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“A milestone for Schliersee”: gym in Neuhaus officially opened


Highlights: “A milestone for Schliersee’: gym in Neuhaus officially opened. As of: February 3, 2024, 7:00 a.m By: Jonas Napiletzki CommentsPressSplit Long awaited: Around 50 invited guests came to the gymnasium gallery for the opening. A total of 34 companies built the hall in 22 months - between the beginning of 2022 and the end of 2023. Those involved coordinated in 107 client and specialist planner meetings. 188 construction diaries were kept.

As of: February 3, 2024, 7:00 a.m

By: Jonas Napiletzki




Long awaited: Around 50 invited guests came to the gymnasium gallery for the opening.

A year-long chapter ended for Mayor Franz Schnitzenbaumer (l.) and TSV chairman Wolfgang Schauer (r.).

© Thomas Plettenberg

The gym in Neuhaus is a project of the century that some people no longer believed in.

But now there it is – 50 years after the first idea.


– When TSV Schliersee organized a soccer tournament last Saturday, 400 teams wanted to come to Neuhaus.

Of course, that many didn't fit in the hall - 16,000 cubic meters of space or not.

But what Mayor Franz Schnitzenbaumer (CSU) wanted to make clear with his anecdote: “This shows how huge the need for gyms is.” The official opening in Neuhaus on Friday came at exactly the right time.

The enormous planning time - the first idea was more than 50 years ago - was probably only a side note in the greetings.

Instead, the community and TSV focused on thanks and praise for everyone involved who had made the stylish new building with light wood and modern steel construction possible.

With costs totaling 12.3 million euros, as expected, there were a lot of them: Schnitzenbaumer and TSV chairman Wolfgang Schauer listed an almost endless list of donors, helpers and supporters.

“You can see: it just works together,” summarized the mayor.

He only allowed himself one side swipe: “Thanks also to the northern neighbor who no longer lives here.” As is well known, he had delayed the project for years and made it more expensive - before his lawsuit before the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig failed.

The town hall boss sent a sincere thank you to the de Alwis family, who, as neighbors on the other side, always supported the project.

34 companies involved in the construction

A representative of the architectural firm gave a consistently positive assessment of the cooperation during the construction phase itself. A total of 34 companies built the hall in 22 months - between the beginning of 2022 and the end of 2023. Those involved coordinated in 107 client and specialist planner meetings.

188 construction diaries were kept.

And the architectural office itself, with twelve employees, put in a total of 10,500 hours of work - which corresponds to 440 days and nights.

The cost increase of 28 percent, based on the 9.6 million euros calculated at the start of construction, would at least be below the construction price index.

In the same time, it had become 36 percent more expensive.

Those present agreed that the money was well invested.

Students and athletes are “incredibly happy,” said Doreen Kober, a primary school teacher and athletics specialist at TSV.

She had rehearsed a choreography with second to fourth graders, which the students performed in front of the guests.

Wolfgang Schauer also emphasized that a great wish was coming true for TSV.

All divisions are housed in the new hall;

Thanks to the partition wall there is even room for improvement in the occupancy plan.

Schauer also emphasized that he was proud that the building had worked collaboratively.

Choreography: Second to fourth graders had rehearsed a small supporting program.

© Jonas Napiletzki

As reported, the TSV had to raise its own contribution of 300,000 euros in order to receive funding of 400,000 euros from the Bavarian State Sports Association.

Further donations came from clubs and citizens.

“Together we have created a milestone for Schliersee,” summarized Schauer.

Evangelical pastor Ilka Huber and her Catholic colleagues Pastor Hans Sinseder and Deacon Alois Winderl concluded by blessing everyone involved and thanking God for the day of joy.

The celebrations will continue with all citizens at a big festival in May.


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Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-03

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