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The police will compensate a senior criminal in the north and pay a weekly fine until they return the equipment they confiscated from him - voila! news


Highlights: The police will compensate a senior criminal in the north and pay a weekly fine until they return the equipment they confiscated from him. Requests and decisions to return the gadgets seized from the head of the crime organization were repeatedly ignored. The vice president submitted to the defense attorneys and fined the Israel Police. At the police station they claim: "kidnapping" . The police raided targets in Tuba Zangrieh and arrested 14 suspects for crimes of arson and extortion of sponsorship fees.

Requests and decisions to return the gadgets seized from the head of the crime organization were repeatedly ignored at the police station, and the vice president submitted to the defense attorneys and fined the Israel Police. At the police station they claim: "kidnapping"

The police raided targets in Tuba Zangrieh and arrested 14 suspects for crimes of arson and extortion of sponsorship fees in the Kinneret region.

May 22, 2023/Israel Police Spokesperson

In the Israel Police, Mohammed Hasramah from the settlement of Bena is designated as the head of a crime organization in the north.

Nevertheless, she will pay him thousands of shekels, and another 750 shekels to the state treasury every week, until she returns all the gadgets she seized from him in recent years in his fortified house, down to the last one.

Thus, ruled the vice president of the Acre Magistrate's Court, Judge Abigail Zakaria.

In recent years, against the background of crime incidents attributed to him and his friends and a blood feud between two factions of the family, Hasramah was arrested as a suspect in dozens of murders, attempted murders and other serious crimes.

On countless occasions, the police raided his house surrounded by high walls, security cameras and surveillance, but his defense attorneys, Attorney Shlomi Sharon and Attorney Hussein Taha, rescued him from entanglements time after time, and dozens of investigation files were closed due to lack of evidence.

About six months ago, the defense attorneys contacted the police and asked for the return of the confiscated equipment, which includes cameras, drones, computers, mobile phones and more.

They responded by refusing and ignoring.

A police official said the requests were vague and general.

The police will compensate the head of the crime organization.

Police car/image processing, use according to Article 27 A of the Copyright Law

This was also the case when the police were contacted through the court.

At the beginning of August last year, Judge Zakaria ordered the police to return all the objects within seven days.

This did not happen either and no response was submitted to the court.

Another hearing was scheduled, the defense asked for an adjournment, and in the meantime a war broke out and all the hearings were postponed until yesterday's hearing was eventually scheduled.

"At the time of the appointment for today's hearing, not a single representative from the investigating unit showed up," the judge noted for the record, "only after the court's secretariat contacted the arresting prosecutor of the Majdal Chrome station came to the courtroom without having the relevant files in hand and even without knowing the request and the reaction".

She added that she has no grudge against the person claiming the arrests "who did his best to respect the court", however, at the end of the day she stated that "the Majdal Chrome station did not internalize the court's decisions and the court's comments and did justice to itself also in relation to For today's discussion."

"This is unacceptable conduct that blatantly disrespects a judicial decision," argued the lawyers against the Majdal Chrome station. "The police violated the decision of this honorable court and does not consider itself subject to its instructions."

They sought compensation for Hasramah under a contempt of court order.

More in Walla!

10 murdered in three years: the bloody family conflict that haunts the north

To the full article

The defense attorneys requested compensation according to a contempt of court order.

At the Peace Court in Acre/Adrian Herbstein

At the station they were alarmed, in retrospect, they called the appeal a "kidnapping attempt", were angry at the use of the term contempt of court and explained the difficulty with the criminals in question, 13 different suspects, some of whom have 50 cases and more.

"Each case is at a different stage of investigation, each suspect is a complete life," they said, "the life of an investigation case has a variable lifespan."

The station explained that some of the cases are handled at the Majdal Chrom station and some at the North District Court and other units, and a total of 142 cases are pending at the request of the lawyers.

With all the good will, we are unable to conduct ourselves this way and we will not be able to assist in this appeal."

However, Judge Zacharia appealed to the lawyers and ruled in the matter of contempt of court - as long as the decision on the return of the confiscated items is not upheld by 1/28/24, the Israel Police - the State of Israel with a weekly fine of 750 shekels for each week of delay in their return and that in addition to this, and regardless of the date of return, the Israel Police - the State of Israel will bear the expenses of the criminal Hasramah and his lawyer's shekels for a total of 2,340.

In response to the court's decision, the station is working on locating and returning The Israel Police stated: "As much as judicial criticism is heard, it is learned and, if necessary, the necessary lessons are drawn accordingly."

  • More on the same topic:

  • Israel Police

  • criminal organizations

Source: walla

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