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The 4 zodiac signs that will have the most action in bed in 2024 - voila! Spirit and horoscope


Highlights: Astrologer Rida Weigel analyzed survey data provided by the dating site Match to determine which four zodiac signs will have the most sex this year. According to the survey data published by Match, Aquarius experiences the highest rate of intimacy - with 52% of Aquarius reporting having sex multiple times a month. Aries tend to be direct when it comes to their desires, which explains their second place on the list. Capricorn comes in the fourth and respectable place with 31% testifying that they have sex often.

Who are the four zodiac signs that are going to be very sexually active this year and is yours on the list?

The zodiac signs that are sick of sex/

The winter season is definitely the perfect season to "snuggle" with someone under the duvet.

While some aspire to this, others have already had the pleasure of "cuddle" with quite a few of them.

Studies indicate a connection between sex and longevity and a better night's sleep.

Astrologer Rida Weigel analyzed survey data provided by the dating site Match to determine which four zodiac signs will have the most sex this year, sharing her findings with the New York Post. Here they are:

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

according to According to the survey data published by Match, Aquarius experiences the highest rate of intimacy - with 52% of Aquarius reporting having sex multiple times a month - and with different partners, presumably to find who and what they really like. This can also be attributed to That Aquarians have a very broad definition of sex and what it might include: masturbation (alone or mutual), simulation, VR, dry sex, etc.

Open-mindedness and emotional objectivity are the hallmarks of this air sign, who as a result is usually willing to accept the The strange, to enjoy the unexpected - both in partners and in scenarios - and maintain healthy and cyclical sex habits.

Daily and yearly horoscope for Aquarius >>

For more details about the sign including marital compatibility >>

Aquarius boys and girls had the most sex last year/ShutterStock

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries tend to be direct when it comes to their desires, which explains their second place on the list.

50% of respondents reported having plenty of sex in a calendar month.

Due to their athletic energy and unbridled enthusiasm, Aries tend to see sex as a sport rather than an emotional merging of souls.

Regardless of emotional expectations or strict definitions, sex becomes a great way for them to have fun and burn calories.

Daily and yearly horoscope for Aries >>

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Don't let the Virgo constellation fool you, friends: Virgo sons and daughters are some of the strangest people out there.

As the rulers of the sixth house of rituals and services, Virgos see sex as their daily bread, along with probiotics and dental hygiene.

As a service-oriented sign, they are deeply invested in the pleasure of others, which makes them excellent—if not super experimental—sexual partners.

Ruled by Mercury and tied to the earth, the sexual act takes them out of the peace of mind and into a turbulent body rhythm.

Sex is how they regulate themselves and connect to the excitement of the world that so often disappoints them.

They came third on the list with 32% reporting a fairly sexually active life.

Daily and yearly horoscope for Virgo >>

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Don't let the virgin fortune fool you.

They are very active in bed/ShutterStock

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn comes in the fourth and respectable place with 31% testifying that they have sex many times a month.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, meaning that Capricorn men and women do not hesitate to state their needs and/or initiate physicality.

Their high numbers may also be a result of their strategic approach to life and sex.

These people like to do it more than once with the same partner in the same meeting, believing that they can anticipate their future sexual desire and use this compressed experience to pass their work week with a sense of satisfaction - until they have time for the next sexual meeting.

Daily and yearly horoscope for Capricorn >>

  • More on the same topic:

  • sex

  • Fortunes

  • astrology

Source: walla

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