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Weekly horoscope: predictions for January 15 to 21, 2024


Highlights: The week of January 15 to 21, 2024 will be marked by several planetary transits. Last days of the Sun in Capricorn, the season of Aquarius begins. Pluto in Aquarius heralds deep collective movements in favor of equality. Aries, Pluto will indicate the roles that are already outdated in their way of being. Taurus, don't victimize yourselves or look for culprits. Gemini, the Sun and Pluto together with Mercury in harmony with Saturn and Jupiter facilitate the appreciation of your experiences.

Last days of the Sun in Capricorn, the season of Aquarius begins.Pluto in Aquarius heralds deep collective movements in favor of equality.

The week of January 15 to 21, 2024 will be marked by several planetary transits: they will be the last days of the Sun in Capricorn, the king star in harmony with Neptune, Mercury in harmony with Saturn and Jupiter, Venus in tension with Neptune, the Moon begins to wane in the sign of Aries.

In addition, we will have the Sun conjunct Pluto: first it enters Aquarius, and hours later, Pluto also joins the sign of Air. This entry of the Sun and Pluto into Aquarius will bring a lot of movement of the nervous system, increasing mental activity and speeding up decision-making towards big changes.

Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun and, therefore, the slowest to move. It is also the one that governs the ultimate power, the integration and acceptance of the most complex and painful experiences for our psyche and the conversion of experiences into knowledge and wisdom.

With Pluto in Aquarius, times are coming when the people take the power that they previously delegated to their representatives, many collective movements in search of true freedom, equality and justice.

Horoscope for Aries

The week will be propitious to renew and oxygenate your mind, Aries, the entry of Pluto into your area of beliefs will bring you great transformations at the mental level and bonding, breaking down the ceilings that prevented you from seeing the immensity of the world you inhabit.

Aries, Pluto will indicate the roles that are already outdated in their way of being. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Tuesday, the Moon enters your sign, giving you priority, sensitivity, and magnetism to focus on your individual needs and desires, take care of your body, energies, nourishment, and rest.

There will be good news and results in your professional and work world, take advantage of these days to use your personal power responsibly and committedly, the Sun conjunct with Pluto will allow you to move away from the places and roles that have already fulfilled their cycle.

Horoscope for Taurus

The week will be propitious to free yourself from old beliefs imposed by those around you, Taurus, the conjunction of the Sun with Pluto will invite you to integrate fears to turn them into movement and new personal pursuits.

Taurus, don't victimize yourselves or look for culprits. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Thursday the Moon enters your sign, giving you priority, sensitivity, and magnetism to focus on your individual needs and desires, take care of your body, energies, nourishment, and rest.

On Friday Venus in tension with Neptune invite you to take care of your emotional and verbal responses and reactions, there will be an excess of sensitivity that could be mischanneled, avoid victimizing yourself or looking for blame for the disappointments that may arise in the week.

Horoscope for Gemini

The week will be propitious to transform your gaze towards yourself, others and the world around you, Gemini, the Sun and Pluto together with Mercury in harmony with Saturn and Jupiter facilitate the appreciation of your experiences in order to integrate them and take wisdom and knowledge from them. It's time to mature and grow, to take responsibility for your own life.

Gemini, it's time to mature and grow. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will be excellent days for couples, partners, cohabitation and economic and commercial matters, be receptive to the prosperity that will come through those around you, you will be able to ask for the necessary material help for your mental well-being.

The Sun and Pluto in Aquarius will bring inner and outer movements, journeys and moves, new pursuits and projects, great leaps and changes.

On Saturday the Moon enters your sign, giving you priority, sensitivity, and magnetism to focus on your individual needs and desires, take care of your body, energies, nourishment, and rest.

Horoscope for Cancer

The week will be challenging for your bonding world, Cancer, the Sun conjunct Pluto is willbring clarity about relationships and ways of bonding that no longer allow you to grow and mature.

The time has come to take charge of the way they act and, if necessary, move away from places and people that have already completed their cycle.

Cancer, it will be a week of deep conversations for you. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will be very good days for agreements, signatures, partnerships and commitments, they will also be able to improve their relationship and ways of communicating with those around them, engage in deep conversations that will allow them to understand situations of the past and present.

Be attentive to the proposals that come through others, it could be the invitation you were waiting for to give a favorable and necessary movement.

Horoscope for Leo

The week begins with the Sun, ruler of Leo, in harmony with Neptune, giving them empathy and sensitivity that will allow them to focus on their work and with those around them, help those who need it most and share their best version of themselves.

Leo, you will experience transformations in your relationships. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

These will be favorable days for your economic, work and professional world. Jupiter will bring you confidence as well as new possibilities to continue growing and expanding, you will be able to overcome any challenging situation with optimism and emerge victorious.

The entry of the Sun and Pluto into Aquarius will bring great movements and transformations in their relationships and their way of relating, the places and people who have completed their cycle will begin to be evident.

