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A jump in the rise: Zionism is awakening, the Jews of the world are looking for a home in Israel Israel today


Highlights: A jump in the rise: Zionism is awakening, the Jews of the world are looking for a home in Israel Israel today. In France there was a 500% increase in requests for immigration since the beginning of the war, and in North America by 120%. Despite the anti-Semitism that has reared its head in the world, the main reason for immigration is still Zionism. "The war awakened the Jewish feeling in us and the understanding that our place is in Israel" . 2023 was a year marked by a decrease in the number of immigrants to Israel.

Precisely in our difficult times, there was a jump in requests to open immigration cases to Israel • In France there was a 500% increase in requests for immigration since the beginning of the war, and in North America by 120% • Despite the anti-Semitism that has reared its head in the world, the main reason for immigration is still Zionism • "The war awakened the Jewish feeling in us and the understanding that our place is in Israel"

2023 was a year marked by a decrease in the number of immigrants to Israel, but it seems that the war that has been going on here for the last three months is about to change the trend.

Hundreds of new immigrants landed in Israel this morning on flights from Ukraine and Ethiopia // Photo: Michael Demanshan/L.A.M.

In 2022, against the background of the war in Ukraine, 62,403 new immigrants arrived in Israel - more than 15 thousand of them from Ukraine, as well as from Russia, France and Belarus.

In the entire year 2023, only 36,293 new immigrants immigrated to Israel, the largest number was in January - 6,711 immigrants.

As the year progressed, the numbers went down, but data collected by the Ministry of Aliya and Absorption shows that since the outbreak of the war, there has been a significant increase in the number of new aliya files opened - a figure that will inevitably affect the aliya figures in the first months of 2024, which are expected to increase.

According to the "Kalita" organization, the umbrella organization of French immigrants in Israel, there has been a 500% jump in the number of immigration cases opened in France since the outbreak of the war.

The CEO of the organization, Ariel Kandel, says: "Anti-Semitism and the thousands of violent incidents against Jews in France led to an unprecedented desire of French Jews to immigrate to Israel and help in the war effort.

This is fitness time, and you must not procrastinate.

The State of Israel should initiate and implement as soon as possible a plan to bring in new immigrants, who will strengthen the state during the war and after it."

New immigrants (photographers have no connection to the news), photo: Yossi Zeliger

Jewry abroad is voting with its feet

According to the "Nefesh BaNefesh" organization, which operates in North America, since the beginning of the war, approximately 4,200 immigration cases have been opened, an increase of 120% compared to the corresponding period last year (October to early January).

Rabbi Yehoshua Pess, the founder and CEO of "Nefesh Benefesh", says: "North American Jewry is voting with its feet and choosing to immigrate to Israel precisely in its difficult times.

The war did not cause Jews who wanted to immigrate to cancel their plans - it even intensified the urgency to come to Israel, out of a sense of belonging and solidarity." In total, since the outbreak of the war, almost 7,000 new immigration cases have been opened around the world.

Minister of Aliyah and Absorption, Ofir Sofer: "The immigration of many Jews to Israel during the war, and the tremendous jump in the opening of aliya files around the world, are an important Zionist act and an expression of solidarity at this time with the country"

From the beginning of the war until the first week of January, 4,783 new immigrants immigrated to Israel, most of them from Russia, the USA, Ukraine, and France. Almost all the immigrants who arrived in Israel during this period began the process of immigrating to Israel even before the war. Just last week, about 100 young people arrived in Israel from 23 countries, through the Scout Movement's "Grein Zabar" project. They will undergo preparation, GDA activities and Hebrew studies, and will be recruited for combat duties in the IDF in a few months. About 30 young men from France are also currently staying at the pre-military preparatory school "Gor Yehuda" , who arrived in Israel in November to enlist for significant service.

A jump in the opening of immigration cases

The Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, the Jewish Agency and the various organizations also estimate that the reasons for the surge in requests to open immigration files are the war in Israel and the rising anti-Semitism around the world.

However, it is believed that the main reason for the increase is still Zionism.

Half of the applicants who opened immigration files in the US stated in their application forms that the main reason for immigrating to Israel was Zionism.

Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Doron Almog, photo: Gideon Markowitz

According to the Zionist Organization, the year 2023 ended with a 230% increase in anti-Semitic incidents worldwide.

From a report by the Ministry of Diaspora and the Fight against Anti-Semitism, which was submitted to the Aliya and Absorption Committee last week, it emerged that there has been an increase in anti-Semitic incidents since the outbreak of the war.

For example, in the USA, more than 400 institutions of higher education received false bomb threats - a 540% increase compared to the same period last year. In Toronto, Canada, the number of anti-Semitic incidents increased by 211% since the beginning of the war, in Great Britain there was a 162% increase, and in Australia there was A 738% increase compared to the same period last year.

Every 80 seconds an anti-Semitic incident

From a study conducted at the Kantor Center of the Hebrew University, it appears that every 80 seconds an anti-Semitic incident occurs in the world.

According to the movement to combat anti-Semitism, which prepared a report together with the Zionist Organization, since the outbreak of the war there has been a 300% jump in anti-Semitic content on social networks.

