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Precisely this year - "Tu Bashvet is a message of growth, hope, renewal and rootedness" | Israel Hayom


Highlights: KKL-Junk has been at the forefront of aid to civilians and the security system since the outbreak of the war. Chairman Yifat Ovadia Loski: "We are here, we will not be displaced" Tu Bashvet, which will unfortunately be celebrated this year in the shadow of the Iron Swords War, is also a time to observe the many challenges that the State of Israel, its soldiers and citizens have faced since October 7, and also those that are still ahead of us.

Since the outbreak of the war, KKL-Junk has been at the forefront of aid to civilians and the security system • Just before the celebration of the holiday in the shadow of the fighting, we heard about the extensive activity in recent months - and what is expected in the future • KKL-Junk Chairman Yifat Ovadia Loski: "We are here, we will not be displaced"

In collaboration with the Kimat Foundation for Israel

Tu Bashvet, which will unfortunately be celebrated this year in the shadow of the Iron Swords War, is also a time to observe the many challenges that the State of Israel, its soldiers and citizens have faced since October 7, and also those that are still ahead of us. The main one is, to use the symbolism of the holiday, how to plant tomorrow of all of us.

The one who stands at the forefront of these challenges is the National Fund for Israel, which has been assisting anyone who needs assistance since the outbreak of the war.

"From the moment the war broke out, we made some dramatic decisions," says KKL chairman Yifat Ovadia Loski.

"First of all, in terms of the immediate assistance to the surrounding settlements, we assisted in the evacuation of thousands of residents and made sure to provide them with respite and educational activities.

"Beyond that, we helped with tens of millions of shekels for the security equipment of the standby units, both in the south and in the north, and also for the equipment of the various security forces in all sectors.

"Another issue on which we place great emphasis is commemoration and heritage. As part of this, we recently launched the Heroes' Path at the entrance to Ofakim Park, which was designed to honor and commemorate the heroism of the Israeli women who acted calmly and saved the lives of dozens of people during the brutal attack. These heroic women, from those who fought to hold the The door of the MMD, through the Rabbis of Titzit, the brave female soldiers and policewomen to the female doctors and medics who saved hundreds of human lives - they did not give in to fear, did not stop to rest, showed resourcefulness and acted without hesitation. 

"We decided to pave a path in their honor, because the heroines of October 7 are part of a long path, which starts long before us and will continue long after us.

"Another commemorative activity we held this week is a special planting event at the Reim parking lot, where we hosted the bereaved families who lost their loved ones at parties. Together with the families, KKL-Junk turns the black and sooty Nova complex into a green complex, commemorating the murdered by planting new trees in the space. 

"As for the future, I can say that it is clear to me that KKL-Junk will take a central part in the rehabilitation, both physically and in the aspects of education and resilience of the communities, for example through agricultural training, whether through the connection of aliyah nuclear power from abroad to some settlements, or in many other ways."


On the topic of community assistance, one of the most busy departments at KKL-Junk since October 7 is the Education and Community Department, which is headed by Avi Musan.

"We trust the relationship with all the audiences and sectors in Israel, mainly with the peripheral cities and also with disadvantaged populations and the like," Mosen explains.

"Immediately after October 7, we led the evacuation of thousands of civilians from the conflict zones, especially in the Gaza Envelope, to hotels and began to provide them with educational activities. 

"Actually, in the first month of the fighting, we took more than 4,000 people to hotels, and at the same time, our educational guides came to them and conducted activities for children, youth and the entire community. We have educational kits that are related to the values ​​we promote on environmental issues, Zionism, love of the land, and more, and the guides Ours - even these days, of course - reach the evacuees' concentrations and conduct activities on these issues. 

"For example, we have an activity with an animal handler, who reaches small children with lizards and snakes. This is not only an educational activity that inculcates nature and environmental values, but also an activity that helps to get out of trauma and provides a therapeutic experience.

"The value of such an activity is enormous, because when you talk to someone who has been traumatized and convey to him in an experiential way an environmental activity, for example, you both give him a moment's respite and instill in him hope and other important values." 

*Over time, did the activity grow and develop?*

"Definitely. First, more and more evacuees were added, on a scale of thousands, so that we received more and more population that needed our activities. Second, there were concessions from the Home Front Command that allowed us, for example, to go on tours to different areas, for example to Jerusalem. We conducted tours to the communities, and these tours Houses from the hotel were very important.

"Another activity of ours is with youth with a chance. We take care of youth who drop out of all the frameworks, and we were able to achieve with them that during the war they went out to help the soldiers, visit the wounded in hospitals, volunteer in agriculture and deliver educational activities to the evacuees. When you see this you say to yourself - what a strong company We produce here together."

