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Milei's "change" that is splashing


Highlights: Milei's "change" that is splashing. The way of behaving, with marches and countermarches, constitutes a sign of the new management. Three of the 26 participants (there were also legislators) expressed that they had discussed with the official the possibility of including the Country Tax in the sharing mechanisms. The Casa Rosada maintained that this discussion could only be left for later. The spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, stated that the possible debate on the Country tax was never discussed. It will be necessary to see what substance remains when it must be analyzed article by article.

The way of behaving, with marches and countermarches, constitutes a sign of the new management.

Guillermo Francos,

the Minister of the Interior, warned the dialogue opposition last Sunday about the inadvisability of

“pulling more than necessary”

in the negotiations for the Omnibus Law.

“Everything could be worse,”

he predicted.

A day later (Monday) he held a meeting with PRO governors, radicalism and non-Kirchnerist Peronists to establish the final conditions of the debate that will take place in Congress about the mega project.

Three of the 26 participants (there were also legislators)

expressed that they had discussed with the official the possibility of including the Country Tax in the sharing mechanisms.

To compensate, perhaps, for certain aspects of the fiscal package that Luis Caputo, the Minister of Economy, announced last Friday that he was withdrawing from the Omnibus Law to facilitate parliamentary progress.

That story added four other sequences.

Francos denied

that what was disclosed by the provincial leaders had been discussed.

The Casa Rosada maintained that this discussion could only be left

for later


The spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, stated that

the possible debate on the Country Tax

was never discussed .

Javier Milei retweeted a message from a Buenos Aires senator who accused the deputies of

“wanting to continue living from politics.”

He called them the

“extortion bloc.”

That senator was Joaquín de la Torre, former Peronist mayor of San Miguel and former minister of María Eugenia Vidal in Buenos Aires.

He is now aligned with La Libertad Avanza.

This development seems very descriptive of

a methodology

that would characterize the Government.

An emissary always emerges capable of opening doors of dialogue with the opposition.

Although it is also common for these gestures to end up being diluted.

It happens when they arrive at Milei's desk

where his sister, Karina, “El Jefe” and Santiago Caputo are carving.

The architect of the electoral campaign who was formally appointed as an advisor only after 50 days in office.

In the setback regarding the chance of sharing the Country Tax, the opinion of “Toto” Caputo could also have been decisive.

The incorporation of that tribute as a co-participating good could have been resolved expeditiously.

The problem would lie in its validity.

It was thought, at one time, as a suitable mechanism to get by.

Share it for a while.

Although to withdraw it later the consensus of the 24 governors would be essential.

This is a constitutional mandate.

A wall that the President and his Minister of Economy feared would be insurmountable.

Simply because libertarians lack national territorial power.

Javier Milei incorporated Scioli into his government as head of Tourism, Environment and Sports.

The former motorcyclist falls under the sphere of his friend and minister Francos.

That way of behaving, with marches and countermarches, is becoming a sign of Milei's administration.

“The change” proclaimed seems to be sloshing around.

He could respond to the situation in which he is placed by the need to adopt extreme measures in the face of the formidable crisis and the limited power at his disposal.

Regardless of the wave of votes that he obtained in the runoff.

He would also define the profile of a radial system where everything ends up being derived and resolved by the President.

Although some of his collaborators have said and done something to the contrary.

Personalism in an almost pure state.

Milei fits very well in the story that encouraged him by being able to place responsibility on “the caste” for all the sufferings that Argentina goes through.

That goes for the approach of public opinion.

Although it makes parliamentary procedures difficult.

With this task of harassment he would be getting the opposition willing to collaborate to vote for the approval of the “Omnibus Law” in general.

It will be necessary to see what substance remains when it must be analyzed article by article.

Whatever happens, there will be an attempt to be sold as a political victory.

The field of Justice

That game can get complicated in another area.

The National Chamber of Labor Appeals decided to make room for the protection of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and declared the

“constitutional invalidity”

of article IV of the presidential Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU).

We talked about the labor reform that was the excuse of the labor union for the mobilization and strike of the previous week.

The unconstitutionality of the chambers was based on the fact that “there is no impediment to the meeting of the Chambers of Congress”, as the Government attempted when seeking reforms through a DNU.

In this case, no presidential protests against it have been known so far.

The last resort would be the intervention of the Supreme Court.

An aspect that the four judges, Horacio Rosatti, Carlos Rosenkrantz, Ricardo Lorenzetti and Juan Carlos Maqueda, always want to avoid while waiting for politics to take charge of the conflict.

We will also have to observe the conduct of Mariano Cúneo Libarona, who since he took charge of the Ministry of Justice advocated for the independence of the magistrates.

Santiago Caputo, Luis Caputo and Mariano Cúneo Libarona, present at the Cabinet meeting this Tuesday at Casa Rosada.

Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

Milei knows very well that his entertainment with “the caste” could not be assimilated to the Judiciary.

She will have to observe how the collaborative opposition looks after the passage of the Omnibus Law through Congress.

Regarding Union for the Homeland there would be nothing to wait for.

It is possible that in the upcoming sessions he will challenge last week's ruling signed prior to the CGT strike,

which followed an at least murky procedure in secret conclaves.

We Make the Federal Coalition, by Miguel Angel Pichetto, now appears as the most critical formation of the Government in that collaborative nucleus.

Deputy Nicolàs Massot denounced the possibility of a campaign on social networks against those legislators who challenge important articles.

Radicalism is in a similar position, beyond its willingness to provide a quorum and vote in favor in general.

The PRO appears more contemplative.

He lowered his tone, unlike the rest, due to the differences that arose with the Government as a result of the possibility of sharing the Country Tax.

Some interpreted that such closeness would be due to Mauricio Macri's idea that some of his leaders would land in Milei's administration if a time of crisis arrives prematurely.

The President, meanwhile, never finishes arranging chips.

To the officialization of Caputo,

Daniel Scioli was added as Secretary of Tourism, Sports and Environment.

The former ambassador to Brazil with Alberto Fernández, former candidate for president of Cristina Fernández and twice governor of Buenos Aires,

joins the libertarian team at the end of his career.

A player who will make any attempt by Macrismo to join the administration that triumphed under the motto of

“change” much more difficult.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-01-31

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