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Turkey run-off election: Election observers make accusations - expert warns queer people about Erdogan


Highlights: International election observers have voiced criticism of the second round of voting in Turkey. The election campaign was characterized by an "increasingly incendiary and discriminatory language," according to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The "bias of the media" and the "continued restriction of freedom of expression" have created "unequal conditions" in favor of Erdogan. The re-elected President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will speak on the phone with US President Joe Biden on Monday evening. The motorcades of German-Turks caused outrage.

President Erdogan gives victory speech and attacks opposition leader Kilicdaroglu. The news ticker for the run-off election in Turkey.

  • Official election results: Recep Tayyip Erdogan wins the run-off election in Turkey
  • Challenger speaks out: Opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu accepts defeat
  • Congratulations to Erdogan: foreign leaders congratulate President of Turkey

Update from May 29, 19:33 p.m.: After the run-off election in Turkey, international election observers have voiced criticism. The second round of voting took place in an environment that "in many respects does not offer the conditions for democratic elections," said Frank Schwabe (SPD), a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and part of the joint election observation mission with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on Monday. In an OSCE statement, there was talk of "favoritism" of Erdogan.

The election campaign was characterized by an "increasingly incendiary and discriminatory language," according to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The election itself had "gone well", the voters had the opportunity to decide between "real political alternatives". However, the "bias of the media" and the "continued restriction of freedom of expression" have created "unequal conditions" in favor of Erdogan. Already after the first round of elections, there had been allegations of attempted manipulation and media distortions.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (also SPD) has already congratulated Erdogan and invited him to Berlin. In his statement, government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit also mentioned "decisions currently pending in NATO" - it seems possible that Turkey will give up its veto against Sweden's accession to the military alliance.

Update from May 29, 15:28 p.m.: Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) is calling for a turning point in Germany's Turkey policy. "We have seen in our dealings with Putin what it leads to when you sugarcoat a situation," Özdemir said on Monday, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"The turning point, which thank God we finally have in dealing with Putin, is now also needed in dealing with Turkish ultranationalism, it is now also needed in dealing with fundamentalism," he demanded. Erdogan's re-election would also have concrete consequences for German society. Among other things, many imams working in Germany are sent by the Turkish religious authority. "We need to talk about the consequences if the next generation of imams from Turkey is even more nationalistic, even more religious fundamentalist. These will be some that influence children in Germany," said Özdemir.

Turkish media: Joe Biden will speak on the phone with Erdogan on Monday evening

Update from May 29, 15:05 p.m.: As reported by various Turkish media, including the newspaper Yeni Safak, re-elected President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will speak on the phone with US President Joe Biden on Monday evening. There is no confirmation from the USA yet.

Update from May 29, 12:35 p.m.: There were also celebrations in Germany after Recep Tayyip Erdogan's victory in Turkey. The motorcades of German-Turks caused outrage.


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Update from May 29, 10:20 a.m.: In the second round of the election, the re-elected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also achieved great approval in the earthquake zone in Turkey. In all 11 cities, he received more votes than in the first round, the state broadcaster TRT reported. His challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu, on the other hand, only received more votes in 8 cities. In the city of Hatay, Erdogan overtook Kilicdaroglu on the second lap. The Turkish leader received the most support from Kahramanmaras.

Turkey election: Green politician criticises Erdogan

Update from May 29, 8:53 a.m.: Is Turkey at risk of radicalization after Erdogan's victory? The chairman of the german-Turkish parliamentary group Max Lucks has warned against discrimination against queer people. "Erdogan is already agitating against LGBT people in his first speeches and is cruelly abusing them as a pawn for his misanthropic propaganda," the Green politician warned on Monday. He warned that any policy action against LGBT people would have an "accelerant" effect on the infringement procedure at the Council of Europe.

