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Elections 2023, LIVE: Javier Milei denounced an attack by the 'political and economic establishment' to stop his candidacy


Highlights: Electoral assembly, launches, cross-statements and polls, in a live coverage. The Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, leftist and liberal spaces define their candidacies for the 2023 elections. I followed the minute-by-minute coverage on the way to the PASO and the October general elections. The internal one in United Republicans continues: Justice ruled in favor of García Moritán in a dispute against López Murphy.

Electoral assembly, launches, cross-statements and polls, in a live coverage.

The Frente de Todos, Juntos por el Cambio, leftist and liberal spaces define their candidacies for the 2023 elections and face crossed declarations. I followed the minute-by-minute coverage on the way to the PASO and the October general elections.

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29.05.2023 15:52


The internal one in United Republicans continues: Justice ruled in favor of García Moritán in a dispute against López Murphy

The Justice ruled against a series of presentations that had been filed by the former Minister of Economy, Ricardo Lopez Murphy, to the detriment of the sector of United Republicans that responds to Roberto García Moritán.

"The Judicial Branch of the Nation resolved a series of legal issues that crossed the internal of the liberal party United Republicans (RU), of special relevance for the partisan elections that will happen next Sunday, June 4," reported the spokesmen of the Buenos Aires legislator.

Among the issues that the Justice left without effect are the requests that Lopez Murphy had made for the nullity of two party conventions, the blocking of more than 10 candidacies and the approval of files of more than 800 members.

The deputy and the legislator are at odds within the party they are part of, which in turn is part of Together for Change, after Lopez Murphy decided, without consultation according to Garcia Moritan's sector, to run for head of government. They also denounce that he tried to align the party behind the candidacy of Patricia Bullrich.

Days ago, the discussion erupted strongly in United Republicans. The reason: from one wing they rushed to warn that Lopez Murphy had lowered his candidacy for head of government, but he himself came out to ratify it: he said he will compete outside the party and will try to prevent Garcia Moritan, who has already run for the same position, from running.

The internal United Republicans between Ricardo Lopez Murphy and Roberto Garcia Moritán is burning. Clarín file photo

29.05.2023 15:16


Javier Milei denounces offensive against his campaign

Presidential candidate Javier Milei published a series of tweets on Monday in which he said his candidacy faces an attack from the "political and economic establishment" that includes "sinister speculations."

"In recent weeks various sources have confirmed what we already knew: there is a concerted decision among the political and economic establishment to try to stop the advance of our space," starts the deputy of La Libertad Avanza.

According to the economist, the campaign includes "television channels that 24/7 are dedicated to misrepresenting" their "positions to scare the population. Unknown essayists who suddenly swarm by all means with sinister lucubrations about my private life."

29.05.2023 14:24


Martin Bravo

Patricia Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta seduce portions of radicalism and tension grows in Together for Change

Patricia Bullrich garnered adhesions of radicalism in Córdoba. Photo Federico Lopez Claro.

The alignment of a group of radicals from Córdoba with the presidential candidacy of Patricia Bullrich stirred up internal discussions in Together for Change, prior to the National Convention of the UCR and four weeks before the closing of the lists.

On the side of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Gerardo Morales sought to dismiss the relevance of the announcement, although it generated impact in the PRO and noise among the coreligionists. Read more here

29.05.2023 13:57


Carlos Bianco: "Axel continues to do what he has to do: manage and gather the votes for the election"

Kicillof "is making a historic management," Bianco said.

The chief adviser of the Buenos Aires government, Carlos Bianco, said that Governor Axel Kicillof "continues to do what he has to do: manage and gather the votes for the election" while the Frente de Todos (FdT) defines the best strategy and chooses the candidates for the October elections.

In statements to Radio Perfil, the official said that "Axel never analyzed this as an individual project or a personal whim" and pointed out that "he is governor and is a natural candidate for re-election because he is doing a historic management and is the one who measures the most in the polls."

