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Interview ︱ Repeatedly fired shots at the media Wu Qiubei said that he was gentle and not aggressive: the media’s power is expected to be high


Less than a week before the Legislative Council election, candidates from all walks of life seized the last opportunity to canvass votes with voters. Among them, in the fierce battle zone on Hong Kong Island East, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, Wu Qiubei, faced the DAB Liang Xi, the New Democratic Party Liao Tiancheng, and the China Science Supervisor Pan Zhuo.

Less than a week before the Legislative Council elections, candidates from all walks of life seized the last opportunity to canvass votes with voters. Among them, in the fierce battle zone on Hong Kong Island East, the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, Wu Qiubei, faced the DAB Liang Xi, the New Democrats Liao Tiancheng, and the Zhongke Supervisor Pan Zhuohong 3 The challenge of a powerful enemy, although the popularity is the highest among the people, but it shows that he has not dared to relax, and he still played the "emergency" card.

In an interview with "Hong Kong 01", Wu Qiubei said that he grew up and studied in Hong Kong Island East since he was a child, and he is very familiar with this area. As the president under the new political situation, he consciously "does my part" and has the responsibility to lead the Federation of Trade Unions into the parliament. , To promote labor rights, solve deep-seated livelihood issues, and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy economic results.

Often described as "brave" and "hawkish" by the outside world, Wu Qiubei stated that he was a "gentleman" and had no intention of instigating troubles, but believed that politicians must defend principles and encounter incorrect things, regardless of the identity of the other party. They must be hard-pressed and criticized.

In the past, he often criticized the media on the Internet. He stated that he had no intention of targeting the media. However, he said that the media had a significant political influence and he had to be careful about every word. Instead, he hoped that the media would "raise his hands" on him.

Interview Series with Candidates for the Hong Kong Island East Constituency of the Legislative Council


▼ ▼ the same district candidates visit

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Refers to the "tacit understanding" between some business communities and the opposition and is happy to see the shift in the focus of social conflicts

Wu Qiubei mentioned that the anti-regulation incident in 2019 was a "color revolution."

He researched and judged that in the past period of time, the opposition and foreign forces used social and people’s livelihood issues to continuously create "confrontational" and "divisional" political contradictions to obtain votes, and used institutional loopholes to paralyze the operation of the parliament, wasting more than 20 years. In addition to doing things, the government has to please the opposition, and often fails to focus on doing practical things."

He criticized that some large consortia are "happy to see" the above situation, because it can shift the focus of social conflicts. When everyone focuses on political disputes, then deep-seated issues such as high monopoly and the economic lifeline in the hands of a few people will not be directly directed. Under attack, land and houses are typical examples: "I can't specifically assess whether they (business) had such a purpose before, but at least the objective result is this: the opposition and the big consortium have some kind of "mutual understanding"." Many internal and external factors Under the influence, foreign powers can take advantage of it, and Hong Kong’s social problems have accumulated to a total outbreak in 2019: "This is a typical color revolution."

Within a year, the central government has successively formulated the "National Security Law" and proposed "improving the electoral system." Wu Qiubei believes that under the new legal framework, it is possible to focus on resolving deep-seated contradictions in the past.

In the new political situation, he believes that these deliberately created social antagonisms will no longer exist. When there is a stable social environment, economic and people’s livelihood issues are resolved, the social soil has been greatly improved, and the conflicts accumulated in Hong Kong society in the past include political issues. The contradiction can be solved by itself.

Therefore, he felt that the Federation of Trade Unions should be more active now. Therefore, this election sent a total of 9 people to compete in the three major sectors, hoping to "from all aspects, especially representing the grassroots of labor, to bring the voice of the general public into the parliament."