*What are you planning for this year's Tu Beshvat?* 

"We will hold hundreds of 10-day seders in Shvat, wherever possible.

The arrangement is carried out with our operators and it is a great activity that expresses our love for man and the earth.

We intend to reach the concentrations of evacuees and give them the experience of Tu Beshvat everywhere, and of course go planting wherever possible."


What makes this extensive activity possible is the large amount of donations raised by KKL-Junk, which since the outbreak of the war have been flowing, as Roni Vinnikov, director of the division for resource mobilization and foreign relations defines, "at a double and triple rate, courtesy of our dear donors."

According to Vinnikov, "Our division maintains contact with 40 countries in the world through our bureaus throughout the Diaspora. Immediately after the disaster on October 7 and the outbreak of the war, we were flooded with requests from the Jewish communities, and it is important to say also from Christian organizations that love Israel, who wanted to do everything possible to help For the State of Israel and Israeli society under the burden of the war. 

"At the same time, we approached all the authorities, regional councils and localities in the Gaza Envelope, as well as the Association for the Soldier, which is the IDF's fundraising arm, and asked what we can do and how we can support everything that is needed.

"I am proud to say that in the first month of the war we raised many tens of millions of shekels from donors from all over the world - and everything we raised went directly to civilian aid and the IDF."

*What assistance did the localities and the IDF request?*

"In the first weeks, KKL-Junk funded the evacuation of residents from these areas to hotels.

I'm talking about vouchers that we gave to families so that they could enter hotels immediately when the war broke out.

"We opened green routes for receiving donations, so that the money from abroad reached the surrounding settlements within 48 hours.

We have removed all bureaucratic barriers on the subject.

KKL-Junk was there immediately, with the donations of our dear donors.

"Act without hesitation."

The launch of the heroes' path in Ofakim Park, photo: Alex Kolomoisky, KKL-Junk's information system

"Another example is the relationship we established with the IDF.

We were told that the terrorists burned the ambulances in the settlements, so we immediately raised funds for the Association for the Soldier to purchase 18 new ambulances, which landed in Israel at the beginning of November and were supplied to the medical corps.

These are the ambulances that replaced all the ones that the terrorists burned."

*After the initial answer, what are the plans for the future?* 

"After in the first two months we provided an immediate response to the emergency needs of the authorities, the localities and the medical and emergency services in the IDF, we are currently preparing for the mid-term response and are beginning to plan the long term, for example how to assist the evacuees in the coming months, how to resettle the Western Negev and how to assist with the restoration of agriculture and development . 

"Another aspect we are preparing for is the aspect of commemoration. A large part of the massacre happened in KKL-Junk forests, for example in the Bari forest, and we are preparing to establish a huge memorial site, unprecedented in the State of Israel, which KKL-Junk will build with all the other bodies that are relevant to the issue, in order to perpetuate the memory of The victims of the terrible disaster.

"Also, we will direct resources to the restoration of nature in the area, where fighting is currently taking place, which will require significant nature repairs, which KKL-Junk is going to carry out at the end of the campaign."


The person who believes in the restoration of the forests and nature is Naa Tal, head of the planning department at KKL-Junk, who is all already busy planning the day after.

"Planting, regenerating and renewing the forest is a symbol of our growth and strength as a society and a public," says Tal, "in the area surrounding Gaza, for example, most of the open areas designated for public welfare are forest areas for leisure and recreation, so the order of the hour is to restore these forests and bring the public back to them en masse , because it is part of the quality of life for all of us.

"Our job is to restore the forest areas to their pre-war status, and we have to do everything we can so that everything is restored in the north, south and center.

"Another issue is to rehabilitate and upgrade all the infrastructure for receiving the public, with an emphasis on the areas that were damaged - the scenic roads, the bike paths, the parking lots, etc. Our role is to restore the public's ability to enjoy these areas in the best possible way, of course while maintaining the ecological values. 

"By the way, this is the place to say a good word to the army that is in the field and is making great efforts to protect it, both in the north and in the south. In times of war, this is really not self-evident."

*And what about the future?*

"For us, the future is already here. We are now promoting together with the Ministry of Agriculture a new law for the protection of the forest areas, which is designed to maximize the protection of the area through dedicated legislation. The law is designed to protect the forest areas, to regulate the conduct, the enforcement powers, the management of the area and more .

"We have to remember that the forest is a public asset for all of us and the main social meeting place in the State of Israel." 


In view of the many challenges, KKL-JV chairman Yifat Ovadia Loski clarifies: "We will be everywhere, as the role of KKL-JJ today is more important than ever.

"For the 10th of the tribe, the aspect of planting is more important this year than ever.

It has a message of growth, hope and renewal, as well as rootedness.

We are here - and we will not be uprooted." 

In collaboration with the Kimat Foundation for Israel

Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-01-25

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