During the election campaign, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeatedly railed against queer people. © Khalil Hamra/Cem Türkel/dpa/Montage

After Turkey's run-off election: Weber calls for the termination of EU accession negotiations

Update from May 29, 06:20 a.m.: After the re-election of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the call for consequences is getting louder. For example, the chairman of the European People's Party, Manfred Weber, has now called for an end to the EU accession process with Turkey. "The last few years have shown that a close partnership is important, but no one wants Turkey to become a full member of the EU - neither Turkey nor the EU," the CSU politician told the newspapers of the Funke media group. This process must be "put on file because it blocks better relations more than it supports them."

At the same time, however, he called on Erdogan to set an example of cooperation and to move on the Russian issue, migration policy, economic modernization, the Cyprus issue and Sweden's controversial accession to NATO.

Run-off election in Turkey: Cem Özdemir shows little understanding for voting behaviour

Update from May 29, 06:03 a.m.: Motorcades and honking horns after Erdogan's election victory: The behaviour of Turks living in Germany has been met with incomprehension in parts of the German government. For example, Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir criticized the voting behavior in the run-off election. For the result, many people in Turkey would now have to stand up for lack of freedom and poverty, while voters in Germany would remain unaffected by the consequences, said the Green politician. The people in Turkey are "rightly angry. That will be discussed." In the run-off election on Sunday, a clear majority of eligible voters in Germany voted for Erdogan.

Run-off election in Turkey: Erdogan sharply attacks the opposition in victory speech

Update from May 28, 23:17 p.m.: Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stepped onto the balcony of the presidential palace in Ankara to deliver his victory speech. "We will continue to build the second century of this country," Erdogan said, accompanied by his wife Emine. He expressed his gratitude for the support and took the opportunity to dish out against his inferior competitor. Kilicdaroglu is known for his calculations. In the election, however, he miscalculated.

Update from May 28, 22:45 p.m.: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has congratulated Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his election victory. "Germany and Turkey are close partners and allies – we also have strong social and economic ties. Congratulations to President Erdoğan on his re-election. Now we want to push ahead with our common issues with fresh vigor," Scholz wrote in a tweet.

Update from May 28, 22:10 p.m.: Turkey's electoral authority has published official results of the run-off election. The winner Erdogan comes to 52.14 percent, Kilicdaroglu to 47.86 and 99.8 percent of the votes have been counted. President Erdogan is expected at any moment for his victory speech in Ankara.

Official figures from the electoral authority

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan: 52.14 percent
  • Kemal Kilicdaroglu: 47.86 percent

Update from May 28, 21:55 p.m.: Erhan Kurt, an election observer and member of the opposition CHP, was reportedly murdered during the celebration of AKP supporters in Ordu. So far, nothing more is known about the background. Deputy and deputy chairman of the Democratic Party, Cemil Enginyurt, confirmed the incident.

Update from May 28, 21:46 p.m.: Now Erdogan has also publicly and unequivocally declared himself the winner of the run-off election in Turkey. Although the counting of votes has not yet been completed, the president's victory can no longer be disputed. Erdogan is thus likely to go into another five years as head of state of Turkey.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, with his wife and supporters, celebrates victory in Turkey's run-off election. © MURAT CETIN MUHURDAR/AFP

Kilicdaroglu speaks out after run-off election

Update from May 28, 21:05 p.m.: The run-off election in Turkey seems to have been decided. Opposition leader Kilicdaroglu has conceded defeat to incumbent Erdogan. He said he could accept the defeat, but that the second round of voting had seen "the most unfair electoral process in recent years. All state institutions were mobilized for a political party. In this election, the will of the people to change authoritarian rule has been demonstrated despite all the pressure."

Latest results of the run-off election in Turkey

  • Anadolu: 52.09 percent for Erdogan, 47.91 percent for Kilicdaroglu
  • Anka: 52.02 percent for Erdogan, 47.98 percent for Kilicdaroglu

Update from May 28, 20:55 p.m.: Kilicdaroglu spoke at a press conference for the first time since the results of the election in Turkey were announced. He expressed his gratitude for the support of his followers. Kilicdaroglu did not mention Erdogan's clear lead. However, the CHP leader promised: "We will continue to fight until there is real democracy in our country. I want our 25 million citizens who voted for me to stand up, our struggle continues, and we stay here."

