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Try these tips to beat afternoon fatigue


It has happened to all of us that the evening slump leaves us yawning non-stop. Try these tips to end your shift full of energy.

5 exercises for those who spend a lot of time sitting 9:15

(CNN) -

It's midafternoon and all of a sudden you can't stop yawning.

The eyelids start to drop, which is not good if you are in a meeting, or maybe your mind is a bit fuzzy and you can't focus.

This period of lower alertness is called the "evening slump" and it is something most of us have experienced.

Although the evening slump may be due to insufficient or poor quality sleep, it is part of our normal sleep-wake cycle.

It is also related to the amount of cortisol in our body.

The levels of this hormone, which helps us respond to stress, among other things, tend to be higher in the morning and decrease throughout the day.

There are many tips for beating the evening slump, such as eating healthy foods (no chocolate bars), drinking lots of water, listening to music, and even aromatherapy.

But one of the most effective ways to stay alert and focused is to get moving.

And the sooner the better, says Tansy Rodgers, a functional nutrition therapy practitioner and founder of beU Complete coaching in Lititz, Pennsylvania.

"The evening slump usually occurs between 1 and 3 in the afternoon," says Rodgers, who recommends getting moving soon after lunch.

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Movement at this time helps the body digest food, stabilize blood sugar and release the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which help decrease drowsiness, he said.

"Also, when someone exercises before they are too tired, they are more likely to commit and actually exercise, rather than resort to the excuse of being too tired to exert themselves."

This does not mean that you have to leave work every afternoon to go to a high intensity aerobics class or a 5-mile run, although these forms of exercise would certainly help.

Your "exercise" to get out of the pothole could be as simple as a short walk or small periods of movement throughout the day.


Chris Lee, a certified fitness trainer based in Santa Monica, California, states that most people doze off twice a day: mid to late in the morning and again in the mid-afternoon.

And that's something your

nine-minute HAU 2 FIT



can fix.

The HAU 2 FIT 9x9 Challenge has participants stand up once an hour during their workday, and then move for 90 seconds or perform nine reps of a specific exercise, such as wall push-ups.

"The movement you do is not as important as doing any movement," he said, "since your metabolism will then speed up throughout the day and you will not be a victim of sitting too long."

If you only have time to do one exercise each day, try this 2:30

Ready to get your energy back?

Here are several types of movements that will drive those yawns away.

Give them all a try to see which one suits you best.

Important note:

Before starting any new exercise program, consult your doctor.

Stop immediately if you feel pain.


If your schedule is full and you can't escape to the gym, a few simple stretches will help keep your blood flowing and give you some energy.

For example, you can perform desk stretches such as arm and foot circles, neck twists, and seated spinal twists even while you're on the phone or typing.

And if you can move around a bit, if you have enough room to, for example, do a few lunges, you can do more active stretches that work your glutes, quads, hamstrings, lower back, and more.

These movements not only serve to energize your afternoon.

Stretching keeps our muscles flexible and strong, which in turn helps preserve our mobility and overall health.

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Get a standing desk or active workstation

We've been hearing this for a few years: sitting is the new smoking, or it falls short of not getting enough sleep.

Translation: sitting all day is bad enough for us, both for our general health and for our body.

Luckily, there is a fairly easy solution.

Get a standing desk or an active workstation, like a walking desk or bike desk, and make sure you use it.

Many experts advise standing at work for about 15 minutes every hour to combat the dangers of sitting.

But research from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, suggests that it may take more than 30 minutes of standing to reap the benefits.

More of that, and you might just go overboard.

However, to fight the evening slump, it helps to stand at your desk, even for a few minutes at a time.

A walking or biking workbench ups the ante, providing movement and an elevated heart rate, which are more powerful at fighting fatigue.

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Go outdoors

There are many studies that show that being outdoors is good for us.

Even a little outing in nature can reduce anxiety, improve our mood, and stimulate creativity, to name just a few benefits.

Additionally, sunlight increases our serotonin levels, making us more energetic, calm, positive, and focused.

So go for a walk around the block, making sure to get plenty of fresh, invigorating air.

Better yet, organize a walking meeting with some of your colleagues.

So they can collectively beat that afternoon slump and end the day with energy to spare.

Melanie Radzicki McManus is a freelance writer specializing in hiking, travel, and fitness.


Source: cnnespanol

All news articles on 2021-12-13

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