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Little Fish: who are the creators of the Shark Fish sleight of hand


Highlights: Cecilia Peredo and Iván Fonrouge form Pequeno Pez, a music band for childhood. The group was declared of Cultural Interest by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. With respect, tenderness, art and warmth, they build games and songs that give life to stories and characters. The tongue twisters, the riddles and the new English versions of Fish Shark or In my house demonstrate their educational purpose. They will soon be presented in Buenos Aires at the Teatro Astros (Av. Corrientes 746)

Cecilia Peredo and Iván Fonrouge tell the story of the band and its best-known song. Why riddles, body games, tongue twisters and playful songs became their “trademark.”

Cecilia Peredo and Iván Fonrouge are excited when they see that the stuffed animal of

Óscar the Octopus

is a child's favorite doll or they find out that a garden room was named after the children's musical band they formed,

Pequeno Pez


With respect, tenderness,

art and warmth

, they build

games and songs

that give life to stories and characters in five albums and three singles, numerous videos and live performances.

They will soon be presented in Buenos Aires at the Teatro Astros (Av. Corrientes 746).

Declared of Cultural Interest

by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the group started fifteen years ago with the help of Cecilia, who studied at the Municipal Theater School of Bahía Blanca and, once in Buenos Aires, received her degree at the Institute National Dramatic Art (IUNA).

It started as a theater company

for children, it changed and, with the incorporation of Iván seven years ago, it established itself as a music band.

“What's under the bed?

What's up, what's up, what's up?

A monster in pajamas!

"Oh, how scared I am!", begins the song


, which emphasizes the

fears of the boys

and released a video recently.

Another - reminiscent of the great

Why I Didn't Send You to the Late Shift

, by Los Raviolis - is

El rock de la cama

, a song for boys and girls to express their desire to continue sleeping in the form of a

tribute to Elvis


Body games


another of their trademarks, such as

Pez Tiburón




Palo palito

, playful songs that invite you to play.

The tongue twisters, the


(they have a whole series) and the new

English versions


Fish Shark


In my house

demonstrate their educational purpose:

“We realized how important it is

to teach with music

, because they learn in a different way.

When making a record we look for it to be complete and that they have played in all the ways, that is, that it has riddles, a tongue twister, a body game, a cumulative game - which helps memory -, a role-playing game," says Cecilia -aka Galaxia-.

Cecilia Peredo -known as Galaxia- and Iván Fonrouge -Cone- form Pequeno Pez, a music band for childhood.

Photo: courtesy of Little Fish.

Animal lovers and vegetarians, they seek to convey a message of respect and care for the environment: “We feel very

responsible for being able to leave those little seeds of awareness


Iván - known as Cone - tells how they organize themselves to compose: “This wonderful woman doesn't stop coming up with ideas, and I agree.

She brings me the melody with the lyrics, I play everything on the guitar and collaborate as much as I can.”

His songs also gave life to various characters, such as

Óscar el Octopus


La Mosca Sopapa


Mi gato Toto Tomás


Galaxia narrates: “When he taught theater classes, he had a student who was


because he liked to read and was introverted;

From there arose the story of the

dinosaur Romario

, who instead of being linked to violence, likes to read and contemplate the stars and has a friend who is of another species, smaller, who is a canary.

This is to say that the hero is not always the strong one, but he can be sensitive.”

Own seal

With a proposal to bring quality art to homes, its performers are influenced by the lyrics of María Elena Walsh and the most varied music, which goes beyond children.

That is why they seek to unite “

poetic lyrics, with some message

”, with different genres and styles, such as rock and roll, reggae, salsa, cumbia, chacarera, carnavalito, among others.


The group of Cecilia Peredo and Iván Fonrouge was declared of Cultural Interest by the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

They work on their


with great detail, creating a different universe for each song, with illustrations and aesthetics that accompany them: “We make a composition, not just of a song, but we look for illustrators, designers or different techniques - such as stop motion - so that

each “video is a world

for them and it reaches them from different sides, from art in all its forms.”

For example, the


they use in shows and in many videos are covered with paint: Cecilia makes them

by hand

every six months (because they wear out with washing).

“When the kids take photos with us at the end of the shows, they are surprised to see the layers and texture of the paint.”

The costumes they use in shows and in many videos are intervened with paint.

Photo: courtesy of Little Fish.

“The multiplicity of

artistic disciplines

with which we work when making a song, a show or a video is part of the essence of Peque,” ​​says Galaxia.

“From the costumes, the props, the characters, the puppets or marionettes, the dance, the images that are projected -in the case of a show-.

We like to work with a lot of artistic branches and it ends up being a


that differentiates us quite a bit from other bands.”

Along these lines, Cone adds: “We work from the


of doing things because we like them and in the way we want and it is not imposed by anything or anyone.

We work and amass ideas a lot,

the work we do

is very genuine .”


Cecilia is the director, actress, singer, bassist, composer, producer and manager of the group, which

took off in the months of confinement

during the pandemic: “We were left without work, no one went to school and everyone had the need to entertain themselves some way.

We started having Zoom meetings, where we invited everyone - who in fact connected from anywhere - and we played, we made songs."

The meetings were repeated

once a week

and the audience grew more and more.

Which forced them to generate new content to always offer something different.

“We started creating and that's how

the games began to emerge

, so that they weren't just songs, but rather gave rise to a back-and-forth.

The first was

Shark Fish

and that is why it is so special that it was liked so much.

In fact, many games that we recorded some time later were born in the ZoomPez during the pandemic year.”

It was the worst and the best year

for us, although we knew it later.

Today there are families who remember us for that.

We maintained that all year, despite our problems, being out of work... It was a very difficult year and then it ended up being the best, since as a result of that we became known much more and our career began to improve," reflects the group director.

They say that it was during a pandemic when playful games and songs began to emerge.

Photo: courtesy of Little Fish.

“Those encounters

kept us 'alive'


In a time of so much anguish, it helped us generate new ideas and have a reason, since we had to work to make that day of the week incredible,” Cone recalls.

Shark fish

“Fish fish, palm and head.

Fish fish, palm and feet.

Shark, palm and ears.

“Shark, palm and the nose.”

This is how the catchy

Shark Fish

sounds , one of his “hits” that invite you to play.

The artists also talk about the demands of the world of networks and platforms: “The industry demands content from you to belong, but if you upload a video every day, I don't know how much artistic and creative background it can have... We go at our own pace sharing material of which we are

proud and calm

with our conscience that we are providing something of quality for childhood, because we know that we are their references and that

we are marking the most important part of their lives


Pequeno Pez will be presented at the Astros Theater on January 27 and February 3.

Source: clarin

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