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Corona in Germany: rules tightened - Christmas market has to close after one day


The number of infections continues to rise sharply in the coronavirus pandemic in Germany. The number of corona deaths is now approaching 100,000. The news ticker.

The number of infections continues to rise sharply in the coronavirus pandemic in Germany.

The number of corona deaths is now approaching 100,000.

The news ticker.

  • Coronavirus pandemic in Germany

    : Politicians are reacting to the skyrocketing number of infections with ever stricter rules.

  • Brandenburg is tightening the Corona rules drastically - a Christmas market has to close again after just one day

    (see update from November 22nd, 7.45 p.m.)


  • According to the Medical Association of Saxony, there is now a threat of a triage situation in the state

    (see update from November 22nd, 2:23 p.m.)


  • This

    news ticker about the corona crisis in Germany

    is updated regularly.

Update from November 22nd, 7.45 p.m

.: As the next federal state, Brandenburg is significantly tightening the corona rules.

From a 7-day incidence of 1000, a night curfew for unvaccinated people from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. applies in rural districts and urban districts.

Exceptions are the way to and from the work.

Furthermore, all Christmas markets will not open or will have to close again.

Particularly bitter: According to

BILD, the

Christmas market on Luisenplatz and Bassinplatz in Potsdam has to

close again after just one day.

"I am very sad and fight back tears," a saleswoman is quoted as saying: "Why do you get vaccinated and do all of this?"

Update from November 22nd, 7.30 p.m

.: The corona virus is spreading rapidly in daycare centers in Saxony.

In the Leipzig district, according to a report, the children are no longer even sent to quarantine *.


Closed again after one day due to Corona: the Christmas market on Luisenplatz and Bassinplatz in Potsdam.

© IMAGO / Eberhard Thonfeld

Corona pandemic in Germany: One million more doses of Biontech vaccine

Update from November 22nd, 6.15 p.m

.: How many doses of Biontech vaccine are available in Germany?

This is a crucial question in the fourth corona wave with a view to the planned vaccination booster campaign.

In the coming week it should be a million more doses than previously planned.

The Bavarian Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) said this Monday in Munich.

According to this, Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) announced to the state health ministers that three million doses of the Biontech vaccine should be available instead of two million.

Corona pandemic in Germany: All planned operations in Berlin clinics will be postponed

Update from November 22nd, 5:20 p.m

.: Almost countless clinics across Germany have long since reached the limit because of the fourth corona wave.

As the


now reports, due to the high number of corona infections in all hospitals in Berlin, planned operations and interventions in other patients are being postponed.

"Clinics of all providers are now postponing treatments that can be planned, the Berlin hospitals are now working fully in crisis mode," said Marc Schreiner, managing director of the Berliner Krankenhausgesellschaft (BKG), the newspaper: "It can no longer be prevented that the number of intensive care patients is in will increase sharply over the next few days and weeks. "

Corona pandemic in Germany: Neu-Ulm district (Bavaria) is preparing for triage

Update from November 22nd, 4.15 p.m

.: The Neu-Ulm District Office is also preparing for the so-called triage. The

Augsburger Allgemeine

and the



unanimously. The

Augsburger Allgemeine

quotes from an official letter available to it, according to which "a triage team will be established". "The intensive care units in hospitals are already at their absolute capacity limit," it says.

Neu-Ulm's District Administrator Thorsten Freundeberger (CSU), Dr.

Peter Czermak, Medical Director of the Vaccination Centers, and Dr.

Stefan Thamasett, coordinating doctor of the district, named.

For two weeks now, the number of corona infections in the district (around 176,000 inhabitants) on the Württemberg-Bavarian border has skyrocketed.

An overload of the nursing staff and the clinics had been indicated for days.

Corona pandemic in Germany: Saxony has to prepare for triage

Update from November 22nd, 2:23 p.m

.: Saxony has to prepare for a triage.

There are only a few intensive care beds available in the state, said the State Medical Association President Erik Bodendieck the broadcaster NDR Info.

