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The Guardian: Scientists fear the emergence of descendants of the delta mutant


London-SANA The British Guardian newspaper revealed that scientists fear the emergence of a more dangerous mutant than the Delta mutant, which...


The British newspaper The Guardian revealed that scientists fear the emergence of a more dangerous mutant than the Delta mutant that appeared for the first time last year.

The newspaper stated that American virologists held a meeting via the Zoom application to discuss the latest reports on Corona mutant that have been reported around the world.

The delta mutant appeared for the first time in December of last year and then spread widely until its genetic sequences made up 99.5 percent of the infection database in the world, according to the World Health Organization.

While new strains of the virus, such as AY 4.2 or the Delta Plus sub-mutant, continue to appear in Britain, scientists say that the latter spreads 10 to 15 percent faster.

Experts say that these new strains are almost similar to the delta mutate except for some small differences in the level of mutations, which is why William Hanagh, an epidemiologist at Harvard University School of Health, called these subspecies “delta descendants.”

The American academic added that several strains branched off from the delta mutant, while many people were wondering whether the last mutated was extremely dangerous, or whether what was to come in the future would turn things upside down.

One of the common explanations for this type of stability in mutation is that the Corona virus and its scientific name “SARS Cove 2” witnessed rapid mutations in the beginning, so “alpha” and “delta” appeared, then it slowly mutated, and this transformation may continue until the infection becomes intractable for vaccines, but that It may happen years later, not soon.

Source: sena

All news articles on 2021-11-22

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