Wu also pointed out that he himself has a great relationship with the east of Hong Kong Island: "I grew up in North Point, came from a grassroots family, studied in North Point, and secondary school in Shau Kei Wan and Chai Wan. My first job was also in Shau Kei Wan. "Living in the sun." So Wu believes that subjectively, he has many connections with Hong Kong Island East. Objectively speaking, the Federation of Trade Unions also has many trade union district services, community relations, and mobilization power on Hong Kong Island, so now is a good opportunity. , Who participated in the election on Hong Kong Island East and fulfilled his political ambitions, described as "doing my part."

Wu Qiubei personally wears armour as the chairman and goes to the east of Hong Kong Island.

(Photo by Lu Yiming)

Emphasis is not "aggressive": I am right and wrong

In the past, politicians, scholars, and the media were often regarded as "hawks" of the establishment. Wu Qiubei said frankly that he did not understand the basis, "I am a gentleman and not "aggressive" at all, but we politicians should have principles. , If it is right or wrong. I have a motto, as Confucius said "politicians, righteousness", politicians should do things with integrity. My standpoint is very clear, especially some principled things, safeguarding the dignity of the country, the Basic Law "The dignity of the Constitution and the Constitution is the basic political ethics and political character; even to protect labor rights, we are also clear-cut, and we will not dare to offend the other party for fear of his identity." He clearly stated that if politicians are not controversial, "point This means you do it for you."

Wu Qiubei asked himself to be a gentleman, but his remarks on social networks often attracted attention, especially from time to time he would severely "greet" the media. Many media have become his critics.

Hope the media "raise your hands": You have a lot of power

Wu Qiubei responded that he has never intended to make others hate the media, but believes that the media, as the "fourth power", has a strong social influence: "Every word and deed of the media will affect public opinion, and power is great. During the riots in 2019, the society was full of false information. The media reposted these reports to create an environment of lies and stir up social nervousness. This is also part of the color revolution. I am not saying that all media are like this, but everyone must be vigilant. In this general environment, will it be easy to be involved in this vortex? I just want everyone to be more objective and balanced, more credible, and use this power for a positive role, instead of fostering unhealthy trends."

He said that at best, when he feels that the message conveyed by the media is biased or disagrees, he uses his own platform to make another voice. "I understand that the media will have their own positions and editorials, but when it comes to factual things. When they are biased, it is very problematic.” He mentioned that many countries and regions overseas have laws regulating news media, such as the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Singapore.

Wu Qiubei even pointed out that even if he is a representative of the National People's Congress, he is just an "ordinary person" as a politician who falls into the hands of the media, and the information released to the outside world can only be conveyed to the public through the media. Can the original meaning be accurately conveyed? It also depends on the media to make it clear. He said with a smile: "So for you, I am very weak. I really need your media to "raise your hands"."

Wu Qiubei clarified that he had never said that he would "give up" young people, saying that the media had misunderstood his meaning on that day.

(Profile picture)

Denial of "giving up" young people: the media misunderstands what I mean

As an example of "victimization", Wu Qiubei mentioned that after the Occupy Central incident in 2014, he had been interviewed by newspapers as the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions and the spokesperson of the "Public Election Anti-Occupy Alliance".

The newspaper quoted Wu Qiubei as saying that if young people do not change their extreme thinking and continue to occupy and fight for democracy, "we have to abandon them". At that time, it caused a lot of repercussions and was even called "people who gave up young people earlier than Wu Shuqing." .

Wu Qiubei stated in the interview that "giving up young people" is not the original saying, but a misleading. What I really wanted to express on that day was that when society exhausted various methods of persuasion, it was unable to deal with and make young people give up illegal behavior. They will eventually have to accept legal sanctions, or some people may give up persuasion, or they may be regarded as a kind of "social abandonment": "I have always believed that young people are the pillars of society, and we want to help them grow up healthily."

▼Candidate for the Hong Kong Island East Constituency of the Legislative Council▼

Approval of the mobile amnesty "cat crying mouse"

Speaking of youth issues, in the anti-revision law incident in 2019, many young people did go to extremes, and perhaps to a certain extent "fulfilled" Wu Qiubei's prophecy on that day.

