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Europeans: Dmitri Medvedev calls for “support in every possible way” for “anti-system” parties


Highlights: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for support for Western “anti-system” parties. Without mentioning their names, the former Russian president asked to “openly and secretly help” certain Western political parties, so that they obtain “correct results in the elections” “These oppositions, still irregular, stand today clearly against all the vices of current liberal globalism, as well as American international policy,” says Dmitri Medev. “Their coming to power could radically improve the political landscape of the West,’ suggests the vice-president of the Council Security of Russia.

Without mentioning their names, the former Russian president asked to “openly and secretly help” certain Western political parties, so that they obtain “correct results in the elections”.

Russia is keeping a close eye on Western electoral deadlines.

In a long message published this Saturday, February 3 morning on Telegram, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev called for support for Western


parties , particularly in the run-up to future European elections.

“Our task is to support in every possible way these politicians and their parties in the West, helping them apertum et secretum

(openly and secretly, Editor's note)

, to obtain correct results in the elections

,” writes the vice-president of the Council Security of Russia.

According to Dmitri Medvedev, the oppositions of European countries and his own are radically different: the former are

“much more reasonable and decent”

than the latter, who want

“the death of their homeland”


These oppositions, both

“left and right”

, are sometimes well established

“in national parliaments and in the European Parliament, where elections will soon take place”

, welcomes the president of Vladimir Putin’s party, “United Russia”. .

Also read: From moderate liberal to warmonger, Medvedev's strange change thanks to the war in Ukraine

The RN and LFI targeted in France?

“These oppositions, still irregular, stand today clearly against all the vices of current liberal globalism”

, as well as

“American international policy”

, continues Medvedev.

Customary of sensational and flowery declarations on Telegram, the former Russian president is not explicitly targeting any political party or any specific country here.

However, it is difficult for France not to think of the National Rally, increasingly better represented in the National Assembly and well ahead of voting intentions for the next European elections.

Marine Le Pen's party is also regularly accused of proximity to Russia, which its leaders categorically deny.

On the left, La France insoumise, fierce opponent of alignment with the United States, could also be concerned by the declarations of the former Russian president.

Read alsoThe RN accused by the Washington Post of maintaining new links with Russia

Dmitri Medvedev hopes that during the next European elections, certain


parties will join

the “political establishment”


“Their coming to power could radically improve the political landscape of the West

,” suggests the vice-president of the Security Council.

He is pleased that

“the leaders of the old political forces in Europe and the United States”

fear them, quoting... the philosopher Lao Tzu:

“The weak conquers the strong, the flexible conquers the hard”


Russian desire for interference?

Russia's leading figure between 2008 and 2012, while waiting for Vladimir Putin to be legally re-elected, Dmitri Medevedev no longer has the same power or the same responsibilities today.

Which has allowed him, since the start of the war in Ukraine, to brandish the most extravagant threats and predictions against the West, particularly on the use of nuclear weapons.

But these declarations, and in particular those which call for helping

“openly and secretly”

anti-system parties to be elected, awaken a much more insidious danger for the West.

That of Russian interference in the next elections, particularly European and American.

In 2022, the existence of Russian interference in the 2016 American presidential election, which saw Donald Trump come to power, was admitted by Evgueni Prigojine, the founder of Wagner who died at the end of August 2023 in a plane accident.

Strong suspicions of Russian interference also weigh around Emmanuel Macron's campaign in 2017.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-03

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