If nothing changes, a selection must be made of who will be treated and who will not.

“We have to triage, and I'll be discussing that again with my colleagues in the clinics this week.” Triage means that medical professionals have to decide who to help first due to scarce resources.

Warning of triage in Saxony: "Two people have to fight for a bed"

Preventive triage, i.e. keeping beds free, is not legally possible.

"For unvaccinated patients in a Covid situation this is usually not the case that they can survive a Covid situation," said Bodendieck.

He hopes that things will turn out differently than currently forecast.

Saxony is in any case dependent on the help of other federal states.

At the moment, the treatment of all patients is still affordable, said Bodendieck in another interview with Deutschlandfunk.

With the forecasts, however, he assumes that Saxony will be so exposed to stress in the next few days that two people will have to "fight" for a bed.


A Covid 19 patient is intubated in a clinic in Saxony.

© Jan Woitas / dpa

Update from November 22nd, 6:19 a.m

.: A month ago the value was 95.1.

But the rapid increase in the nationwide 7-day incidence of new corona infections continues: According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), it is now 386.5

(as of Monday morning)


The incidence thus reached a new high for the 15th day in a row.

For comparison: on Sunday it was 372.7, last Monday it was 303.0.

30,643 new corona infections were recorded within 24 hours.

The death toll from the pandemic in Germany rose by 62 cases to 99,124.

Current RKI figures: Hospitalization rate with more than five - "2G" takes effect

The federal and state governments have the hospitalization rate as the decisive yardstick for tightening the corona measures.

It indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants are in hospital within seven days because of an infection with the pathogen.

On Friday, according to the RKI, it was nationwide at 5.34 (Thursday: 5.30).

No new information was available for the weekend.

From a value of three, the 2G rule applies across the board for events in a federal state.

From a value of six, the 2G-Plus rule applies, in which those who have been vaccinated and recovered must also show a negative corona test.

With the indicator it must be taken into account that hospital admissions are sometimes reported with delay.

The previous high was around 15.5 around Christmas time.


The novel coronavirus under the electron microscope

© NIAID-RML / AP / dpa

Corona in Germany: New rules in several federal states

Update from November 21, 7.30 p.m.:

In view of the rapidly increasing corona numbers, stricter rules to combat the pandemic will apply in several federal states from this Monday.

Saxony, which is particularly hard hit, restricts large parts of public life.

Except for the libraries, all cultural

and leisure facilities, bars, clubs and discos are



There are no restrictions for basic service businesses.

In addition, additional exit restrictions for unvaccinated people apply in Saxon corona hotspots.

As soon as

the weekly incidence in the respective district is over 1000, they are no longer allowed to go outside the door between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. without good reason.

In Baden-Württemberg, people who have not been vaccinated are allowed to leave their homes from Monday in the Schwarzwald-Baar district, in the Ostalb district and in the Biberach district between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. only for good reason.

In Schleswig-Holstein, a new state ordinance comes into effect: For leisure events, 2G applies indoors, i.e. access only for vaccinated and convalescent people.

Corona in Germany: two corona rapid test centers set on fire

Update from November 21, 4:20 p.m.:

According to the police, two corona rapid test centers have allegedly been set on fire in Münsterland.

Since a political background cannot be ruled out, the state security of the Münster police have taken over the investigation, the police in the Westphalian city announced on Sunday.

On the night of Sunday, a witness first noticed a burning test station in Ahaus-Ottenstein in the Borken district, and a few hours later a burning test tent was discovered in Gronau-Epe.

According to the police, property damage of 10,000 euros each occurred at both locations.

Whether the two fires are connected is now part of the investigation.

The police continued to explain that arson had already occurred at both test stations in the past.


Prof. Dr.





Alexander Kekulé (Director of the Institute for Medical Microbiology at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) in the ARD talk show "Anne Will".

© IMAGO / Eventpress

Corona “situation worse than ever”: lockdown for Kekulé inevitable

Update from November 21, 3 p.m.:

Just last week, the traffic light coalitionists let the epidemic situation of national scope expire and decided on a new package of measures.

