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Agustín Rossi launched and left a message to the voter: 'I ask you to give me the opportunity to be President'


Highlights: The cabinet chief formalized his intention to be a candidate through a video. He defended the management of Alberto Fernández and recalled 'the happy years of Néstor and Cristina'.. The Frente de Todos has a new candidate listed for the presidential elections. This is Agustín Rossi, Chief of Cabinet, who made his launch official tonight. He joins others listed, such as Daniel Scioli and Juan Grabois, waiting for it to be defined internally if a PASO will be enabled.

The cabinet chief formalized his intention to be a candidate through a video. He defended the management of Alberto Fernández and recalled 'the happy years of Néstor and Cristina'.

The Frente de Todos has a new candidate listed for the presidential elections. This is Agustín Rossi, Chief of Cabinet, who made his launch official tonight, in a message transmitted by video through his social networks.

He joins others listed, such as Daniel Scioli and Juan Grabois, waiting for it to be defined internally if a PASO will be enabled or a single candidate will be imposed who aspires to succeed Alberto Fernández in office.

In a three-page text, the Santa Fe leader summarized: "I ask you to accompany me, to give me the opportunity to be President." It was the section of the video in which he expressed his intentions to reach the Casa Rosada, although there were also direct mentions of "the happy years of Néstor and Cristina" and support for the current Fernández government that he himself integrates.

"I want to speak to all Argentines. I know perfectly well what is happening today in Argentine society. I know what's wrong with you. I know there are days when you feel like your dreams are fading, or that you are flooded with hopelessness. I know that there are days when you have anger, when you think that you get up every day in the morning and when the end of the month comes, what you receive for that work does not correspond to the effort, it seems inadequate and surely it does not reach you, "Rossi began, in a self-critical tone.

And he continued reviewing the moments that the current Todist leadership had to go through in these years: "We have not had easy years. I usually say that Argentina has the convergence of four crises: the debt we receive, the pandemic, then the war and now the drought. And that made it impossible for us to fulfill the dreams we had in 2019 when we celebrated the electoral contract with the whole of Argentine society. We thought we were going to quickly return to those happy years we had in the governments of Néstor and Cristina."

Agustín Rossi, in an act of the Frente de Todos.

From there he wove a series of reflections in which he supported the leadership of Fernández.

"Despite the fact that of all the inconveniences there were promises that we kept. That dialogue that we established in 2019, when you asked us for work, we listened and today we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in Argentine history, 6.3%," continued the former national deputy.

And he continued to provide data: "You asked us for economic growth and Argentina grew in 2021 and in 2022, last year, we had record exports, more than 88,000 million dollars of exports throughout last year. You asked us for housing and we delivered more than 100,000 homes throughout the country."

To this he added: "You asked us for public works to worry about infrastructure, sanitation and we have more than 5,000 public works in execution, many of them more than 3,000 finished. You asked us to strengthen the health system and boy did we do it during the pandemic and we continue to do it."

In addition, he stressed that in this period "we improved education." He explained: "Absolutely. All state-run primary schools in Argentina have at least one more hour of class to make up for what we lost during the pandemic." He also added that "we federalize science and technology throughout Argentina and many other things.

After that, he began to reveal his intentions to be president. "The challenge is the same as always, it is the one that Argentina has historically had for many years. That growth we are talking about, will it remain in the hands of a few or will it be able to be enjoyed by all Argentines? And that's why I want to be President. I want to be president to guarantee that the economic growth of the coming years will be redistributed among all Argentines, that there will be growth with social inclusion and with redistribution of income and that this growth will occur year after year consecutively, "he said.

And he stressed: "That's why I want to be President, that's why I ask you to accompany me, to give me the opportunity to be President. I invite you to share my dreams with yours, which will surely be the same as our parents and grandparents and will have our children and grandchildren. That of living in a large country, in a sovereign Argentina, with inclusion, with security, with social equality and with economic growth."

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-05-29

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