Update from May 28, 20:23 p.m.: Current results for the run-off election in Turkey attribute a narrow but consolidated lead to incumbent Erdogan. Supporters of the AKP leader are already gathering in front of the president's palace in the capital Ankara. Erdogan is expected to give a speech there later this evening. With more than 98 percent of the votes counted, the victory can hardly be taken away from him.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan takes the floor

Update vom 28. Mai, 19.25 Uhr: Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat sich nach der Stichwahl in der Türkei an seine Anhängerinnen und Anhänger gewandt. Er bedankte sich bei seinem Volk und zeigte sich optimistisch, ohne den Sieg für sich zu beanspruchen. „So Gott will“ werde er aber das Land weiter regieren.

Update vom 28. Mai, 19.10 Uhr: Kemal Kilicdaroglu hat eine Pressekonferenz um 20.30 Uhr (Ortszeit 21.30 Uhr) angekündigt. Gut möglich, dass der Herausforderer dort den Sieg von Recep Tayyip Erdogan in der Stichwahl anerkennen wird. 97 Prozent der Stimmen sind laut den türkischen Nachrichtenagenturen bereits ausgezählt. Erdogan liegt weiter knapp vorne.

Glückwünsche für Erdogan nach Stichwahl in Türkei

Update vom 28. Mai, 18.55 Uhr: Nach der Stichwahl in der Türkei kann Erdogan die ersten Glückwünsche entgegennehmen. Ungarns Ministerpräsident Viktor Orban gratulierte dem türkischen Präsidenten via Twitter zu einem „zweifellosen Wahlsieg“. Auch Tamim Bin Hamad, Emir Katars, schickte bereits Glückwünsche, bevor ein Sieger in der Türkei verkündet wurde.

Update vom 28. Mai, 18.40 Uhr: Erdogans Vorsprung verfestigt sich. Auch Anka sieht nun den Amtsinhaber bei 51,48 %. Kilicdaroglu spricht die Agentur 48,52% der Stimmen zu. Anadolu sieht den Präsidenten sogar bei 52,43 %.

Erdogans Anhänger versammeln sich in Istanbul

Update vom 28. Mai, 18.25 Uhr: Im Istanbuler Stadtteil Kisikli versammeln sich bereits Recep Tayyip Erdogans Anhänger für eine Ansprache des Präsidenten. Dem Sender CNN Türk zufolge wird Erdogan bei einem Wahlsieg zunächst in Istanbul sprechen, dann nach Ankara reisen und in seinem Palast eine weitere Rede halten. Die Parteichefs seines Bündnisses seien ebenfalls eingeladen worden.

Erdogan bei Stichwahl in Türkei vor Kilicdaroglu

Update vom 28. Mai, 18.07 Uhr: Erdogan kann seinen Vorsprung laut Anadolu halten, Kilicdaroglu verliert laut den Ergebnissen von Anka, hält aber immer noch eine knappe Mehrheit. CHP-Sprecher Faik Öztrak sagte auf einer Pressekonferenz in der Parteizentrale: „Nach den Ergebnissen, die wir erhalten haben, gibt es ein knappes Rennen. Im Moment sieht es so aus, dass wir die Stimmen von jedem Zweiten bekommen haben.“

Update vom 28. Mai, 17.56 Uhr: Noch immer können sich die großen Nachrichtenagenturen der Türkei nicht auf einen Sieg einigen. Anadolu sieht Erdogan, Anka weiter Kilicdaroglu vorne. Entscheidend könnten bei derart knappen Ergebnissen die Stimmen aus dem Ausland werden. Diese werden aktuell in der Handelskammer von Ankara ausgezählt. Berichten zufolge sind dort bereits AKP-Mitglieder und Vertreter der Opposition aneinandergeraten.

Update vom 28. Mai, 17.42 Uhr: Wieder gibt es aktualisierte Zahlen. Anadolu führt Erdogan nun bei 55,26 Prozent und Kilicdaroglu bei 44,74 Prozent. Anka wiederum spricht dem Präsidenten nur 48,96 Prozent zu, seinem Herausforderer dagegen 51,04 Prozent. Beide Agenturen geben an, dass bereits rund 66 Prozent der Stimmen ausgezählt seien.

