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President Biden, don't miss your last chance in Venezuela


Highlights: President Biden, don't miss your last chance in Venezuela. It is imperative that the United States Administration look beyond sanctions and focus its efforts on catalyzing the rebirth of democracy. The recent disqualification of María Corina Machado threatens the hope of free and fair elections. The recovery and strengthening of democracy as a mechanism to begin to stop migration should be the number one priority on his agenda for Latin America in the remainder of his mandate. Venezuela, the largest producer of migrants in the hemisphere, tests this objective like no other country in the Americas.

It is imperative that the United States Administration look beyond sanctions and focus its efforts on catalyzing the rebirth of democracy in Venezuela

Joe Biden came to power in the United States three years ago with a complex but very clear mission: to get his country out of the Coronavirus pandemic, recover an economy hit by a global crisis and protect the democratic system from the attack of its internal and external enemies. .

His Government has had incontrovertible successes on the first two points.

The pandemic is behind us and the coronavirus is today treated like a severe flu for which there are medications.

Inflation has been tamed.

After a peak of 9% in 2022, the latest reports place it at a moderate 3.4%.

On the third point, however, his success is unclear and hangs by a thread.

Democracy is threatened like never before.

Although Biden defeated Trump decisively in 2020, the populist national leader is the almost certain Republican candidate for a


on November 5.

Following the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries, Trump has moved (fast and furious) to dispatch Nikki Haley, his only standing rival, and secure his candidacy.

If Trump were to win the presidency – and today he has a good chance – we know what is coming: an unprecedented attack on American democracy from within, starting with changes to the Constitution, continuing with the purge of the Government (dubbed by Trumpists as the “

deep state”)

and ending with the closure of the Southern border to contain immigration.

Inside and outside the United States, democracy is at the lowest point in the last three decades, after the great democratic wave resulting from the fall of the Berlin Wall.

From Ukraine to Taiwan, many democracies are held in check by expansionist powers.

Others, like in El Salvador, have begun to be dismantled with the old “


tactic ,” that is, one slice at a time.

But it is Latin America where it presents the greatest democratic regression, as Jorge Sahd K., Daniel Zovatto and Diego Rojas, from the Center for International Studies (CEIUC), recall in Political Risk Latin America 2024.

Biden is aware that the unstoppable flow of immigration is one of the most vulnerable points of his Government.

It is estimated that in December 2023 alone, 300,000 migrants tried to enter the United States from Mexico.

Some polls already show it as one of the main concerns of voters along with the economic situation and it has become the hot topic of the fight to the death that he is already waging with Trump.

That is why the recovery and strengthening of democracy as a mechanism to begin to stop migration should be the number one priority on his agenda for Latin America in the remainder of his mandate.

Venezuela, the largest producer of migrants in the hemisphere, tests this objective like no other country in the Americas, because in that South American nation a crossroads materializes where the internal politics of the United States is intertwined with the migration crisis.

The recent disqualification of María Corina Machado threatens the hope of free and fair elections, agreed upon in the Barbados Accords between the Democratic Platform of the Venezuelan opposition and the Chavista dictatorship.

Meanwhile, the United States Government lifted the oil sanctions imposed by Trump, in exchange for restoring the supply of Venezuelan crude oil to the United States, the release of political prisoners—among them a dozen American prisoners—and the vague promise of a change. democratic, its fundamental commitment lies in the resolution of the immigration problem.

Although Biden complied with the agreement, Maduro's response has been a stab.

Few have been surprised after many negotiations violated by Chavismo.

But the State Department's response is clear: "The United States is currently reviewing its sanctions policy against Venezuela, based on these events and the recent political persecution of candidates from the democratic opposition and civil society."

From the White House they concluded: "We have made it clear that all those who want to run for president should have the opportunity to do so, and have the right to equal electoral conditions, freedom of movement and guarantees for their physical safety."

Hours before the measure against Machado was announced, a Venezuelan opposition politician, close to the negotiations and disappointments prior to Barbados, told me: “Maduro has already obtained a good part of what he wanted, as shown by the return of the oil companies, the delivery of Alex Saab—Maduro's alleged front man—and previously of the narco-nephews.

In return he has given very little.

It only needs to obtain international legitimacy and to do so it will continue to play with the elections.

He is not going to negotiate because there is no credible threat from the United States and because he is convinced that they are not going to take away what they have already given him.

But since both are interested in maintaining the agreements, with or without María Corina Machado as a candidate, the Biden Government will continue to feed the perception that it is doing important things in Venezuela, even if it knows that it cannot resolve the situation.”

As Ciorán wrote, “all lucidity is the consequence of a loss.”

It would be foolish to refuse to see the objective fact: the possibilities of democracy in Venezuela have just received a new defeat.

But, in this case, Biden must say enough is enough and show that he will not allow himself to be fooled by Maduro.

To do this, it is imperative that his Administration look beyond the sanctions and focus his efforts on catalyzing the rebirth of democracy in Venezuela.

Machado's disqualification only shows that freeing the dictatorship from its economic shackles is not enough to stop the Venezuelan diaspora.

The eight million Venezuelans who have fled Maduro are a significant factor in the instability of many of the transit and host countries, including the United States.

Without mentioning his nationality, Trump has turned them into cannon fodder for his xenophobic discourse: they are the ones who come to steal, kill and poison white blood.

So promoting the Venezuelan democratic cause would be a decisive step to help alleviate immigration pressure and would detract from Trump's attacks in the presidential campaign.

Returning Venezuela to the democratic path would also have a tectonic effect in the region and would send waves of change and hope to Cuba and Nicaragua, whose societies live crushed under authoritarianism.

If he were to achieve the democratic transition in Venezuela, Biden could receive a popularity bonus among Latino voters, many of whom have lost affection for him.

Diplomacy is the key word for all this.

It is no secret that the strategy used by Washington with Maduro has been that of carrot and stick.

In this case, both are the same thing: sanctions.

But the lifting of sanctions and the prisoner exchange that followed have mostly been gifts to Maduro.

And there is no time to continue getting dizzy with vague promises from Chavismo.

A pattern of action is in Guatemala.

As Ben Gedan, director of the Wilson Center's Latin American Program, pointed out in a recent article in Project Syndicate, to dissuade the corrupt pact of that country from abandoning its attempt to prevent Arévalo from taking the presidency on January 15, the Biden Government orchestrated a two-tier strategy.

In the first, he imposed sanctions and withdrew the visas to travel to the United States of 300 legislators and oligarchs affiliated with the Government of Alejandro Giammattei.

A second level consisted of a clear endorsement of Arévalo—who visited the White House—accompanied by firm pronouncements from the spokesmen of American diplomacy, with the Undersecretary of State for Latin America, Brian Nichols, at the helm.

To deal with Maduro we have to go further.

First, Biden must support the opponent María Corina Machado in a public, unequivocal and forceful manner.

Second, he has to add Latin American democratic leaders, starting with Arévalo and Boric ending with Lula and Petro, to a campaign for fair elections in Venezuela.

In exchange for this, he must offer a carrot.

How about agreeing on Maduro's departure from the country, the regime's


and his family members, as had been discussed in previous negotiations?

It is a controversial point, when millions of Venezuelans dream of the day when justice will arrive.

It is a harsh, terrible, disgusting and even obscene option.

But it is also the most realistic possibility to dislodge the autocracy.

Otherwise, Biden will lose his best opportunity to shore up democracy in Latin America and Venezuelans will continue fleeing the endless horror of the Chavista nightmare.

Boris Muñoz

is a Venezuelan chronicler and editor.

He was founder and opinion director of

The New York Times en Español.

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