"But we are part of a political front and a collective process, so what that front defines will be done under the leadership of Cristina Kirchner. Axel continues to do what he has to do: manage and gather the votes for the election," Bianco argued.

29.05.2023 13:31


Martín Lousteau continues campaigning in the City

The pre-candidate for Head of Government of the City, Martín Lousteau, met on Monday with a group of residents of Caballito, with whom he talked about the security situation and the problems of the neighborhood within the framework of his electoral campaign.

Lousteau was asked about his proposals to confront the pickets and explained that his plan includes "sanctioning a new contraventional code, as was done in Jujuy and Mendoza and we will apply the criminal law to those who damage public property or commit a violent act.

"We must put an end to the culture of picket, of appropriation of public space and the cultural habit of anything goes to replace it with a culture of coexistence," said the radical senator.

29.05.2023 13:05


Elections 2023: what is the electoral training for the PASO?

2023 will be a very political year for Argentina, since before reaching December the PASO (Simultaneous and Mandatory Open Primaries) will have been held -on August 13-, the presidential elections on October 22 and the legislative, both national and provincial, some of which are already underway.

2023 will be marked by different elections. Photo: Juan Mabromata/AFP.

That is to say that this year's elections in Argentina will not only define the President and Vice President, but will also elect the head of Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and many of the governors of the interior of the country, except some, such as Santiago del Estero, who are averaging their mandate. Read more here

29.05.2023 12:30


Luis Juez: "Despite the money that Córdoba puts, we are going to shit on votes"

The pre-candidate for governor of Together for Change in Córdoba, Luis Juez, warned on Monday about the large expenditure of money that the ruling party is allocating to the electoral campaign, but assured that in any case the opposition will win in the elections.

"We recovered two very important places in the south of the province of Córdoba that were in the hands of Peronism. When Peronism governs, the ruling parties have a monstrous distribution of resources. It is an obscenity impossible to sustain," the Cordoba senator said in an interview on CNN Radio.

"I have never seen such a waste of money in a campaign. With the difficulties we have in health, education and with retirees, it is still an indecent proposal (...) Despite the money, we are going to shit them to votes. Ours goes the other way," he added.

29.05.2023 11:58


Pablo Moyano wants a PASO to define candidacies in the ruling party

Trade unionist Pablo Moyano asked that the Frente de Todos define its presidential candidate for the next elections as soon as possible, and said that from his point of view it will be best to define it in the PASO.

Pablo Moyano, assistant secretary of Teamsters. Photo: Juano Tesone.

"We want the Peronist candidate to be defined once and for all. I think the best thing is that there is a big STEP within the Frente de Todos," said one of the general secretaries of the CGT in an interview with Radio Futurock.

"The only one who could be the only candidate is Cristina, but I think that today the healthiest thing is an intern. Cristina's decision has already been made, she is not going to be a candidate. But he is right, beyond the candidates we need a government program, "added the Teamsters unionist.

29.05.2023 11:15


Elecciones en Córdoba: se votó en 29 municipios, el peronismo retuvo la mayoría pero hubo sorpresas a favor de Juntos por el Cambio en otros

Unos 29 municipios de Córdoba acudieron a las urnas este domingo, en otra jornada electoral que sirvió para medir el termómetro político de la provincia en la antesala de las elecciones para gobernador del próximo 25 de junio.

En la mayoría de los distritos que se votó, el peronismo, referenciado en el candidato de Juan Schiaretti a la gobernación, Martín Llaryora, logró conservar esas plazas. Pero hubo algunas sorpresas. Leer más acá

29.05.2023 10:47


Daniel Scioli ratificó su precandidatura presidencial: “No busco un posicionamiento para negociar”

El embajador en Brasil, Daniel Scioli, ratificó este lunes su precandidatura presidencial, en medio de la interna caliente del Frente de Todos y tras el adelanto de Clarín sobre la sospecha de un grupo de intendentes del PJ sobre su postulación y la falta de avales.

"I'm not looking for a position to negotiate, I don't know what," he said in a dialogue with FM Delta. And he explained that he has endorsements at the provincial and national level.

