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What are the 7 superfoods that help you lose weight naturally?


Highlights: Superfoods are those that, due to their nutritional characteristics, offer numerous health benefits. Salmon has omega-3, which helps to gain muscle mass and burn more fat. Legumes force the system to burn more energy for decomposition. Green tea is combined with an antioxidant substance called cchin that stimulates the nervous system and increases fat burning. The effect of chili, pepper or chili gives better results when it is hot. Opt for those that are "bearable" for weight loss.

These foods for weight loss provide numerous health benefits. They are easy to find and offer variations in the kitchen.

How do I lose weight without stopping eating?

The answer to the million-dollar question depends on many factors and diet is essential.

In fact, when it comes to health, there are


that also help you lose weight.

Superfoods are those that, due to their nutritional characteristics such as

antioxidants, vitamins, fiber

and others, offer numerous health benefits.

Therefore, it is essential to appropriately select what we are going to add to our daily diet,

accompanied by physical activity and other changes in habits

, explained from the

Mayo Clinic

site , a non-profit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education and research. .

Precisely with this formula, specialists affirm that only by choosing well what we eat, we can

burn up to 300 calories a day.

When we eat foods that have not been processed beforehand,

the body is forced to work harder to break them down

, so we burn more calories and store less fat.

What food helps you to loose weight

First of all, it is important to point out that you should always consult


La Vanguardia

lists some superfoods that, in addition to offering various possibilities to create in the kitchen, will help us maintain shape and lose weight.

Salmon to burn fat

It has omega-3, which helps to gain muscle mass and burn more fat: muscle is a metabolically active tissue that needs calories to maintain itself and obtains them mainly from fat.

Salmon is a fish rich in omega 3.

Omega 3 could also help

reduce cortisol levels

and thus fat storage.

For example, smoked salmon is ideal as an appetizer.

In sliced ​​bread - whole wheat if possible - or canapés, it can be incorporated into the diet through light meals.

yogurt for weight loss

Studies show, on the one hand, that

calcium helps prevent fat accumulation

and, on the other, that probiotics reduce fat in the liver.

It is also proven that the composition of the intestinal microbiota differs between people with normal weight and those who are overweight or obese.

Thus, if we want to take care of our weight, it seems logical to think that

consuming probiotics helps.

A recommendation is

to drink two yogurts a day.

If the routine is boring, combine it with nuts or cereals.

avocado or avocado

Combine essential fatty acids, monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, which help

deal with inflammation and clean blood vessels.

The avocado, a superfood with multiple properties.

Photo: Shutterstock

The avocado has many health benefits for weight maintenance, which are supported by studies published by the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Because it is rich in fiber, it also helps burn calories.

It is a superfood whose success is due, in part, to its versatility in the kitchen.

Loved and hated for its texture, it is gaining more and more followers for its properties.

Legumes for energy

Due to their

high starch and fiber content

, they force the system to burn more energy for decomposition.

Some maintain that its consumption increases

calorie burning by up to 24% throughout the day

, according to a study shown in the


An excellent idea is to look for a starchy food at each meal.

Rice, pasta, cereals or corn

are other safe sources.

Chilli Peppers

Although the burn they cause in the mouth generates pain for some and pleasure for others, capsaicin

, the compound that produces these sensations

, can prompt the body to burn 50 to 100 extra calories after a spicy meal.

They claim that chili or hot peppers work best hot.

It would then be a great remedy to combat obesity, they explain.

The effect of chili, pepper or chili gives

better results when it is hot


Opt for those that are "bearable."

Coffee for metabolism

Ideal for waking us up at breakfast, it keeps us active at midday and also

increases metabolism by up to 15%


Caffeine helps mobilize forces that burn stored fat.

It is advisable to drink between one and two cups per day, and if it is a matter of choosing the moment, especially before exercise.

Green tea for weight loss

Caffeine is combined with an

antioxidant substance from plants called catechin

, a mixture that stimulates the nervous system and increases fat burning.

Green tea, an infusion that helps burn fat.

Scientific work published in


magazine suggests that drinking green tea helps you lose weight and trim your waist.

One possibility that specialists recommend is to alternate drinking green tea with coffee, since it can become a habit that can generate anxiety.


La Vanguardia

Source: clarin

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