daycare centers, “but the time is not yet at the moment.” The basic problem during the first wave in Europe was: “We reacted too late and then again too quickly loosened ”, that shouldn't happen now.

Markus Lanz then asked Söder about



“What actually went wrong there?” The moderator wants to know.

“That is an exciting question,” said Söder after a moment's hesitation.

“The vaccination logistics are actually in Germany.

(...) Whatever vaccine is there is inoculated. "However, the vaccine is missing," recognizable, various things do not work.

Obviously too little was ordered ”, Söder renews his accusation from an interview (see first report).

Lockdown extension in Bavaria, but easing for certain groups is coming - official confirmation now here

Update from January 27, 5:02 p.m.:

The first

students are

returning to Bavaria's schools: On February 1, the

final classes

at high schools as well as FOS and BOS start with

alternating lessons


As a spokesman for the




told the German Press Agency on Wednesday, this also includes pupils from other types of school who are about to take the Abitur or vocational high school diploma - for example at the evening grammar schools.

Corona in Bavaria: The first students return to alternate classes

Even those in the vocational schools where the

final or chamber exams

are due before Easter will

be able to study again at home and in the classroom from February onwards.

According to the current status, the remaining classes should return to the school buildings in mid-February.

For returnees, the



and a

mask requirement



in the classroom.

The early start of the final classes had already been announced last week, but was initially subject to the

infection occurrence


After the numbers in the


went further down, the Ministry of Culture has now finally given the green light for the alternate classes.

As expected, the Bavarian

state parliament

has now

officially extended the

lockdown measures

currently in force

until February 14th.

Update from January 27, 4:07 p.m.:

The first



by Health Minister

Klaus Holetschek

(CSU) and the subsequent debates are over.

First of all, the minister praised and defended

the state government's

corona crisis management


“The measures are correct, they work, they help and they protect human lives.” A lot has been learned.

This includes setting up the test strategy, strengthening the contact tracing team and acquiring a central warehouse for medical goods.


7-day incidence

has also


since the introduction of the hard



On December 20, it was still 217 in Bavaria. Today it is 96. The Minister of Health is watching the spread of the

corona mutation

in Germany

with great concern



quarantine rules are

needed for contact persons of infected people.

Another big topic in

Holetschek's government statement




He called for more reliability from the pharmaceutical companies when it comes to delivering

corona vaccines


The federal government and the European Union are responsible for ensuring that treaties are adhered to.

That is the bottleneck.

"We have to solve this issue."

In addition to the communal

vaccination centers

, there should be




according to Holetschek


This means you can vaccinate more quickly on site.

And when it comes to vaccination registration for older people, one might have to think of a postcard in addition to registering online.

In addition, Holetschek announced a

vaccination commission


This should, for example, check hardship cases when it comes to vaccination appointments.

Katharina Schulze attacks "crisis manager" Söder: "A little less interviews"

2.45 p.m

.: Katharina Schulze from the


speaks after the Bavarian Minister of Health.

The lockdown is having an effect, the numbers are improving, she thinks too.

But she calls for better

crisis management

and attacks Markus Söder directly.

He would like to present himself as a crisis manager, but his record is not that good.

School debacle, traffic jams on the border to the Czech Republic, discarded vaccine, she lists.

“A little less interviews”

, she advises him and thus hits in the same line as her party colleague Ludwig Hartmann (see update from January 27, 11 am).

The government declaration by Klaus Holetschek on the Corona crisis for reading

2.44 p.m.:

The government declaration by Klaus Holetschek has ended.

2.43 p.m .:

“It is not a fate that we have to accept.

Everyone can make a contribution to ensuring that we get through the pandemic well, ”said Holetscheck about the corona crisis.

“Of course we need perspectives”, but it is important to stick to it now, he concludes.

2:37 p.m .:

"Ultimately, we need more staff in the system," says Holetschek, referring to the

maintenance system


It takes “radical and courageous ideas” on how to get more caregivers.

As an example, he mentions tax incentives.

"That will be the big challenge of the future."

In addition to the nursing staff, his thanks also go to the


They are well positioned there - even in rural areas.

“They do it really fantastic,” he praises the staff, nurses and doctors.

A vaccination commission will be set up, for example for hardship cases.

