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Daniel Scioli calls for 'fair play' but Máximo Kirchner threatens to raise the floor of the inmates


Highlights: The former governor asks to respect the usual 25% to sneak into the lists, but the leader of La Cámpora warned that he is evaluating imposing 40% to enter. Máximo Kirchner is willing to make an effort to complicate the arming of those who want to confront Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro. In any case, they trust that Gildo Insfrán from PJ Congress, in charge of negotiating the alliances, will guarantee that there is fair play.

The former governor asks to respect the usual 25% to sneak into the lists, but the leader of La Cámpora warned that he is evaluating imposing 40% to enter.

Before getting on the plane to China, Máximo Kirchner left a warning that shook the internal in the Frente de Todos. Strictly speaking, he transferred it to Daniel Scioli and Victoria Tolosa Paz, the tandem that leads the only sector that, according to the leader of La Cámpora, has the capacity to resist the requirement of having to present their own lists in all categories: "If they insist, we are going to put a floor of 40 percent for the PASO", He posed, as Clarín was able to reconstruct, to an interlocutor who was in charge of conveying the threat to the shipowners of the former Buenos Aires governor and the Minister of Social Development, who had reacted quickly to his challenge, by guaranteeing the presence of his own troops "in all districts."

In the midst of rumors that circulated strongly regarding a possible negotiation to decline his candidacy, Scioli left very early to clear doubts. "We have a government program, endorsements and candidates throughout Argentina. Let that be clear. So, with me 'operative discouragement or operations of this style, no. I have a very clear decision to submit to the popular will and democratize our party and let the people order in the PASO (...) I am not looking for a position to negotiate anything," the ambassador to Brazil bellowed on Delta radio.

It was a harsh response to the movements of Kirchner and, in parallel, to Massa. Scioli knows that his resistance to getting off spoiled the road map of the head of La Cámpora that he intended to impose on the economy minister, who in turn was willing to be a pre-candidate as long as there was no internal competition.

"It's nonsense, he's not going to get off or call him Cristina, stop buying the that Maximo's stocking suckers say," insisted, furious, an orange shipowner, in a voice-over dialogue with this newspaper.

The former governor wants there to be "fair play" in the internal, not only because he wants to take care of the forms and avoid entering into a logic of internal confrontation that existed between Kirchnerism and Alberto Fernández. Partly because he did so every time he had differences in the past, but also because he is convinced that he can win the PASO and will need to count on everyone, although a priori it seems a complicated issue because he does not have the majority political support in an eventual contest with the Minister of the Interior. Eduardo "Wado" de Pedro.

It is paradoxical that, with Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero, Antonio's grandson, among his shipowners, to justify so much conviction in his team they resort to the intern Carlos Menem-Antonio Cafiero.

But Máximo Kirchner is willing to make an effort to complicate the arming of those who want to confront De Pedro. Basically, he said that at the closing of the electoral alliance, scheduled for June 14, he will seek to raise the floor of 25 percent, which is usually used to sneak legislators on the lists, to 40%. In Sciolism at first they asked that it be lowered to 15%, as happens in coalitions that seek to expand their base of support, but today they would settle for it to be around 20% or even remain as it is.

Despite the fact that Law 26,571 that created the PASO delegates the floor to the regulations that each alliance sets, collaborators of the ambassador say that it is "unconstitutional" to impose a floor of 40% and believe that it is only a maneuver to intimidate. And they emphasize that it would be "a contradiction" if a political space that denounces the "ban" of its political leader ends up prohibiting candidacies.

"How afraid they are of Daniel! Why don't they let us play in peace? They know they can lose...", they reply from Sciolism.

In any case, they trust that Gildo Insfrán, from Formosa, in charge of the PJ Congress and consequently of negotiating the alliances, will guarantee that there is fair play. Just in case, they remember that Alberto Fernandez placed Deputy Cabinet Chief Juan Manuel Olmos, one of his loyalists, as PJ representative, who will act as "reinsurance." There are those who warn that the Buenos Aires Peronist leader may not have room for maneuver because he aligned himself with Massa (he is part of the delegation to China) since the president declined his candidacy for reelection.

For now, Victoria Tolosa Paz launched a campaign in search of "endorsements and adhesions" so that both Scioli and she in the province can present lists.

"We are asking you to support us to be able to present our lists in PASO 2023," says the message that circulated on social networks and by telephone.

And he adds: "When you support or adhere to the possibility of presenting a list with Daniel and Victoria, you are expressing that you want there to be democratic openness in Peronism, that you are supporting participation and that you defend the right that we all have to compete and present our proposals."

See also

Cristina and La Cámpora do not know what to do with Daniel Scioli: force him to get off or face the damage he can cause in the internal

The final tightening of Máximo Kirchner

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-05-29

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