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"It was a metabolic phrase": Pablo Moyano's failure to explain his threat to throw Luis Caputo into the Riachuelo


Highlights: Pablo Moyano was one of the main speakers at the event in front of Congress. He wanted to tone down his strong phrase against the minister, but it ended up going viral due to a mistake. Moyano himself seemed to realize that he had not used the correct word, he tried to correct himself, but he did not get it right either. The statements about Caputo being thrown into the river were received in an obviously bad way by the same official, who suggested that justice should act ex officio.

The truck driver wanted to tone down his strong phrase against the minister, but it ended up going viral due to a mistake. He wanted to say that it was a metaphor, but he was confused twice. Patricia Bullrich's rebuke, with Prefecture.

Aside from the political repercussions of the strike and mobilization called by the CGT, the day of protest left

a pearl that soon went viral

on social networks.

Pablo Moyano was the protagonist of an unusual failure

when he tried to tone down his phrase about “throwing Minister Luis Caputo into the Riachuelo” and assured that it was

“a metabolic phrase

. ”

The leader of the Truckers union was one of the main speakers at the event held

in front of Congress


In his speech he recalled that Javier Milei had said that Caputo had to be carried away due to the economic measures implemented.

"[Milei] said that the Minister of Economy, because of the measures he is taking,

must be carried along, the same Minister of Economy who was a partner of Macri

, who fled 45 billion dollars, who should be parading through the Courts "exclaimed Moyano.

"The President says that we have to carry it in a carry," he returned to the same image, "and I tell him that if he carries out these economic measures of adjustment, dismissal, the workers and retirees

are going to carry it in a pack to the minister, but to throw it into the Riachuelo

," he completed.

The statements about Caputo being thrown into the river were

received in an obviously bad way

by the same official, who suggested that justice should act ex officio, something that finally happened this Wednesday afternoon.

Pablo Moyano was one of the main speakers at the event in front of Congress.

Photo Marcelo Carroll.

Once the event was over, the press asked Moyano about his controversial phrase.

"Did you find it unfortunate when Espert said bullet or jail?"

Moyano tried to excuse himself to the journalist who had specifically asked him about what he said.

"The president bitched at the Pope, he vindicated Thatcher, Reagan, and nobody said anything," he continued along the same lines.

And he added: "Many workers do not have enough money, they cannot pay the rent...

A metabolic phrase! We are not going to throw it into the Riachuelo!"

Moyano himself

seemed to realize that he had not used the correct word

, he tried to correct himself, but he did not get it right either since he again said that it was a “metabolic phrase” instead of a “metaphorical phrase”, on the second occasion, almost mumbling.

Patricia Bullrich's peculiar response to Pablo Moyano's threat to throw Luis Caputo into the Riachuelo

From the main stage of the CGT event in front of Congress, Pablo Moyano, one of the CGT leaders and leader of the Truckers union, launched a threat to the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo: "They are going to carry him away, but to throw it into the stream."

Post by Patricia Bullrich on Instagram in a private defense of Luis Caputo

And the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, answered: "Do they want to throw Caputo into the Riachuelo?

The Prefecture is going to be attentive to rescue him,

just as

the minister is going to rescue the economy

that they sank."


Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-25

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