The SPD, FDP and the Greens opposed a general vaccination requirement, which was already sharply criticized by the virologist Christian Drosten *.

Now his colleague Alexander Kekulé

speaks up

in a column on

and criticizes the arguments of the traffic light as "as holey as a tattered mouth and nose protection."

According to Kekulé, the epidemic emergency is far from over, but "worse than ever." The fact that violence is now in the hands of the individual state governments and no longer with the federal government is simply a complication with regard to the implementation of the measures.

The virologist also does not accept the argument of the traffic light that the end of the emergency situation means that curfews and travel warnings can no longer be enforced and that fundamental rights would be returned to the citizen.

All of these measures could have been canceled without the epidemic situation coming to an end.


The end of the epidemic emergency does not change anything in the intensive care units: nationwide, they are reaching their limits.

© IMAGO / Reichwein

The corona package of measures decided by the possibly future government, on the other hand, could in no way slow down the current drama.

3G is good and important, says Kekulé on

, but the regulation comes much too late.

“We have to admit that the fourth wave cannot be stopped without a complete lockdown,” concludes the virologist.

In addition, increasing the number of PCR tests and progressing vaccinations, especially boosting those over 60 years of age, could help.

The Biontech boss Ugur Sahin * recently spoke out in favor of this.

Corona in Germany: New risk areas from today

Update from November 21st, 12.00 p.m.:

The increasing numbers of corona infections worldwide have led the Federal Foreign Office to announce new high-risk areas via the Robert Koch Institute. In addition to the neighboring countries Austria and the Czech Republic, Belgium, the Netherlands without a large part of their overseas territories, Ireland and the popular holiday destination Greece are now on the list. According to the RKI, this will apply from this Sunday.

Only countries outside Europe have been removed from the high-risk list.

Eastern European countries such as Hungary, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Ukraine can still be found on it.

In total, the Federal Foreign Office has identified 66 countries worldwide as high-risk areas.

For travelers from these countries, this means a ten-day quarantine obligation if they are not fully vaccinated or have not recovered.

According to the RKI, you can have your own freedom five days after entering the country at the earliest.

Corona: Germany-wide incidence at a record high - nightly curfews in hotspot regions

Update from November 21, 9:56 a.m.:

Baden-Württemberg is tightening the applicable corona rules in some hotspot regions.

From Monday, there will be a night curfew for unvaccinated people between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. in the districts of Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis, Ostalbkreis and Biberach.

First report from November 21:

Munich - The nationwide seven-day incidence * has reached a new high.

The Robert Koch Institute * (RKI) stated the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants and week on Sunday (November 21) as 372.7.

The day before the value was 362.2, a week ago at 289 and in the previous month at 85.6.

Corona in Germany: Over 40,000 new infections - 75 deaths

The health authorities reported 42,727 new Corona * infections to the RKI within one day.

This is evident from the numbers that reflect the status of the RKI dashboard at 04.35 a.m.

Exactly one week ago there were 33,498 infections.

According to the information, 75 deaths were recorded across Germany within 24 hours.

A week ago there were 55 deaths.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI has counted 5,354,942 detected infections with Sars-CoV-2. * The actual total number is likely to be significantly higher, as many infections are not recognized.


An intensive care nurse works on a Covid 19 patient in an intensive care unit.

© Sebastian Gollnow / dpa / archive image

The number of corona patients admitted to clinics per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days was given by the RKI on Friday at 5.34 (Thursday: 5.30).

With the indicator it must be taken into account that hospital admissions are sometimes reported with delay.

The previous high was around 15.5 around Christmas time.

Corona in Germany: Over 4,600,000 million recovered - almost 100,000 dead

The RKI stated the number of those who had recovered at 4,626,300.

The number of people who died with or with a proven infection with Sars-CoV-2 rose to 99,062.

(kam / dpa) * is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA

List of rubric lists: © Eberhard Thonfeld via

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2021-11-22

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