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Melun: measures to help Paris-II students against stress and dropping out


Faced with the ambient discomfort, free sessions with psychologists, well-being workshops and tutoring by older students are

“The discomfort is there, for our students as well as for the teachers.

But we do the maximum.

»Frédéric Debove wants to be lucid.

In the midst of the health crisis linked to Covid-19, the director of the Institute of Law and Economics of Melun (Seine-et-Marne), branch of Paris II-Assas, measures the discomfort of his students.

Nearly 2,500 are registered in law, economic and social administration (AES) and economics on the Melunais site of Ile Saint-Etienne.

“Those who rented a room left the place and went back to their parents.

For them as for others, deprived of face-to-face lessons all together since October 30, 2020, deprived of moments of conviviality ... this inevitably creates frustration, an impression of regression.

The parental cover returns!

Not to mention the questions about their future, the value of their diploma, the feeling of injustice vis-à-vis the students of BTS and preparatory classes who still have face-to-face lessons… ”

Setting up a tutoring

Faced with this, Frédéric Debove and the teachers of Paris-II have planned various measures.

In addition to the courses authorized by the government from February 1 at a rate of 20% of the time (one day out of five) and 20% of the site's capacity (20 students hosted in an amphitheater with 100 seats), support against any risk of dropping out is put in place.

This is a tutorial where L3 students (there are 400), master's or doctorate will be able to sponsor 1st year students in law, AES or economics, i.e. one thousand young people concerned.

“In fact, only those who feel the need can be sponsored.

The idea is that the student tutor can manage a group of five to ten students face-to-face or remotely to disseminate methodological advice… and prevent them from dropping out, ”explains Frédéric Debove, who says he is“ overwhelmed with requests L3 students!


Covid catch-up

He recalls that the university and the Melun Val de Seine agglomeration community have each loaned thirty computers for the students without being deprived.

The digital divide is over in the age of distance learning!

In addition, for students who were sick during the January exam session because of the coronavirus, a “Covid catch-up” session will be created from February 15.

“It will be the same conditions as the exam taken.

Few colleges do.

If we postponed until September, we would weigh them down in terms of anxiety… ”

The news should delight at least one of his 2nd year students, positive for the Covid and who nevertheless came to take his exams a few days ago.

“He was uneasy.

He knew he was positive, but he had nevertheless traveled by bus from Val-de-Marne here to pass the criminal test, ”says Frédéric Debove.

Immediately, the latter calls the firefighters, puts on gloves, places the student's copy in plastic and isolates the student from the other students.

He wraps her in a survival blanket.

The director of the Institute is not at the end of his surprises.

“The firefighters refused to take him because it would then have been necessary to disinfect the truck, which could have delayed other interventions!

Suddenly, one of his friends picked him up and drove him home in his car.

“In the end, the plastic bag with the student's copy is still on Frédéric Debove's desk.

“But I looked: it's white…” Overall, the exam session in January did not generate more defaulters than in past years (15 to 20% as usual).

Psychologists and laughter yoga

For the mental well-being of the students, free consultations have been in place since mid-January with psychologists.

It is without appointment, on the site of the university which takes care of these vacations.

This will support the nurse and social worker who work at the Melun site.

This system is in addition to the psychological support check set up by the State for students, as well as the listening platform offered by the region.

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Also free for students, another well-being pack will be offered to them in February with sophrology, reflexology and laughter yoga workshops, to be followed face-to-face or remotely.

Just like walks in the forest on topics such as sleep disorders, eating, addictions… Finally, sports activities are resuming this month.

“It's eagerly awaited and very important in terms of physical health and self-confidence!

», Insists the director.

An email to all to remind everyone of Melisa's existence

If 30% of students are scholarship holders, the material difficulties concern a dozen of them, according to Frédéric Debove.

"They lost their job at McDonald's or elsewhere," he sighs.

For them and for all registered, the university of Melun will send an email to remind the existence of the solidarity grocery Melisa, located rue du Parc in Melun.

A partnership has existed since 2012. “It supports students when they have between 5 and 10 euros a day left to live on, when all expenses are paid.


Member of the office of the solidarity grocery store which supports 120 to 130 families thanks to 70 volunteers, Maurice Benitah is surprised not to see more students. “With us, they can stock up on the weekly shopping for 10 or 15 euros! »In addition, from February 1, the Crous will offer all students two meals for one euro!

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2021-01-30

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