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Netanyahu, Lapid and Herzog in special speeches: 75 years of the Knesset in the shadow of the war - voila! news


Highlights: Netanyahu, Lapid and Herzog in special speeches: 75 years of the Knesset in the shadow of the war - voila! news. The special meeting opened with a minute's silence in memory of those killed on October 7 and the IDF soldiers who fell in the war. Afterwards, the chief military cantor, Lt. Col. Shay Abramson offered a prayer for the peace of the soldiers who are operating in the Gaza Strip and the Northern sector. "They fought together, they fell together, so that we - we can live here together," he said.

At the special meeting on the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the Knesset in 1949, Herzog, Netanyahu, Lapid and Ohana will speak. The chief military cantor will offer a prayer for the peace of the IDF soldiers operating in the Gaza Strip and the Northern sector


In the shadow of the war in Gaza, the Knesset plenum will hold a special meeting today (Wednesday) to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the legislative authority - founded in 1949. The special meeting opened with a minute's silence in memory of those killed on October 7 and the IDF soldiers who fell in the war.

"The seventy-fifth birthday of the Knesset , is not happy birthday.

The people of Israel is in one of its most difficult moments, fighting for its right to life and security, peace and tranquility," said Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, "but we have always known how to grow and grow, build and build, learn and teach, blossom and blossom, live, and bring life into the world.

It will be the same this time too." He quoted words written by the fighters Elkana Wiesel, Ahmed Abu Latif and Nir Binyamin who fell this week in the battle in the Gaza Strip and said: "They fought together, they fell together, so that we - we can live here together."

Afterwards, the chief military cantor, Lt. Col. Shay Abramson offered a prayer for the peace of the IDF soldiers who are operating in the Gaza Strip and the Northern sector.

Knesset of Israel/photo processing, Noam Moshkowitz

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Source: walla

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