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Low in the sense of security: the majority of the public is not satisfied with the management of the campaign against Hezbollah and Hamas - voila! news


Highlights: Only 16% of the Jewish citizens of the State of Israel claim that the government's policy in the north of the country gives them confidence. 59% support proactive military action against Hezbollah, even at the cost of a confrontation with Iran. 65% believe that military action must be taken against Hezbollah until the threat is removed - even if there is a chance that this will lead to an all-out war against Lebanon. The study examined citizens' satisfaction with the Israeli government's policies on other fronts as well - and there the situation is not alarming either.

Only 16% of the Jewish citizens of the State of Israel claim that the government's policy in the north gives them security, and 59% support proactive military action against Hezbollah, even at the cost of a confrontation with Iran - according to a survey by Lobby 1701. What score did the management of the campaign against Hamas receive? And what about the question of responsibility? | all the answers

The Chief of Staff at the Northern Border: We are in a very strong state of readiness in the North, focusing on fighting Hamas January 3, 2024/IDF Spokesman

Only 16% of the Jewish citizens of the State of Israel claim that the government's policy in the north of the country gives them confidence - this is according to a study conducted for Lobby 1701 through the company "iPanel" and the results of which reached Walla today (Sunday).

On the other hand, 44% do not feel a sense of security following the government's policy.

The survey also shows that 65% of the Jewish citizens of Israel believe that military action must be taken against Hezbollah in the north until the threat is removed - even if there is a chance that this will lead to an all-out war against Lebanon.

In the same context, the data shows that 59% of those sampled support active military action against Hezbollah, even at the cost of a direct confrontation with Iran.

Only 9% opposed this statement and 32% answered that they were "not sure" about it.

However, an overwhelming majority of the public supports the attempt to reach a political settlement on the northern front: 82% of the respondents agreed that international pressure should be exerted to force Hezbollah to comply with UN Resolution 1701 and withdraw its forces from the border. On the other hand, only 3% of the respondents opposed this statement and 14% answered that they are not sure.

The Chief of Staff at the Northern Border: We are in a very strong state of readiness in the North, focusing on fighting Hamas January 3, 2024/IDF Spokesman

These data come from a study conducted among a representative sample of Jewish society in Israel - the aforementioned sample was conducted for Lobby 1701 through the iPanel company that conducts internet surveys.

The survey was carried out by researchers from the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University (Dr. Nimrod Nir, Assaf Shapira and Nimrod Zeldin), in which 1,475 Jewish citizens of Israel from the age of 18 and older participated. According to the company, the sample represents Israeli-Jewish society in terms of age, gender, degree Religiosity, area of ​​residence, political position and voter turnout in the last Knesset elections.

Lobby 1701 is a civil organization that arose against the background of the disaster on October 7, which, according to its founders, they "realized that such a massacre was supposed to and would still take place here in the northern sector of Israel, as part of the achievement of the terrorist organization's goal The most powerful in the world - Hezbollah." The initiators of the lobby claim: "The 1701 lobby brings together tens of thousands of residents of the Galilee and the entire country, along the 120 kilometers of the northern border, and it is designed to promote one goal: the return of security to the northern border by creating a buffer zone free from terrorism and an existential threat to our lives , in the territory of Lebanon - from the border of Israel and at least as far as the Litani River."

A Hezbollah barrage hit buildings in northern Israel.

January 8, 2023/Official Website, no

The study examined citizens' satisfaction with the Israeli government's policies on other fronts as well - and there the situation is not alarming either.

35% of the Jewish citizens of Israel believe that the conduct towards the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria is strong, 32% thought that the conduct was bad and 32% answered that the conduct was reasonable.

Also, regarding the management of the military campaign against Hamas in Gaza - 33% of the respondents answered that the conduct is strong, 30% answered "weak" and 38% answered that the management of the campaign is "reasonable".

Regarding the management of the campaign against Hezbollah, the situation is similar.

41% of the respondents answered that the management of the campaign was "bad", while only 22% answered that the management of the campaign in the north was "good", 36% answered - "reasonable".

Regarding Israel's policy towards Iran, it appears that 47% of Jewish Israeli citizens believe that the policy is "bad", only 23% believe that the conduct is "good" and 30% answered that the conduct towards Iran is "reasonable".

In the question "To what extent is the Israeli government strong or weak against Hezbollah?"

39% answered "strong" and 37% answered - "weak".

The same question was also asked about Hamas - where 47% answered that the Israeli government is strong against Hamas, while 35% claimed that it is "weak".

18% answered: "neither strong nor weak".

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited "Hiram" Brigade 769, Northern Border, January 8, 2023/Government Press Office, Amos Ben Gershom

In the shadow of the many criticisms that the government suffers in relation to its conduct - the degree of agreement of the citizens of Israel with various arguments was examined: 68% agreed with the criticism that speaks of "the lawlessness of the north and a lack of sufficient response to Hezbollah attacks" compared to 14% who opposed it.

Also, 65% believed that the criticism according to which "Israel does not act more firmly against Hamas" is correct - compared to 16% who opposed it.

In addition, 64% agreed with the criticism that the government does not take responsibility for the failure that led to the Hamas attack on October 7 - against 21% who opposed it.

Similar results were also obtained regarding the criticism leveled at Prime Minister Netanyahu, according to which he "does not take responsibility for the omission that led to the Hamas attack" - 62% agreed with this criticism - against 24% who opposed it and 16% who were not sure.

The survey also shows that 63% agree with the criticism that the Israeli government "deals with political interests and moves instead of focusing on the campaign", 23% opposed.

A similar rate of agreement also arose regarding criticisms of the handling of evacuees from the north and south, the government's refusal to abolish designated government offices, criticism of the manner in which the campaign was conducted, and the fact that the government is not preparing for the day after the war.

A car destroyed by a Hezbollah missile, Kiryat Shmona, January 2, 2024/Reuven Castro

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Nissan Zavi, one of the founders of Lobby 1701, stated that the results of the survey "clearly make it clear that all citizens of Israel, and the residents of the north in particular, understand that there is no escape from taking an Israeli initiative, international or military, to remove the tangible threat, the incessant shooting and the continued arming of the Hezbollah organization. We We will not allow 7.10 in the northern version. The decision-makers must know our expectations from the state. No longer a sense of security, but security."

Nissan Zaevi also emphasized that "the continuation of the passive reality of the State of Israel calls into question the continuation of settlement in the northern region of the country. The reality in which 60 thousand residents of the north became refugees in their own country is an unprecedented event in the history of the country, and is already causing tremendous damage, both in the economic aspect and in the aspect The social. Families are falling apart, and hundreds of businesses have already collapsed. Without a strong settlement on the northern border, Hezbollah will reach as far as Tel Aviv. And the results of the survey illustrate this."

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Source: walla

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