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Diego Martínez and a positive forecast for Boca before the Professional League Cup


Highlights: Xeneize finished the preseason undefeated after the arrival of the new coach. They will make their debut against Platense, as a visitor, next weekend. Diego Martínez modified habits, changed attitudes and allowed a clear message. He predicts "a very high ceiling" for Boca before the Professional League Cup. The Uruguayan Edinson Cavani added his first minutes of the year from the substitute bench, after starting preparation with special care due to the tear suffered at the end of 2023.

Xeneize finished the preseason undefeated after the arrival of the new coach. They will make their debut against Platense, as a visitor, next weekend. Change of attitude and clear indications, the keys that Darío Benedetto highlighted.

Three friendlies, three wins and just one goal conceded


From a numerical point of view, Boca

's preseason

has little to object to, but nuances of rivals on the sidelines,

the team's main change is behind closed doors


The arrival of

Diego Martínez modified habits, changed attitudes and allowed a clear message

that is valued by the players themselves, who demonstrated it on the playing field.

Now we will have to wait for the performance to transfer to the

Professional League Cup

, where he will debut against


as a visitor, and for which the coach predicts

"a very high ceiling

. "

The 1-0 over

Gimnasia y Tiro in Salta

, the victory against

Estudiantes de Caseros

in Boca Predio and the 2-1 also as a visitor in Córdoba last Saturday against


left indications of what the commander of the new Xeneize cycle intends, which, in addition to the local tournament, will have the

Argentine Cup

and the

South American Cup

as its main objectives.

Photo: The Voice

"Because it is such a short preseason, the feelings are positive, the team has a very high ceiling

," said the coach, who put on the Boca jersey on January 2, after resolving his traumatic departure from Huracán for several weeks. .


We faced the most intense team in the country, with young players, on good footing and who have an extensive line of work

. At times we were able to impose ourselves with the hierarchy, I really liked passages of the first half, but there was a period that Talleres dominance and tied," he analyzed about the match against Talleres, where he won thanks to goals from Luca Langoni and Nicolás Figal.

Regarding the forward who emerged from the Inferiores, who hopes to recover after a series of injuries last year, Martínez considered that

"he has a direct ambition to go for the goal"

and recalled his formative stage when he was part of the Xeneize coaching staff.


"I have known Luca since he was very young, he is competitive, divine. With a huge heart and desire to make his career. We like him a lot.

When we met him he played more on the wing but at this moment, with the freedom to look for those attacking runs, understands very well when colleagues come down to bite behind his back," he assessed.

The Boca coach then referred to the return of the Uruguayan

Edinson Cavani

, who added his first minutes of the year from the substitute bench, after starting preparation with special care due to the tear suffered at the end of 2023.

"I saw him with a desire to play and a lot of predisposition, the work and the games will bring him closer to his best physical shape

," confided the coach, who has Miguel Merentiel as his 'fix' in the attack, so he will have to decide who will be Your partner.

A week after the debut in Vicente López, Martínez assumed that Boca still has to "grow" in its game:

"We have to feel that we are a team that we can dominate with and without the ball

. "

Photo: The Voice

"We are not tied to any system. Ezequiel (Bullaude) started playing on the right at one point. The important thing is to understand the moments and the functions. We do want to have superiority in the axis

," he clarified.

Martínez did not leave the market, taking into account that he suffered the important departure of Valentín Barco to Brighton in England and furthermore the landing of left-handed Kevin Zenón from Unión de Santa Fe.

"We will evaluate it with the people at the club to see if there is anywhere else for someone to arrive

," he warned.

Benedetto doesn't get off

But there is a fundamental point of this new Boca.

And that is presumed in every training session, in every video that has been seen of the practices that he and his coaching staff prepare, but also in the games.

This was recognized by forward

Darío Benedetto

, one of the team's leaders, after the victory in Córdoba.

"It is good to finish the preseason with a victory. We did a good preparation and now we are waiting for the start of the championship. We see a coaching staff with a lot of sacrifice, a desire to work and improve day by day. We are grasping the idea quickly, it is very clear in what he wants"

, highlighted Pipa.

Dario Benedetto and Marcos Rojo in preseason training.

Photo: Javier Garcia Martino - CABJ Press

Even though he did not have much participation in the preseason friendlies - he scored the winning goal against Estudiantes -, Benedetto left no doubts regarding his position:

"We are all here to add. One wants to play, but from wherever I am, "You have to be positive for the group. For my part, I am at the disposal of the coaching staff, whether I am a starter, substitute or supporting from the outside, always being positive. I had a great preseason and I hope I can have more minutes

. "

And he also came out to cross the versions about a possible departure from the club in the short term:

"The day I have to leave I have enough personality, I don't need anyone to come out and speak for me, I'm going to say it. No "There is nothing, it is reality. The day there is something and I make that decision, they will know it from me and not from the press

. "

Source: clarin

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