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Deadly animal disease is spreading in Germany – what you need to pay particular attention to


Highlights: Deadly animal disease is spreading in Germany – what you need to pay particular attention to. In some federal states, infections with Aujeszky's disease are increasing. It is harmless to humans, but deadly to pets. The disease is considered eradicated in domestic pig populations. Germany has been considered AK-free since 2003. However, this does not apply to wild boars in Germany. Carnivorous mammals can become infected through contact with infected pigs or contaminated objects. Eating deceased wild boar in the forest can also lead to infection.

As of: January 26, 2024, 1:29 p.m

By: Sophia Lother




A sign posted by a veterinarian in 1998 warning of the highly contagious Aujeszky's disease.

The disease has not occurred in domestic pigs in Germany since 2002.

© Kay_Nietfeld/dpa

In some federal states, infections with Aujeszky's disease are increasing.

It is harmless to humans, but deadly to pets.

Lower Saxony – A dangerous animal disease is currently becoming the focus again in Germany.

Aujeszky's disease (AK) is highly contagious for many mammals.

Only humans, primates and equine species are not affected, explains the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety.

Pigs are the main hosts of the disease.

But pets, such as dogs and cats, or cattle can also become infected with the virus-related disease, often with fatal outcomes.

Increasing case numbers of Aujeszky's disease: What pet owners should know

The disease is considered eradicated in domestic pig populations.

Germany has been considered AK-free since 2003.

However, this does not apply to wild boars in Germany.

Currently, cases even seem to be increasing in some regions of Germany.

According to data from Lower Saxony, cases of infection have increased significantly in recent years.

Infections also appear to be increasing in Baden-Württemberg.

As the SWR reports, there was evidence in 20 of a total of 44 cities and districts.

In Hesse, the proportion of Aujeszky-positive wild boars was 2.7 percent in 2022; the Hessian State Laboratory is not yet reporting more recent data.

In Bavaria, the State Office for Health and Food Safety says after its last study published online in 2018 “that between 10 and 12 percent of the animals examined throughout Bavaria are constantly infected”.

One expert expects the spread to continue significantly.

Deadly animal disease in Germany: These are the symptoms in dogs and cats

Carnivorous mammals can become infected through contact with infected pigs or contaminated objects.

The symptoms of Aujeszky's disease vary greatly in pigs.

While piglets and young pigs suffer from serious illnesses, including fever, adults usually have mild symptoms and recover completely.

The problem is that many infected wild boars cannot be seen to have the disease.

According to the Lower Saxony State Office, the following Aujeszky's symptoms are possible in pets and other animal species:

  • Acute itching

  • A rabies-like course of the disease is also possible

  • Infection is usually followed by death of the animal after a few hours to days

According to the state office, animal owners in affected regions should ensure that their animals do not come into contact with wild boars.

Eating deceased wild boars in the forest can also lead to infection.

It is also advisable to avoid feeding raw meat or raw offal from (wild) pigs.

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Dangerous animal disease is spreading in Germany: expert makes it clear

The veterinary specialist in virology, Thomas Müller, commented on the disease to ZDF.

He describes the infection process in affected regions as dynamic and dependent on the number of wild boars living there.

Since they remain virus carriers for life after an infection, a region is permanently affected.

In his opinion, the infections will spread across Germany over time.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-26

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