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Weekly horoscope: January 21-27, 2024 - voila! Spirit and horoscope


Highlights: Weekly horoscope: January 21-27, 2024 - voila! Spirit and horoscope. Here are some things that are going to change in your life this week. A weekly horoscope for each sign awaits you later in the forecast. do not miss! This is friends. This week, when Pluto moves into Aquarius, the process of change that will last twenty years begins - and that means that another twenty-year process finally ends today. More details about what awaits us in 2024/Yair Tribalsky

This week, when Pluto moves into Aquarius, the process of change that will last twenty years begins - and that means that another twenty-year process finally ends today. Here are some things that are going to change

More details about what awaits us in 2024/Yair Tribalsky

A weekly horoscope for each sign awaits you later in the forecast.

do not miss!

This is friends.

This week, when Pluto moves into the sign of Aquarius, the process of change that will last twenty years begins, and this means that another process that lasted for about twenty years is finally over.. Take a look back and see what ended in your life that started twenty years ago, and perhaps here lies the clue to what will happen in the next twenty years.

So.. Pluto and the Sun move this week to the social and open sign of Aquarius, and in contrast Venus moves to the introverted and tough sign of Capricorn, and Mercury clings to Mars and brings with it aggressive and not easy communication. Changes will reach everywhere, and not everyone will accept it happily: many people, as we know, hate having their cheese moved, especially if the one who has to do it is themselves.

Such a week.

The significant processes of the week:

1. Pluto moves into Aquarius.

2. The Sun moves into Aquarius.

3. Venus moves into Capricorn.

4. Mercury the planet of communication clings to the assertive planet Mars.

You have reached this sign.

Time for a significant change in your life/ShutterStock

The significant transitions of the week

There are actually three of them, the most significant of which is Pluto's transit to Aquarius.

Pluto moves into Aquarius -

Pluto is the most powerful planet among the other stars in the solar system in terms of its ability to influence.

He is also responsible for the most wonderful process that exists - death and birth, the true regeneration process is the death of the existing, and its birth in a new and renewed way.

The places it passes through experience this process, but it is important to remember that Pluto is a slow planet and the whole process will take twenty years.

But Pluto has a particularly significant effect and depth for the entire world of changes and upheavals, through the introduction of powerful energy into existing frameworks of action, an attempt to change the balance of forces within them, and the creation of radical revolutions and changes through conflicts and struggles.

Pluto evokes the need to define a territory and fight for it, but not only for the territory itself, but also for the vision and path of the ruler or the current course of action, when this struggle repeatedly sharpens the need for total control of an idea or principle and an attempt to completely erase the old on everything implied there as well .

The final goal - protecting existing values ​​from external takeover or revolution and building a new power to replace the old, just as things happen in nature, since Pluto itself symbolizes the power of nature that is constantly in need of development, growth, conquest, destruction and the creation of something new and God forbid.

If we remember that we are talking about twenty years, we will understand that we are talking about long processes, the main thing of which is to constantly be in a dynamic movement of conquering control, death, birth and regeneration, so that the strongest will survive and improve the next generation or build another power base on its ruins so that it too in turn enters into the struggle for its very existence, and returns God forbid: something dies so that something new can be born and God forbid - this is the essence of Pluto.

Pluto will affect all of us, specifically according to the position of the transit in the birth chart of each of us.

He will bring with him to this location new possibilities for renewal while clearing the old from his new and powerful approach.

Sometimes we will have to change our attitude and habits of years, but we will have no choice: Pluto is unforgiving towards those who do not listen to the forces of nature, and act according to them.

The sun moves into the sign of Aquarius -

Aquarius, Aquarians!

The sun moves into your sign almost simultaneously with Pluto, and it's definitely an interesting start to a fascinating year ahead.

The conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius will last two or three days, and may bring with it some interesting initiatives to promote or change processes in which we are all involved in one way or another, politically, socially, and even militarily.

The great openness of the Sun in Aquarius will also bring with it a fresh and interesting approach also technologically this week and the social side in general will receive a greater investment of energy.

Will be interesting.

The emotional Venus moves to the sign of Capricorn -

to the cluster of stars that includes Mars and Mercury that are in the sign of Capricorn, the emotional Venus is also added this week.