Große Unterschiede bei Ergebnissen der Stichwahl

Update vom 28. Mai, 17.21 Uhr: Nun dürfen offiziell Wahlergebnisse aus der Türkei veröffentlicht werden. Laut der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu liegt Erdogan mit 58 Prozent deutlich vor Kilicdaroglu (42 Prozent). Die Nachrichtenagentur Anka wiederum meldet andere Ergebnisse. Dort käme Erdogan auf 49,02 und Kilicdaroglu auf 50,92 Prozent.

Stichwahl in der Türkei: Erste Ergebnisse zeigen noch keinen Sieger

  • Anadolu: 58 Prozent für Erdogan, 42 Prozent für Kilicdaroglu
  • Anka: 50,92 Prozent für Kilicdaroglu, 49,02 Prozent für Erdogan

Update vom 28. Mai, 17.10 Uhr: Noch gilt eigentlich das Verbot des Hohen Wahlrats, Ergebnisse zur Stichwahl in der Türkei bekannt zu geben. Türkische Medien wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu berichten bislang nur über den Stand der Stimmenauszählung. Demnach sollen 16 bis 17 Prozent der Wahlzettel bereits gezählt sein. Der türkische Journalist Onur Öncü aber veröffentlichte auf Twitter angebliche Zahlen der Nachrichtenagentur Anka, denen zufolge Kemal Kilicdaroglu mit 50,47 Prozent vor Präsident Erdogan mit 49,53 Prozent liegt.

Stimmauszählung bei Wahlen in der Türkei läuft - Um 17 Uhr erste Ergebnisse?

Update vom 28. Mai, 17.00 Uhr: Laut dem türkischen Journalisten Ahmet Hakan vom Sender CNN Türk sind sind bereits rund 12 Prozent der Stimmen ausgezählt. Ahmet Yener, Chef der obersten Wahlbehörde YSK, soll um 17 Uhr (18 Uhr Ortszeit) eine Pressekonferenz halten. Höchstwahrscheinlich wird Yener dann die Freigabe für die Veröffentlichung der ersten Ergebnisse erteilen.

Chef des Hohen Wahlrats sieht keine Zwischenfälle bei Stichwahl in der Türkei

Update from May 28, 16:35 p.m.: The head of the High Electoral Council in Turkey has expressed his satisfaction with the conduct of the run-off election. There were "no irregularities," said Ahmet Yener. The head of the Istanbul CHP, on the other hand, comes to a different assessment. According to Canan Kaftancioglu, there have been "provocations in polling stations" in the metropolis. She said this at a press conference shortly after the polling stations closed.

End of voting in Turkey - Waiting for extrapolation

Update from May 28, 16:00 p.m.: Polling stations in Turkey are closed. Now the wait for the first results begins. It is not yet clear when these will become known. According to the High Electoral Council, the votes will be counted much faster this time than in the first round of voting on May 14.

Run-off election in Turkey: Special broadcast with celebrity guests

Update from May 28, 15:50 p.m.: The run-off election in Turkey will be accompanied by an exclusive special broadcast by the journalism platform KiVVON with numerous guests. The special broadcast on the election in Turkey will be moderated by journalist Josephine Kahnt. It starts at 18 p.m. You can follow the broadcast live on Youtube.

Attacks on election observers in Istanbul

Update from May 28, 15:18 p.m.: During the elections in Turkey, there have reportedly been attacks on election observers in Istanbul and the south-east of the country. Ali Seker, a member of parliament from the largest opposition party CHP, told the opposition channel Halk TV that he and opposition election workers had been attacked by a group after they complained about irregularities. The incident took place in a village in the southeastern Turkish province of Sanliurfa.

Turkey election: Doubts about high voter turnout in run-off election

Update from May 28, 13:45 p.m.: In Turkey, there are doubts as to whether voter turnout will be as high as in the first round. Observers at polling stations report that there are fewer voters today than on May 14. Both the government and the opposition fear that this could hurt their chances of winning the election. Therefore, supporters of both sides are calling on each other to go to the polls.