Horoscope for Virgo

The week will be favorable for your individual projects and pursuits, Virgo, Mercury in harmony with Jupiter and Saturn facilitate the advancement and realization of your steps and personal goals. In addition, there will be a green light for in-depth talks that clarify your present and illuminate your next steps.

Virgo, Pluto in your work area invites you to train and update yourself. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will also be propitious days for romance and love, they will be able to improve their way of communicating and relating, empathize with whoever is in front of them and harmonize the relationships they want.

The entry of Pluto into their world of work will bring movements, changes and the need to transform what can no longer continue in the same way, they will be able to innovate and renew their way of acting, incorporate new knowledge and train themselves for the use of new tools.

Horoscope for Libra

The week will be propitious to transform your attitude towards life, Libra, the conjunction of the Sun and Pluto drives you to put down roots wherever you are and to commit to your well-being in every way, this will allow you to move more clearly in your professional life.

Libra, watch your reactions and your verb these days. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will have to watch their verbal responses and reactions. Avoid believing that you are the owners of the absolute truth, Venus in tension with Neptune invites you to flex your mind and beliefs, be more empathetic and sensitive to your peers.

The entry of the Sun and Pluto into Aquarius will bring great benefits to your individual searches and movements, projects and goals, personal transformations and the possibility of empowering your presence and image.

Horoscope for Scorpio

The week will be propitious to free yourself from old beliefs imposed by those around you from the beginning of your life, Scorpio, the Sun together with Pluto will allow you to see clearly the thoughts that hinder you and do not let you advance in what you want, also the ways of relating that need a great change.

Scorpio, opportune days for negotiations, agreements, paperwork and travel. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will be opportune days for commercial matters, business and signings, travel and removals, studies and exams, exhibitions and discussions. Now more than ever, the key to solving any problem is deep and sincere dialogue.

The entry of the Sun and Pluto into Aquarius will bring great transformations to your individual root, moving matters from the past, home and family. It also invites you to affirm your presence wherever you are so that you can make the changes necessary for your well-being.

Horoscope for Sagittarius

The week will be propitious for your economic, work and professional world, Sagittarius, Mercury in harmony with Jupiter facilitate the advancement of trade and labor agreements, you will be able to find solutions to any inconvenience you have been going through in recent weeks.

Sagittarius, be considerate of your inner processes. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Friday, Venus in your sign in tension with Neptune invites you to take care of your emotional reactions and responses, take care of your individual energies and needs, have greater empathy with yourself and your internal processes.

The entry of the Sun and Pluto into the sign of Aquarius will bring great transformations to your mental world and link, you will be able to see clearly the beliefs that prevent you from moving forward and growing.

Horoscope for Capricorn

The week will be propitious to carry out great personal transformations, Capricorn, the Sun together with Pluto in your sign invite you to leave behind the old skin that covers you to enter a new cycle of energetic, mental and emotional renewal.

Capricorn, your expression will be favored. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

The Sun plus Mercury in your sign in harmony with Jupiter and Saturn give you the intelligence and confidence necessary to take the leap you want, the price will be clear: do not want to build your new present with the bricks of the past.

These will be excellent days to express your ideas and projects, improve your relationship with those around you, especially with your family and partner.

Horoscope for Aquarius

The week will be propitious to renew your confidence and faith towards yourselves and the universe that surrounds you, Aquarius, the encounter of the Sun with Pluto invite you to let go of idealizations and false expectations to assume reality as it is and thus keep optimism for what is to come.

Aquarius, embrace uncertainty. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will be able to integrate previously denied emotions and embrace uncertainty, intuition will be on the surface and can be their guide during the week.

On Saturday the Sun and Pluto enter your sign, giving you clarity, energy, magnetism, and personal power. If you are willing to change your skin, you will benefit from changes that you cannot even imagine, your identity will enter a process of transformation at times slow and at others by leaps and bounds. Congratulations Aquarius, your solar season begins!

Horoscope for Pisces

The week begins with the Sun and Mercury in harmony with Neptune, ruler of Pisces, giving them clarity and intelligence to renew their gaze towards the world and the future, they will be able to initiate and advance in projects together, with friends and partners, open new searches and objectives in the medium and long term.

Pisces, they reach an inner maturity by letting go of old idealizations. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Towards Friday, Venus in tension with Neptune invites you to trust in your potential, gifts and talents, develop and polish what you desire and commit to building your best version.

The entry of the Sun and Pluto into Aquarius will bring you clarity and the possibility of transforming your participation in the world, old views and idealizations of life, faith, love and relationships will fall, all of which are necessary to build a new one that reflects the integration of your experiences and your inner maturity. Remember that dreams are not fulfilled, they are worked on.

By Fernando Tarragona, astrologer and professor of astrology. IG: @fer_marte

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-15

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