This is a burdensome and not easy position for Venus and our relationships in general, but also in matters of material and money and financial conduct we may find ourselves in a place that requires us to cut expenses and start taking into account when we shop and build a new and more economical approach to spending money.

Emotionally, many of us will now feel alone in the battle, and many couples will be happy to take a break now to make decisions related to the relationship, whether to stay in it or upgrade it.

Gravity and loneliness - these are the significant words for our emotional world, when Venus enters Capricorn.

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Something dies so that something new can be born and God forbid - this is the essence of Pluto/ShutterStock

The difficult angle of the week

This week's difficult angle is the conjunction between Mercury, our communication star, and Mars, the action star.

Since Mars is essentially a bellicose and disharmonious planet, Mercury's conjunct to it also makes our communication like this.

Now every argument becomes a real ego struggle, and our identification with our opinions becomes very high and the words - particularly belligerent.

The dose of quarrels and conflicts will be particularly high this week, and we can also witness quite a bit of verbal violence online in the government or anywhere where two people argue passionately.

It is especially important this week to know when to leave arguments and differences of opinion and not allow arguments to escalate, since we will all lose from this.

It's good to count to ten before exploding, and don't forget the possibility of a smile at the end, so that we can continue to talk later and not spoil good communication because of an excess of emotions.

Do not allow arguments to escalate, because we will all lose from this/ShutterStock, angry husband

The weekly forecast according to zodiac signs:


Conjunction between Mars, the ruler of your luck, and Mercury, the planet of communication, makes you particularly communicative this week, but it is important to avoid misinterpretations of the words of others.

Be especially careful on the roads and paths.

The emotional Taurus Venus

moves to Capricorn which also belongs to the earth element.

This is a good time to take advantage of her transition to conduct a real home inspection in everything related to material and finances, to change priorities for spending money, and to organize financially for the long term.


Mercury Your ruler clings to the aggressive Mars, and your words may now be aggressive and unpleasant when talking about opinions that differ from your own.

It is important not to fight with people who think differently, and beware of an overly aggressive leader.


emotional Venus joins Mars and Mercury in Capricorn which inhabits your house of relationships.

This is a time to invest a little more in the emotional communication with your parents, be more attentive, and talk about what is really important to you.


the sun that controls your luck, moves to Aquarius, which inhabits the house of materiality and your relationship, and this is exactly the time to get out of yourself a little, and with the help of Pluto, connect to your true power, and think about realizing an idea or a dream you wanted...


, the need to do things from your unique personal expression is getting stronger, and with it the romance is also getting stronger.

This is a creative time to act in close relationships, and a creative time in the professional field as well.

Now is the time to think outside the box.


from the transit of Venus ruling your sign to Capricorn indicates the need to invest her love energy in the home and family.

This is also a good time to reorganize financially, renovate the house or even move and work at home, and be there for others.


Pluto, the ruler of your sign, moves today to Aquarius where it will stay for about twenty years, and this change may be excellent for you.

This is the time to connect with your charm and power that were a little introverted or closed, help them open up, and think about how to realize them in a big way.

The rainbow of

the star cluster in Capricorn that inhabits your house of material and finances increases this week, forcing our rainbow to act a little differently with less spontaneity and lightness and more planning and organization in advance.

It's time to get down to practical ground, and stay there for now.


Something good is happening to you today, Capricorns: emotional Venus is moving into your sign, and will help you in the coming period to open your heart, let emotion enter, and even translate it into material and financial matters.

The time has come to integrate emotion into Nablus relationships in a profound way.


Both the sun and the planet Pluto move into your sign, when the sun celebrates the days of the month's departure for you and Pluto will help you meet your true potential in the coming period, and think about how to realize it to the maximum.

An interesting period is upon us.


from the large constellation of Capricorn which from this week includes Mars, Mercury and Venus helps you promote issues that are important to you in front of institutions and organizations in your life.

A good time for a journey of personal growth and expanding horizons, studying interesting topics, and in-depth conversations in the moment.

  • More on the same topic:

  • horoscope

  • astrology

  • Status of the stars of the week

  • Fortunes

  • daily horoscope

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-01-21

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