Government declaration by Health Minister Holetschek: "A vaccine that you can trust"

2.32 p.m.:

On the subject of vaccination, Holetschek says: “It's a


that you can trust.” And further: “Unfortunately we don't have

enough vaccine.

“The vaccine is the bottleneck, he wants to emphasize responsibility: The responsibility for procuring the vaccine lies with the

federal government

and the


, the logistics for Bavaria then with the Free State, according to Holetschek.

He doesn't want to accept vaccine companies saying over and over that they can't deliver.

"We have to take further specific steps here," he said, adding that reliability is required.

“It just doesn't work” that you have to keep asking when the next vaccine will come, says

Bavaria's health

minister annoyed


They also talk about

vaccination buses


There have already been talks with

Deutsche Bahn


There should also be further


raising campaigns.

"Now you just don't keep chatting", Holetschek is annoyed at an interjection from Professor Hahn from the AfD.

Government statement on the Corona crisis live: Mutation is the greatest challenge - "That worries us all"

2:29 p.m.:

One of the biggest


is the



“That worries us all,” says Holetschek.

“We don't need to


, but we have to be very, very careful with this issue.” It would therefore be wise to “be more careful now” and





A look abroad: In January the incidence in Ireland increased tenfold, "that's so brutal," says Holetschek.

Now a 5-kilometer radius applies there.

He thinks that the current rules are good for driving in Bavaria.

2.24 p.m

.: The incidence in


is below 100, only four districts exceed the

seven-day incidence

of 200. This shows that the measures are correct, according to Holtschek.

He earned applause from the state parliament for this statement.

Contact tracking management is

a central pillar


“I think we're really good at it,” said the CSU politician.

“Now we've done everything,” explains Holetschek, and there has been a massive increase.


contact tracing

should be facilitated.

He thanks the health authorities, many employees are working "over their limit."

Corona year 2020 has "challenged us all": Söder Minister with first government declaration

2:21 p.m.:

It is a special day, Holetschek begins his first government



A year ago today, there was the first case at Webasto.

It was a year “that challenged us all.” 9943 people in Bavaria lost their lives in the wake of the pandemic.

"It's about protecting human life," said Holetschek about the corona measures.

Even if the court questions one or the other: The Free State was confirmed by courts in 98 percent, he sums up.

Lockdown in Bavaria before extension: Söder-Minister with premiere on special Corona day - live NOW

Update from January 27, 2:17 p.m.:

Question time is still running in the state parliament.

Health Minister Klaus Holetscheck will soon be on the line with his first government declaration.

He holds it on a special day: Exactly one year ago, on January 27, 2020, the first corona case became known in Bavaria and thus in Germany.

Update from January 27, 1:43 p.m.:

The current lockdown in the Free State leads

to financial losses of

700 to 900 million euros

per week,

according to

Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger


Every day that trade and services remain closed means great costs for taxpayers, he said on Wednesday in Parliament's question time about the corona crisis.

The state parliament wants to extend the lockdown until mid-February.

Update from January 27, 1:03 p.m.:

State Parliament President Ilse Aigner opens the session of the Bavarian State Parliament.

First there is a question time on the program.

Health Minister Klaus Holetschek * will then deliver his first government statement at 2.15 p.m.

You can follow them here in the live stream and ticker.

Corona lockdown in Bavaria before extension: Söder settles with the government - "cheap and cowardly" allegations follow

Update from January 27, 11 a.m.:

Not everything is currently running smoothly in Germany with the

vaccinations against the corona virus.

The biggest problem is that the vaccine is not being delivered quickly enough.

Markus Söder

also criticized this


He warned that this would gamble away trust and handed it out against the federal government.

He even spoke of a

"certificate of poverty"

(see first



Söder's criticism of the vaccination caused


with the parliamentary group leader of the Greens in Bavaria,

Ludwig Hartmann


In an interview with

, he sharply criticized the CSU boss.

"Söder's vaccination criticism is a cheap embarrassment", so the allegation.


Of all people,

the man who has

wanted to be the face of German corona policy with all his might

since the

beginning of the pandemic

and who has pushed himself broadly in front of the microphones of the



when announcing new measures

, cowardly pushes himself aside when he

is supposed to



for that what's going wrong.

