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New crown vaccine | EU plans to restrict vaccine exports Chen Zhaoshi: German BioNTech vaccine arrives in Hong Kong as scheduled


The European Union intends to restrict the export of the new crown pneumonia vaccine. Fosun and the German pharmaceutical company BioNTech developed the vaccine Fubitai earlier indicated that it will arrive in Hong Kong next month (February). The Secretary for Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, sent a reassurance today (31st)

Social News

Author: Zhu Haiqi

2021-01-31 20:04

Last update date: 2021-01-31 20:21

The European Union intends to restrict the export of the new crown pneumonia vaccine. Fosun and the German pharmaceutical company BioNTech developed the vaccine Fubitai earlier indicated that it will arrive in Hong Kong next month (February).

The Secretary for Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, sent reassurance pills today (31st), saying that he had contacted the pharmaceutical factory and the other party said that the vaccine would arrive in Hong Kong as scheduled.

▼The Hong Kong Society of Hospital Pharmacists explained Fosun vaccine▼




The vaccine is an important turning point in the new crown pneumonia epidemic, but the EU's announcement a few days ago has added to the vaccination supply situation. The EU said it will ban the export of new crown pneumonia vaccines when necessary.

After attending an event today, Director of Food and Health Bureau Chen Zhaoshi said that he has contacted BioNTech and the delivery time will continue as planned. "The delivery time they originally told us will still be maintained." The authorities will closely monitor the situation. As soon as the vaccine arrives in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government will vaccinate the public as soon as possible.

Chen Zhaoshi emphasized that the BioNTech vaccine will be delivered as scheduled, that is, the end of next month.

(Information Picture/Photographed by Li Zetong)

Said to contact domestic vaccine manufacturers

For Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital Dean Lu Chongmao said this morning that the government should take the initiative to ask the Mainland Drug Administration to obtain the third phase data of Sinopharm vaccine and whether it supports the introduction of Sinopharm vaccine.

Chen Zhaoshi said that the government has always been very concerned about vaccination work and hopes that the citizens can be vaccinated as soon as possible so that the new crown pneumonia vaccine can come to Hong Kong. Therefore, the government has done its best and is also very active. "We are not just waiting at all. In fact, we Every day, contact with vaccine manufacturers from all over the world, including of course, domestic vaccine manufacturers, so that the vaccine can arrive in Hong Kong as soon as possible so that the public can get the vaccine."

Sewage samples from more buildings in Prince Edward and Kowloon City tested positive for the virus. She pointed out that four different designated areas have been demarcated. If every building in the area is subject to mandatory testing for a confirmed case, the Centre for Health Protection is working closely. Monitoring cases does not rule out that there are different scales and different forms of mandatory testing in different regions. "We will keep confidential and focus. We said that the action time will be as short as possible. Compulsory testing will be done in a short period of time, so that the public will be exposed. Minimize the impact.”

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New crown pneumonia new crown vaccine

Source: hk1

All news articles on 2021-01-31

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