Minister of Aliyah and Absorption, Ofir Sofer: "The immigration of many Jews to Israel during the war and the tremendous jump in the opening of immigration files are an important Zionist act and an expression of solidarity with the country."

Anti-Semitic inscriptions in France, photo: umbrella organization of French Jews UEJF

Doron Almog, chairman of the Jewish Agency, says: "Emigration to Israel in these times is another expression of the partnership of Diaspora Jewry in the building of the State of Israel and its rise.

I congratulate each and every one of the immigrants who are building their homes in Israel these days."

* * *

"Since the war I feel safer"

Audrey Dabach (30), immigrated from Switzerland

Audrey Dabach, photo: None

Audrey came to Israel about a year and a half ago to do her master's degree at Reichman University.

Following the war, she decided to stay in Israel, and began the process of assimilation.

"I grew up in a house where they told and talked a lot about Israel, and until the age of 10 I attended a Jewish school. I always knew that I wanted to be a part of the State of Israel, and I wanted to come here to study and experience life in Israel, in a Jewish state. I came here about a year and a half ago, I fell in love with Israel, and during The war I decided to stay here.

"When the war broke out, people asked me if I was sure that I wanted to stay here. Since the war, I am even more sure. I feel my special connection to the country, and with everything that is happening now, I am unable to return to Switzerland. I feel at home here."

As part of her efforts to help, she voluntarily took care of children who were evacuated from Ashkelon to Tel Aviv, and says that following the war she stopped being friends with people who criticized Israel and her.

"I don't see myself going back to Switzerland. My life is here now. I met many good friends, had experiences, and learned that life here has a different meaning."

"It's a good time to make aliyah"

Rony Citro (54), immigrated from the USA

Roni Citro, photo: None

Roni and his partner Bob immigrated to Israel in mid-December, and moved to live in Jerusalem.

For 24 years Roni served in the US Navy as a dentist.

Before the two immigrated to Israel, they lived in Manhattan.

As a doctor in the American army Roni was abroad, and for most of his years of service he had to hide the fact that he had a partner. In fact, only since 2013 has the American army recognized LGBT couples.

He says that for years the two had a long-distance relationship, flying and visiting each other.

In his last years in the army Roni served in Italy.

Bob arrived there as well, and then they finally made the decision to immigrate to Israel when Roni finished his service.

"It was clear to me that as soon as I retire from the army, I will immigrate. We didn't come here because of the war, and it didn't affect our plans either."

Roni grew up in a Zionist community in Chicago, his mother is a former Israeli, he has relatives here and he speaks Hebrew.

The war did not stop them, he says.

"Even the other way around. We feel it's a good time to immigrate. I'm working on getting my medical license sorted, so I can volunteer for the army and help where I can."

"You are a target because you are Jewish"

Lior Firozian (25), immigrated from the USA

Lior Firozian, photo: none

Lior immigrated to Israel in the last week of December through the "Nefesh Benefesh" organization.

She grew up in New York, the eldest daughter of an Israeli mother and a father who fled Iran during the revolution.

Part of her father's family still lives in Iran.

Lior is a nurse by profession, and before coming to Israel she completed her nursing studies and started working as a nurse in a hospital.

"All my life, since I was 5 years old, I dreamed of immigrating to Israel and creating my life here," she says, and says that she decided to come precisely now and take the step because of the outbreak of the war.

"I felt in my gut that it was the right thing to do. I wasn't afraid, my heart so wanted to come here. I told myself that this is the time to do it. It's either now or never."

She says that although she was not afraid of the rising anti-Semitism in New York, she did feel uncomfortable: "The situation is not easy. You are actually a target because you are Jewish. There are more pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel demonstrations. There were times when I did not feel comfortable speaking Hebrew in Manhattan. There is a little fear This is not our country - and this is another reason why I wanted to come, to feel more belonging."

"The war made me realize that I belong here"

Rosalie Annaton (20), immigrated from France

Rosalie Anaton, photo: none

Rosalie was born and raised in Marseille, France.

She arrived in Israel in November, as part of a program of the "Gor Yehuda" pre-military training school, which trains young people from France who are interested in enlisting for significant service in the IDF.

In the second week of the war, she says, her father came here to volunteer.

She arrived a little after him, and at first she didn't know if she would do national service or the army.

Now she has decided that she will not only enlist, but also be a fighter.

"When I saw the war in France, it made me realize that I belong here. I felt proud. It was also important for my parents to come and help, and not just watch the war on TV."

The parents, she says, intended to immigrate to Israel in about two years, but when the war broke out, they decided to speed up the plans.

They sold their house in Marseille, and next month they will already arrive here.

Her family did not experience anti-Semitism in Marseille, according to her, and there are good relations between the Jewish community and the Muslim community in the city.

However, since the school attack in Toulouse, in which a teacher and three students were killed, her mother feared the same would happen in Marseille.

"Despite this, they do not come here because they are afraid, but because the war awakened in them the Jewish feeling and the understanding that their place is in Israel."

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Source: israelhayom

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