He is not only Prime Minister and, as CSU chairman, part of the federal government, but also has the chairman of the largest EU parliamentary group on hand with his party friend Manfred Weber.

Markus Söder could have worked actively to

build up

production capacities

for more vaccines

in Bavaria and Germany

, ”criticized Hartmann.

“He didn't do that, rather he gave

press conferences and





His latest appearance is a gross foul on his own colleagues -

team spirit

looks different. "

Corona lockdown in Bavaria before extension: Söder reckons with the government - premiere on a special day

First report from January 27, 7:54 a.m .:

Munich - On Tuesday (January 26), the Bavarian cabinet consulted

experts on the Corona * crisis




At a

press conference in

the afternoon, Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder * then announced a great relief for parents.

If they do not currently give their children to the

day care center

or only for up to five days

, they should


financial relief

across the board


In this case, the contributions for January and February are covered by the Free State and the municipalities.

At the press conference, however, there was also



"We are losing trust here," warned Health Minister Klaus Holetschek, referring to the slow

vaccine deliveries



Bild live

, Söder made a similar statement in the evening and settled accounts with the federal government.

"Unfortunately, almost all promises made cannot currently be kept."

Corona in Bavaria - Söder settles with the federal government: "Certificate of poverty"

“The fact is: something must have gone wrong.

It can be seen purchases that either too little, so one has ordered -. Obviously also too bureaucratic "In a pharmaceutical country like Germany, it must be possible that in a single plant in Marburg, the work of


could be done, to Söder believes that producing vaccines.

"It is a real emergency situation," said the CSU boss opposite the


Vaccination is not just about life, it is also about freedom and economic strength.

"We really have to concentrate our efforts on it and not just talk about it every day, but act faster and more efficiently," he demanded.

If doctors want to vaccinate but are unable to do so due to the lack of a vaccine, "then for a high-tech medical-pharmaceutical country like Germany that is more of an



Corona lockdown in Bavaria before extension - Söder: "Not the time for easing"

At yesterday's press conference, Söder did not initially hold out the prospect of easing the current Corona * measures.

They are very worried about the mutation. * “One would be a really toxic effect.

The following would be toxic: Mutation * plus hasty relaxation, ”warned Söder.

"It is not the time for relaxation." He understands that everyone wants openings and relief, but


comes first.

Therefore, the CSU * boss made it clear: "We will definitely continue the concept until mid-February."

Less than a week after the latest

corona resolutions

by the federal and state governments, the Bavarian state parliament now also wants to resolve the extended lockdown * until mid-February.

So far, the measures to contain the corona pandemic only apply until the end of January.

Due to the majority in parliament, an extension is only a matter of form.


state government

, supported by the

CSU and Free Voters


had already

confirmed the decisions in the cabinet

last week


Corona lockdown is extended: Debate about easing and court decisions

At the beginning of the meeting at 1 p.m., the opposition's question time to the government, introduced in the Corona * crisis, is due.

This should also be about the current - and


by Economics Minister

Hubert Aiwanger

(Free Voters) - debate about


from February.

The most recent court rulings on the overturned 15-kilometer rule for residents of

Corona hotspots

and the general ban on alcohol should also play a role.

On Tuesday, the Bavarian Administrative Court surprisingly overturned the 15-kilometer rule *, at least for the time being.

Until then, people from counties or cities with a seven-day incidence * over 200 were no longer allowed to make excursions over a radius of 15 kilometers.

One ski lift operator from the Allgäu has enough.

He wants to resume operations despite Corona lockdown, the procedure in Bavaria seems arbitrary to him. *

Corona in Bavaria: Premiere in the state parliament - Health Minister Klaus Holetschek holds first government statement

There is also a real premiere in the state parliament session:

Health Minister Klaus Holetschek

is making

his first government declaration

less than

three weeks after his appointment - and this on an anniversary.

Exactly one year ago, on January 27, 2020, the first

corona case became


in Bavaria and thus in Germany


(kam / dpa) * / are part of the nationwide Ippen digital editorial network.

The Bayreuth Clinic only accepts patients in absolute emergencies.

A corona mutation outbreak is suspected in the hospital. *

List of rubric lists: © Ralf Hirschberger / dpa / dpa-Bildfunk

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-01-29

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