Turkey election: Erdogan and Kilicdaroglu cast their votes

Update from May 28, 11:45 a.m.: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his challenger, opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu, cast their votes in the run-off election in Istanbul. "In Turkish democracy, for the first time, we are witnessing a two-round election," Erdogan said. There is no country that has a voter turnout of around 90 percent. Turkey, on the other hand, is showing a "democratic struggle" with a high voter turnout. He called on all Turkish citizens to run to the polls and cast their votes. "I am sure that this vote will end very quickly today," said the incumbent.

Turkey election: Supreme electoral authority expects quick result

Update from May 28, 11:20 a.m.: Voting in the Turkish run-off election is much faster than in the first round on 14 May. There are rarely long queues at the polling stations. The reason for this is the small and therefore clear ballot paper, on which only two candidates can be found. In the first round, on the other hand, voters also had to vote in the parliamentary elections. The corresponding, separate ballot paper was about one meter long, as a total of 24 parties had participated in the election.

Turkey elections: Politicians from the government and opposition cast their votes

Update from May 28, 10:45 a.m.: Several politicians have already cast their votes in the run-off elections. Turkish Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu stressed after casting his vote that any result would be accepted after the votes had been counted. "Today is a beautiful morning, our people will choose a beautiful beginning for the future and peace of our country," Soylu said. So far, there have been no problems with the vote. The Minister of Justice, Bekir Bozdag, also confirmed that there were no difficulties. "The elections are taking place with great democratic maturity," he said.

2023 Turkish election: Voting begins at polling stations

Update from May 28, 7:10 a.m.: The run-off election in Turkey has begun. Voters will vote at their ballot boxes from the first round on May 14. Turks eligible to vote will be able to cast their votes until 16 p.m. (17 p.m. local time). The first results are expected after the lifting of the voting bans by the Supreme Electoral Authority YSK.

2023 Turkish election: First run-off election in the country's history

First reported on 27 May: Ankara - It is in historically significant year for Turkey. On October 29, 2023, the republic celebrates its 100th anniversary, and on May 28 of the same year, the country will experience a run-off election for the office of president for the first time. Around 60 million eligible voters are called upon to cast their ballots and thus decide who will govern the country as president for the next five years. The incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Islamic-conservative AKP and challenger Kemal Kilicdaroglu of the CHP are up for election.

Neither candidate was able to claim the necessary absolute majority in the first round of voting on 14 May 2023. Turkey's electoral system therefore provides for a decision by run-off election. The favorite in the duel is President Erdogan, who won 49.5 percent of the vote in the first round. Challenger Kilicdaroglu came to 44.9 percent.

This is how the first round of voting in Turkey ended:

  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan: 49.5%
  • Kemal Kilicdaroglu: 44.9%
  • Sinan Ogan: 5.2%

Polls for the run-off election in Turkey see Erdogan as the winner

Current polls for the run-off election in Turkey put Erdogan well ahead of Kilicdaroglu. The president has also managed to secure the support of Sinan Ogan. The candidate of the nationalist ATA party had received 5.2 percent of the vote in the first round. Ogan called on his supporters to vote for Erdogan in the run-off election.

How Turkish voters voted in Germany

Outside Turkey, the run-off election has already ended. Around 3.4 million Turkish voters live abroad and were able to cast their votes there until Wednesday (24 May). By far the largest group lives in Germany. 1.5 million people with Turkish roots were called to vote in the run-off election. Initial results indicate a high voter turnout. According to official figures, 746,000 people took part in the run-off election. That was even more than in the first round of voting, in which around 725,000 people cast their votes.

When will there be results for the run-off election in Turkey?

Results of the run-off election in Turkey are expected on Sunday evening. Only then will it be clear whether Erdogan, who won in 2018 with 52.6 percent of the vote and has been president of Turkey since 2014, will emerge victorious again and be able to govern for another five years – or whether Kilicdaroglu will succeed in changing the guard in the country's highest political office.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2023-05-29

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