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Trump wins in New Hampshire - Haley wants to keep fighting


Highlights: Trump wins in New Hampshire - Haley wants to keep fighting. Trump verbally attacked his rival during his victory speech in the city of Nashua. “She's doing a victory lap and we beat her so clearly,” he said. The 77-year-old called his former ambassador to the United Nations an ‘imposter’ Trump cemented his power within the party. A new edition of the election campaign between him and Democratic President Joe Biden is becoming increasingly likely.

As of: January 24, 2024, 6:09 a.m




The fact that Trump is now also victorious in New Hampshire shows once again how firmly the party base is behind the 77-year-old.

© Matt Rourke/AP/dpa

Donald Trump also secured first place in the Republican primary in New Hampshire.

His competitor Nikki Haley is left behind.

But the Republican doesn't want to give in.

Concord/Washington - In the fight for the US Republican presidential nomination, the former incumbent Donald Trump also achieved a clear victory in the second primary election.

His competitor Nikki Haley ended up in second place in the evening (local time) in the state of New Hampshire with a passable result - but her hopes of a close race or even a victory were not fulfilled.

Haley was nevertheless combative and announced that she wanted to stay in the race.

With the vote in New Hampshire, Trump cemented his power within the party.

A new edition of the election campaign between him and Democratic President Joe Biden is becoming increasingly likely.

Despite his success, Trump verbally attacked his rival during his victory speech in the city of Nashua in New Hampshire and was literally foaming with anger.

“She's doing a victory lap and we beat her so clearly,” he said.

The 77-year-old called his former ambassador to the United Nations an “imposter” and downplayed her results.

“She’s not going to win,” he said.

But his speech made it clear that he definitely sees Haley as a danger.

According to forecasts, Trump won in New Hampshire with well over 50 percent of the vote - and continued his success after the first primary election in the state of Iowa last week.

Haley's vote deficit in New Hampshire was put at more than ten percentage points.

Despite a good starting point for Haley, Trump scores

The Republican race, for which there were originally far more candidates in the field, is now just a duel between Trump and Haley.

Since the weekend and the departure of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, there have been no other serious candidates.

Nationwide, Trump has an average of just under 68 percent in polls, Haley is only a good 12. That's why a victory for the 52-year-old in New Hampshire would have been particularly important in order to gain new momentum for her election campaign.

With her loss to Trump in New Hampshire, it's now hard to imagine how Haley plans to turn things around again.

She would still have had the best chance of winning against Trump in the small state in New England.

According to media reports, Donald Trump has won the next Republican primary.

© Matt Rourke/AP/dpa

Haley, who as a diplomat once had to represent Trump's confrontational foreign policy on the international stage, is seen by the public as more politically moderate than her former boss and is also much more moderate in her rhetoric.

In New Hampshire she hoped for success because of the less radically minded electorate in the conservative camp.

The state also has the special feature that voters who do not feel like they belong to the Republicans per se and are not registered as such (so-called independents) are also allowed to take part in the party's primaries.

The votes of this group of voters usually benefit the more moderate Republican candidates.

Trump claimed in his speech that Haley only got her result with the "enormous number" of votes from these people - and described them as Democrats who only voted to make him look as bad as possible.

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Anyone who wants to become a presidential candidate in the USA must first prevail in internal party primaries.

The candidates will then be officially chosen at the Republican and Democratic party conferences in the summer.

The actual presidential election is on November 5th.

While the first primary election in Iowa was voted at party meetings, the so-called caucus meetings, people in New Hampshire decided on their favorite in the traditional way at polling stations on Tuesday.

Haley hopes to play at home in South Carolina

Observers assumed that Haley could quit if he lost in New Hampshire.

But she made it clear in her speech after the vote: “The race is far from over, there are still dozens of states that are still ahead of us.” The next important milestone for her will be the vote in her home state of South Carolina at the end of February be.

Haley was governor there for six years.

A defeat against Trump in the southern state would therefore be particularly embarrassing for Haley.

But even there, Trump is leading by a wide margin in polls.

Despite defeat in the New Hampshire primary: Nikki Haley wants to continue fighting for the Republican presidential nomination.

© Charles Krupa/AP

Haley has clearly fought her way forward in the power struggle within the party in recent months.

When she announced her bid, she was polling in the low single digits.

But at this point it seems extremely unlikely that she could overtake Trump.

In the USA, it is not ruled out that Haley could aim for the office of US Vice President at Trump's side.

However, in the past few days she has verbally attacked her competitor more violently than ever.

Trump recently indicated that he had a candidate in mind for the office - but did not name any names.

There is speculation about the ultra-radical Elise Stefanik, who is particularly loyal to him and sits for the Republicans in the US House of Representatives and is campaigning heavily for Trump.

There are four criminal proceedings underway against the former president - including because of his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

At that time he lost to the Democrat Biden, who now wants to defend his place in the White House despite skepticism in his own party.

For many Democrats, the 81-year-old is too old, although Trump is only four years younger.

Biden achieves symbolic success

The Democrats also voted on their candidate for the presidential election in New Hampshire on Tuesday - and named Biden the winner.

However, his success is more of a symbolic nature, because the delegate votes secured in the state will not be taken into account at the Democratic nomination convention in the summer.

The background is an internal dispute among the Democrats over the conduct of the primaries.

Anyone who wants to become a presidential candidate in the USA must first prevail in the party's internal primaries - things are going well for Trump so far.

© Matt Rourke/AP

Biden, who wants to run for a second term as president in November, was not even put on the ballot in the primary election.

Only largely unknown candidates who had no chance were listed there.

Nevertheless, voters were able to enter Biden’s name.

In this way he secured victory - and some tailwind for the election campaign.

As the incumbent, Biden has no serious competition in the Democratic primaries.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-24

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