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Hard exchange in the air between Ramiro Marra and Eduardo Belliboni for the march against the Omnibus Law: "Forty years and you never grabbed the shovel"


Highlights: Eduardo Belliboni and Ramiro Marra were protagonists on Wednesday, on the first day of the treatment of the Omnibus Law in Deputies. The libertarian called him a "delinquent" and criticized him for not showing solidarity with him for the aggression he received. The leader of the Polo Obrero retorted: "Your last name is your destiny, you are a jerk" Marra became indignant again at a compliment that did not come and was never going to come. "Don't you realize that you're a jerk? Go file a complaint!"

The libertarian called him a "delinquent" and criticized him for not showing solidarity with him for the aggression he received. And the leader of the Polo Obrero retorted: "Your last name is your destiny, you are a jerk."

Eduardo Belliboni


Ramiro Marra

were protagonists on Wednesday, on the first day of the treatment of the Omnibus Law in Deputies.

The leader of the Polo Obrero ended up on the ground in full protest against the project and said that the Gendarmerie kicked him.

The Buenos Aires legislator from La Libertad Avanza, meanwhile, had to run due to the aggression of "left-wing militants."

This Thursday both of them

crossed paths on the hot screen

: the picketer accused him of not having "grabbed the shovel" in his life and the influencer accused him of being a criminal.

The discussion, which raised the temperature, took place with Marra on the studio floor and with Belliboni talking on the phone.

It happened this Thursday at noon on Crónica TV.

It was

five minutes of shouting, cross accusations and disqualifications.

"I don't know if you saw what happened to me," began Marra, who

sought at all costs the solidarity of the picketer

for the aggression he received hours ago.

"No, no, I don't know," Belliboni tried to excuse himself, reluctant to engage in conversation.

But he gave his interlocutor the opportunity to open the discussion loudly.

"You didn't see it...", the City legislator was outraged.

"If you call yourself a social leader and you didn't see what happened to me, it is a total lack of responsibility, because

it is in all the newspapers and all the media

. Then it means that you are a person who is not informed."

Ramiro Marra on a balcony of Congress during the debate on the Omnibus Law.

Photo Juano Tesone

And he summarized the episode that occurred outside Congress: "One came and spat at me from behind, another came and pushed me from behind."

The leader of the Polo Obrero responded with


and a dart to the pride of the libertarian who knew military from Roberto Lavagna.

"Oh, poor Marra, they spit on him from behind...

They didn't push you in the Government, you

wanted a position and you had nothing at all

," he told her.

Belliboni continued: "So stop talking nonsense. Yesterday they seriously repressed the people, not you, please. You were on the other side. You are always on the side of the repressors, Marra. You are always on the side of the who send the repressors".


A woman who was with the Polo Obrero leader said that the officers "kicked him when he was on the floor."

"I don't know if someone pushed you," the picketer insisted.

—Yes, it is known.

—What I do know is that there was repression.

I did not see you repudiate the repression of social and union leaders who were bombed with pepper spray.

Some had to go to the hospital.

They kicked my back to pieces.

And I didn't hear you say anything.

So I don't have to say anything to you.

—I don't have to say anything about the work of the security forces so that the rules are met.


your last name is your destiny,

" Belliboni said.

—Your name is Marra.

You're always on the wrong side.


Ramiro Marra had to run from left-wing protesters after leaving Congress

Marra vs.

Belliboni: from the "mamarracho" to the "delinquent" and the common order

Marra became indignant again at a compliment that did not come and was never going to come.

"Belliboni does not sympathize with me for the attacks I received. They were people from left-wing parties," accused the former candidate for head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires.

The social benchmark did not lower.

"Don't you realize that you're a jerk? Go file a complaint. You're a jerk!

That's why your name is Marra: because you're a jerk

," he raised the temperature.


how good, you play with words

," Marra responded, almost a replica of Tangalanga.

Samuel "Chiche" Gelblung had to intervene to calm things down.

It was not successful.

Eduardo Belliboni, on the ground after a confrontation with security forces.

Photo EFE

"For me, you

are a criminal

, and I am not saying anything to Crónica that they are making you, a criminal, talk," said the legislator.

Belliboni asked him to place himself "on the map of the planet", appealed to the memory of 2001 and instructed him: "The security forces cannot give orders to citizens. It is the judges who give orders to the security forces and "I don't know what the order was that allowed the Gendarmerie, Prefecture and Federal Police to repress protesters.

Then it happens like in 2001, when there were deaths and they play dumb."

Marra took control of the situation and, sharply, closed the discussion: "Thank you, Eduardo.

I hope that one day you get to work

and stop making demonstrations."

Belliboni returned the kindness in the same tone.

"Forty years and I have never seen you pick up a shovel.

Do you know why? Because you are a broker who inherited from his father a business that has screwed up the country," he shot in closing.

He put the Chiche Gelblung sandwich back in.

"The talk is over, guys. Let the personal attacks be done at home. That's it, it's over," intervened the host, experienced in managing the media stove and comfortable with heated screens.

Source: clarin

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