Scioli said that he has been working with the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, his eventual pre-candidate for governor of the Province in his electoral arm.

"If there is something I gave is testimony of responsibility in each of the places where I have had to compete. They know that if he won the PASO I am going to the meeting point of all sectors, of our political space and of undecided independent citizens, who do not want the path of dollarization or dynamite everything, but based on what has been built to continue building a future for the country, "said the ambassador.

29.05.2023 10:21


Agustín Rossi publicly launches his presidential candidacy

The Chief of Cabinet, Agustín Rossi, will formally launch this Monday through social networks his presidential pre-candidacy for the Frente de Todos to compete in the PASO next August.

Agustín Rossi runs for the Frente de Todos. Photo: Télam.

From the campaign team of the former deputy from Santa Fe, they confirmed that the launch will be through a video that will be disseminated through the leader's social networks around 19:30 p.m.

"When Alberto (Fernández) decided not to be a candidate, I began to visualize the possibility of being able to be one. Because as chief of staff, as long as there was a possibility that the president would run for re-election, it was not appropriate for me to make a move in that direction," Rossi explained in a radio interview Sunday.

29.05.2023 09:54


Jasmine Bullorini

In the City, the Frente de Todos also has interns and must decide whether to go to a PASO or define a consensus candidate.

In mirror to the dilemma in the national fight, the Frente de Todos of Buenos Aires must also decide if it goes to a PASO or manages to install a consensus candidate. Meanwhile, there are several leaders already launched into the fight for the head of Government walking the streets of the City.

The Peronism of Buenos Aires will decide if it goes to a PASO.

This week, the plane in which the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, left for China was also boarded by the main reference of La Cámpora, Máximo Kirchner, and Juan Manuel Olmos, deputy chief of Cabinet and key shipowner of Buenos Aires Peronism. Read more here

29.05.2023 09:27


Nicolás Kreplak: "Wado seems to me an excellent politician and I would love him to face the campaign"

The Minister of Health of the province of Buenos Aires, Nicolás Kreplak, praised Eduardo "Wado" De Pedro on Monday and assured that he would be an excellent candidate to dispute the presidency in this year's elections.

"I love Wado, I respect him, I admire him, I think he is an excellent politician and I would love him to face the campaign," said Nicolás Kreplak, Minister of Health of the province of Buenos Aires, in dialogue with FM La Patriada.

On a possible candidacy of Axel Kicillof indicated that "he is an excellent governor, he has done things in all areas. The whole province of Buenos Aires asks him to stay, that speaks of success, there is recognition of his work."

29.05.2023 08:43


Alberto Fernández travels to Brazil for the third time

On Monday, at 9:30 a.m. at the Olivos Residence, the president – accompanied by Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero – will receive Peña, the winning candidate of the conservative Colorado Party in the April 30 elections in Paraguay, official sources reported.

On Monday night, Fernández and his delegation will leave for Brasilia, site of the meeting organized by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday from 10 a.m. at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia, with an open agenda, and with a tentative end time at 18 p.m., Argentine government sources told Telam.

29.05.2023 08:17


A mayor of Córdoba denounced that he was robbed and threatened to get off a candidacy

Marco Ferace, mayor of Santiago Temple, in Córdoba. Photo Twitter

The mayor of Santiago Temple, a town in Rio Segundo, reported that suspects entered his home, stole his belongings and left him a letter with death threats to get him off the candidacy for re-election, police sources reported.

The incident occurred last night at the home of Mayor Marco Ferace, located at 600 Natalio Monina Street in the aforementioned town in the department of Río Segundo, in the center of the province of Córdoba.

According to sources told Telam, it was the mayor himself who called the police after he entered his house and observed everything scrambled inside.

See also

The irony of Agustín Rossi after Cristina Kirchner's act: "I was not on stage because they did not invite me, in one of those it was misplaced"

Sergio Massa bets on US$ 8 billion in China to deal with currency volatility

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2023-05-29

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