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The big annual horoscope: This is what 2024 will be like for every zodiac sign


Highlights: The big annual horoscope: This is what 2024 will be like for every zodiac sign. The solar year 2024 will bring a lot of energy with it. It is a good time to take on new, larger projects in 2024 - it is the year of change. Aries can look forward to a year of stability and financial success. Cancer has a romantic year ahead. Leos should watch their ego and avoid arrogance. Virgos should pay attention to their ability to take criticism and avoid self-criticism.

As of: January 25, 2024, 5:07 a.m

By: Romina Kunze




New year, new luck - this saying was hardly more apt than for 2024. The solar year is marked by change.

According to the annual horoscope, this is written in the stars for you.

Every new year has the potential to be a good one.

However, if you believe the late Bulgarian fortune teller Baba Wanga, things are looking rather poor for the year 2024.

The stars are already pointing to more promising prospects.

Because we have a solar year ahead of us.

In astrology, this represents a particularly energetic and happy period.

Some astrologers want to see this as a transition to a new era.

For others, at least a largely positive change is on the horizon in 2024.

With wars in Ukraine and Israel, ongoing inflation and extreme weather, no one would be sad for a bit of change.

But to what extent is the sun related to an individual's happiness?

The solar year 2024 is upon us - but what does that mean for your zodiac sign?

Where in the sky the sun is at the time of birth ultimately determines which zodiac sign you belong to.

From an astronomical perspective, the current solar storm will reach its peak in 2024.

Regardless of the zodiac sign, according to astrologers, all people will be provided with a lot of strength and willpower in 2024, as stated on


Therefore, it is a good time to take on new, larger projects in 2024 - it is the year of change.

According to experts' opinion, it is advisable to close all open chapters from last year by March so that you can arrive fully and then get started at the latest.

And love shouldn't be neglected either: Venus and Mars offer romantic adventures for all passionate people in May, June and July.

This is the year for your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 20): Exciting year full of opportunities

2024 opens up tons of opportunities for the enthusiastic Aries.

Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, will provide an energy overload that will lead to new opportunities in career and personal growth.

However, Aries should take care of their health and avoid stress.

Taurus (April 21 – May 21): Stability and financial success

Taurus can look forward to a year of stability and financial success.

Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, will be in a favorable position, leading to financial security and career success.

However, Taurus should pay attention to their relationships and avoid conflicts.

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Gemini (May 22 – June 21): Year of self-discovery

For Gemini, 2024 will be a year of self-discovery.

Mercury, Gemini's ruling planet, will encourage them to explore new interests and further develop their personality.

However, Gemini should be careful about their communication and avoid misunderstandings.

Good prospects: Astrologically speaking, 2024 will be a solar year - and will bring a lot of energy with it.

(Symbolic photo) © Joseffson/Imago

Cancer (June 22 – July 22): Year of love and romance

Cancers have a romantic year ahead.

The Moon, Cancer's ruling planet, will be in a favorable position for the sensitive sign in 2024, leading to intense emotional experiences and deep bonds.

However, Cancers should pay attention to their emotions and avoid excessive sensitivity.

Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd): Year of creativity and inspiration

For Leos, 2024 will be a year of creativity and inspiration.

The Sun, Leo's ruling planet, will encourage them to use their creative talents and start inspiring projects.

However, Leos should watch their ego and avoid arrogance.

Virgo (8/23 – 9/22): Year of health and well-being

For the caring zodiac sign Virgos, 2024 will be a year of health and well-being.

Mercury, Virgo's ruling planet, will encourage her to take care of her health and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, Virgos should pay attention to their ability to take criticism and avoid excessive self-criticism.

Libra (9/23 – 10/22): Year of harmony and balance

Libra will have a year of harmony and balance in 2024.

Luckily, the zodiac sign is said to be particularly dependent and conflict-averse.

Venus, Libra's ruling planet, will encourage them to seek harmony in all areas of their life and find balance between work and play.

However, Libras should pay attention to their decision-making ability and avoid indecision.

Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd): Year of transformation and growth

Scorpios are considered deep and constant.

However, 2024 will be a year of transformation and growth for them.

Pluto, Scorpio's ruling planet, will inspire them to embrace change and promote personal growth.

However, Scorpios should be careful about their intensity and avoid obsessions.

Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 20th): Year of adventure and learning

For the sincere Sagittarius, 2024 will be a year of adventure and learning.

Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, will encourage you to have new experiences and expand your knowledge.

However, Sagittarius should pay attention to their enthusiasm and avoid exaggeration.

Capricorn (December 21st – January 19th): Year of discipline and success

Determined Capricorns can also be sure of 2024 as a year of discipline and success.

Saturn, Capricorn's ruling planet, will inspire them to work hard and achieve their goals.

However, Capricorns should be careful about their ambitions and avoid overwork.

Editor's note

According to modern standards, astrology is not a recognized science.

Astrological analysis always leaves room for interpretation.

They examine probability, potential and possibility based on the star constellation - but astrology cannot predict fixed results.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Year of innovation and progress

For the unpredictable Aquarians, 2024 will be a year of innovation and progress.

Uranus, Aquarius' ruling planet, will inspire them to develop innovative ideas and make progress in their lives.

However, Aquarians should be careful about their independence and avoid isolation.

Pisces (19.2 - 20.3): Year of spirituality and intuition

For Pisces, 2024 will be a year of spirituality and intuition.

Neptune, Pisces' ruling planet, will encourage them to explore their spiritual side and listen to their intuition.

However, Pisces should be careful about their sensitivity and avoid self-deception.

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Source: merkur

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