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Breaking tradition: Who is Yosef Elron, the judge who announced his candidacy for the presidency of the Supreme Court? - Voila! news


Highlights: In 2017, President Hayut opposed Elron's appointment as a Supreme Court justice, and he was elected only after ministerial support. At the time, the judges argued that he was not winking at the right material, despite his tenure as a district judge. In an unusual step that contradicts the senority system used in appointing the president of the Supreme Court, Elron announced his candidacy for the position. This is what chaos looks like, and this is how the overburdened court system receives another fatal blow – the price for which the citizens will pay.

In 2017, President Hayut opposed Elron's appointment as a Supreme Court justice, and he was elected only after ministerial support. At the time, the judges argued that he was not winking at the right material, despite his tenure as a district judge. At the same time, the fear that Elron will rule on the grounds of reasonableness in order to please the politicians goes too far

In the video: Judge Esther Hayut (Photo: Shlomi Gabay)

In 2017, when Yosef Elron's nomination for the Supreme Court was considered, current President Esther Hayut opposed his appointment. Only after the support of representatives of the Israel Bar Association, then-Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and then-Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, was he finally appointed. The reasons for the opposition, as reported in the media, were not uniform. While Elron's associates claimed that because of his Mizrahi origin, the Supreme Court justices opposed bringing him in, the justices argued that he did not wink at the material for Supreme Court justice.

Yesterday, in an unusual step that contradicts the senority system used in appointing the president of the Supreme Court, Elron announced his candidacy for the position.

The rulings in which Elron ruled against his colleagues in the Supreme Court

  • In a hearing in which the High Court of Justice disqualified Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri from serving as a minister, Elron was the only judge out of the 11 who argued that he should not be disqualified, but that the issue should be returned to the chairman of the election committee.
  • In a Supreme Court ruling handed down last March on the issue of public housing, Elron aligned himself with the court's liberal benchmark, Justice Anat Baron, who ruled against Amidar.

Elron, Hayut and Levin (Photo processing, Jonathan Zindel/Flash 90)

What will his rulings look like in the future?

  • Anyone who expects Elron to repay the bill and reject the petitions against the cancellation of the reasonableness grounds in order to win the support of politicians and be appointed president of the Supreme Court is going too far.
  • Justice Elron is a respected judge who, prior to his tenure in the Supreme Court, served as President of the Haifa District Court. His decision to announce his candidacy at this particular time, at a time when Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara should have responded to a petition regarding the non-convening of the Judicial Selection Committee, as well as the fact that some of his legal assistants came from the Kohelet Forum, hint at broad political understanding – but not moral corruption.
  • Recall that Elron denied in a conversation with Walla! Any connection between him and Justice Minister Yariv Levin.

Levin and Miara: An unprecedented crisis (photo: photo processing, donor song, Oren Ben Hakon/Flash 90)

What's next?

  • The main thing that needs to be discussed is the paralysis in which the judicial system finds itself after this day – the attorney general asked for an extension to submit her response to the High Court of Justice regarding the Justice Minister's decision not to convene the Judicial Selection Committee.
  • Her request came after the minister blew up the contacts between the two in the morning with a rather harsh letter.
  • At noon that day, Elron decided to break with legal tradition and run for president. This is what chaos looks like, and this is how the overburdened court system receives another fatal blow – the price for which the citizens will pay.
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  • Criminal & Legal News


  • The Legal Revolution
  • Yariv Levin
  • Gali Baharav Miara
  • Supreme Court

Source: walla

All news articles on 2023-08-31

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