Wu said that for young people arrested in violation of the law in social incidents, they think they are "sorrowful and pitiful. They were misled into committing crimes before entering the WTO, leaving the case and ruining their future." However, he believes that Hong Kong is under the rule of law. The society, and the existing mechanisms including the superintendent’s warning, have been able to effectively deal with young people with minor crimes. Therefore, it is believed that "amnesty" should not be an issue.

Wu Qiubei criticized Pan Zhuohong, his rival in the same district, by name, saying that he proposed an amnesty slogan, "using the plight of young people to draw water," which is an immoral behavior and a "cheap pity", and he also questioned the other party's role in inciting young people. It broke the law, so the amnesty proposed today is "a cat crying a mouse."

He mentioned that Pan had stated in his interview that he supported the "five major demands" and agreed with the "35+" proposition. "He supports these riot propositions and slogans. They are basically the same kind of people who incited youth to break the law."

Pan Zhuohong denies the accusation: thinking only understands the left

Regarding Wu Qiubei’s allegations during the interview, Pan Zhuohong responded in a short text: "After the election nomination was reviewed by the qualification review committee, the facts proved that "Left King" Wu Qiubei’s allegations were ignorant, and his thinking model only understands the left, but does not understand the balance of society. All kinds of attitudes and positions are not the blessings of Hong Kong, and they are definitely not the choices of Hong Kong people."

Wu Qiubei reiterated his support for the right to collective bargaining, but believed that the 1997 version was formulated too hastily.

(Profile picture)

Reaffirmed support for the right to collective bargaining: the 1997 plan was too hasty

In preparing for the visit, the reporter noticed that Wu Qiubei’s participation in the labor platform did not mention the right to collective bargaining.

In fact, Hong Kong had enacted collective bargaining legislation a few days before the reunification, but it was abolished by the Provisional Legislative Council in a flash after the reunification. At that time, three members of the Federation of Trade Unions, Chen Yuen-han, Cheng Yiu-tong and Chen Wing-can voted in favour of the repeal motion during the second reading. He came to be the target of verbal criticism by some people in the labor movement industry.

Wu Qiubei stated that the Federation of Trade Unions has always supported the right to collective bargaining, and this power is divided into three levels: the territory-wide level (similar to the current labor advisory committee), the industry level, and the enterprise level. The Federation of Trade Unions has been promoting relevant policies in the future. I will continue to do it, but the "Employee Representative Rights, Consultation Rights and Collective Bargaining Rights Ordinance" passed on the eve of the reunification has been enacted in a hurry and there was insufficient discussion. On the contrary, some workers felt that their rights and interests were damaged. Representative, "At that time, as the largest labor organization, the Federation of Trade Unions was unable to fully participate in some territory-wide, corporate, and industry-based negotiations. What is the representativeness?"

He finally added that in the past, some pan-politicized groups ostensibly claimed to represent labor rights, but they actually intensified political contradictions to reap benefits. Take industrial action as an example: "Industrial action is one of the means of trade unions. If all rights protection means, like negotiation, , Legal proceedings, etc. cannot be resolved. As a trade union, we will not give up any means. But what we should do more is to do a good job of labor policy at the source, improve labor-management relations, and work together to resolve disputes. Both workers and enterprises will suffer. In the past, some politically in command groups deliberately accumulated conflicts and pushed them to erupt for the last time.” Wu Qiubei hopes that under the new situation, the Federation of Trade Unions and the entire Legislative Council will do more to solve the past. Many accumulated labor rights issues.

Wu Qiubei is the candidate for Hong Kong Island East in the Legislative Council election. His opponents in the same district include Liang Xi, Liu Tiancheng, and Pan Zhuohong.

For the list of candidates from all sectors in the Legislative Council election,

please click here to refer to the "Hong Kong 01" election website.

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Source: hk1

All news articles on 2021-12-13

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