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Lanz laughingly calls Söder-Art the “real Trump” – then he hits a sensitive nerve with the CSU boss


Highlights: Lanz laughingly calls Söder-Art the “real Trump” – then he hits a sensitive nerve with the CSU boss. “The feeling for Germany is no longer right,” says CSU leader on ZDF with “Markus Lanz” “New elections would be the best thing to bring about change!” said Bavaria's Prime Minister. ‘I think you can see a process of radicalization in the AfD, a man and a man’s man,’ says S Öder.

As of: January 26, 2024, 10:53 a.m

By: Mark Stoffers




Markus Söder appears again in Markus Lanz' ZDF talk.

Things get down to business between the CSU boss and the TV presenter.

Including laughter and sour Söder.

Hamburg - Another exchange of blows in the ongoing duel between Markus Lanz and Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder.

The obligatory row between the CSU boss and the


presenter on his TV show is almost de rigueur.

And in the end the CSU boss was clearly annoyed.

But first things first: Söder first commented on the precarious surveys for the traffic light coalition.

This is also why he felt compelled not to leave the federal government in good stead.

“The feeling for Germany is no longer right,” said the CSU leader on Wednesday evening (January 24th) on


with “Markus Lanz”.

Markus Söder was a guest of Markus Lanz on ZDF on Wednesday.

© Screenshot ZDF

Markus Söder with Markus Lanz: CSU boss criticizes the lack of “Germany feeling” on ZDF

When Lanz asked what a “Germany feeling” actually was, Söder did not give a conclusive definition during his third Lanz appearance within three months.

He explained rather vaguely that “things are no longer the way they used to be”: “Nothing is getting better, everything is getting more expensive.”

He also emphasized that “the vast majority of Germans (...) are simply dissatisfied with the government.”

In Söder's view, this also creates "extreme polarization in society", which is why Bavaria's Prime Minister came to a clear conclusion.

“New elections would be the best thing to bring about change!”

“Create the greatest possible ruckus”: Journalist counters CSU Söder with Markus Lanz

The journalist Anna Lehmann saw it completely differently and expressed her skepticism by criticizing the opposition.

“The AfD benefits from this 'everything is shit' mode, and it doesn't really help when the Union (...) uses this sound precisely and joins in with 'everything is bad',” said Lehmann.

“It would help if we had a more constructive opposition in the Bundestag that didn’t just focus on creating the biggest possible ruckus.”

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Bavaria's Prime Minister did not share the journalist's opinion at all and continued with another traffic light: “The government itself has no internal logic.

It acts completely (...) ideologically.

They are caught up in disputes among themselves, and then priorities are set that are the wrong ones.” His criticism of the government was followed by another jibe at Olaf Scholz: “The Chancellor is the most silent authority in the country!

He stands and sits and always says nothing!

He has to explain what he wants!” Clear words from the CSU boss, but not as clear as Lanz in November 2023, when Söder saw Germany in a “state crisis”.

Söder about Markus Lanz's possible candidacy for chancellor: "Why no one always believes me"

Really getting going, Söder then gave the AfD a broadside.

“I think you can see a process of radicalization in the AfD and a bolder appearance to the outside world.” However, the CSU man spread clear skepticism when it came to further steps against the AfD.

He doubts “that a ban will work.”

The renewed criticism of the traffic lights and the AfD issue then gave Lanz the opportunity to inquire about the Union's possible candidate for chancellor.

“Someone will be found,” said Söder, refusing to let his cards be looked at.

The CSU man rejected at least one of his own candidacies: “I’m out of the race anyway.” Surprised, Lanz still had to follow up: “Are you out of the race?” asked the moderator.

“Yes, that’s clear.

I wonder (...) why no one always believes me,” replied Söder with a slightly annoyed undertone.

CSU boss makes Markus Lanz laugh: “What you are doing here is a real Trump”

Lanz couldn't help but laugh and pushed in the direction of Söder: "It's a real Trump, what you're doing here." However, Bavaria's Prime Minister didn't let himself be put off and declared that Friedrich Merz was doing "a very good job." and would be a suitable chancellor.

Lanz countered again: According to his information, the Union is getting down to business behind the scenes on this very issue.

Söder then fired in the direction of the moderator with the words.

“This is the worst research,” complained the CSU boss, before then commenting again on himself and clearly rejecting the Union’s candidacy for chancellor.

“My place is in Bavaria,” emphasized Söder.

Markus Lanz hits a sensitive nerve with Söder: “I won’t get involved in games like that”

After the statement, Lanz turned to another topic that subsequently infuriated Söder: Germany's defense capability.

The CSU man had addressed this more frequently in the past few weeks.

“You asked for 100,000 drones.

An aircraft carrier.

A nuclear defense shield.

How exactly do you imagine all this?” Markus Lanz wanted to know. 

What is needed is a fully equipped Bundeswehr with “tanks, artillery, material, ammunition,” said Söder.

The ZDF presenter asked about the specific costs.

This question obviously hit a nerve with Söder: “I don’t get involved in games like that.”

Söder gets angry with Markus Lanz: “They’re not on educational television!”

But Lanz did not give up and explained that the cost of an aircraft carrier alone “for such a life cycle” was well over 100 billion euros.

According to Lanz's calculation, this includes “construction costs of around 13 billion, development costs of 100 billion and operating costs”.

Markus Söder dismissed the sum in exasperation, which prompted the moderator to give a small reprimand: “Mr. Söder, we want to understand and explain things.” The moderator’s statement caused further frustration for the CSU boss: “We’re not here on educational television!” said Söder, visibly angry.

Söder cited a possible second term in office for Donald Trump in the USA as an argument for expanding Germany's defense capability: “If Trump wins, it could have fundamental consequences for us.

And we have to prepare for that.” The Bavarian Prime Minister added with a serious look: “Our goal is clear, to defend ourselves.

To protect our NATO borders, to protect our own freedom.”

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-01-26

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