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Bigon pays for the end-of-life breach, the Verona PD torpedoes it - News


Highlights: Bigon pays for the end-of-life breach, the Verona PD torpedoes it. Bigon's decision to abstain on the end of life issue had aroused strong discontent in the regional Democratic Party. The party statute, in fact, does not allow'revenge' - expulsion or suspension laws - on those who vote in dissent from the group. The decision against Bigon sets off a "democracy alarm" which is once again launched by Graziano Delrio from Rome.

Dem leaders, autonomous choice. Delrio defends it, "inadmissible" (ANSA)

The split from the party in the vote on the Venetian law on the end of life cost PD councilor Anna Maria Bigon the rank of deputy provincial secretary.

An autonomous initiative of the Verona secretariat, the Dem leaders immediately explained from Rome.

The dethronement as deputy secretary was in fact decided and announced by the provincial head of the Democratic Party in Verona, Franco Bonfante.

The party statute, in fact, does not allow 'revenge' - expulsion or suspension laws - on those who vote in dissent from the group, even more so on ethical issues, such as that of medically assisted suicide.

It is true that Bigon's decision to abstain on the end of life issue, giving a hand to the right which with the votes against of Fdi and Fi had scuppered the law, putting Zaia and the more progressive League under control, had aroused strong discontent in the regional Democratic Party.

"Zaia has lost an important battle and the center-right has missed an opportunity for modernity - said the group leader in the Region, Vanessa Camani - But we too have missed an opportunity. If you are within a political community you cannot ignore grammar of respect and taking charge of complexity. There are values ​​around which we find ourselves."

So, having let the bad mood settle, it was the Verona Democratic Party that gave voice to those in the Dems who had expressed themselves bluntly against Bigon.

"We have learned of the decision of the provincial secretary of the Verona Democratic Party, Franco Bonfante, to relieve regional councilor Bigon from the role of deputy secretary. A choice which is not the result of national and regional decisions, but made by Bonfante in total autonomy" they commented this evening the regional secretary Andrea Martella and the national organization manager of the Democratic Party Igor Taruffi.

Bonfante interpreted the revocation of the delegation as follows: "due to the breakdown of the relationship of political trust, taking into account the general sentiment of members and voters of the Veronese PD, the vast majority disconcerted and disappointed by Bigon's choice and in favor of regulating the end of life following the ruling of the Council".

"I don't believe in disciplinary sanctions on ethical issues, and it is correct that freedom to vote is left for reasons of conscience - added Bonfante - But those who practice it must be aware of the political consequences, even more so if there were alternatives, such as the exited the classroom."

The decision against Bigon sets off a "democracy alarm" which is once again launched by Graziano Delrio from Rome who, already at the beginning of the affair, had threatened to suspend himself in the event of measures being taken against the councillor: "it is a bad signal" and it is "inadmissible that one wants try a person for his ideas".

Although I don't agree with the decision,

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Source: ansa

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