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Italy: the funeral of the heir to the crown will be held in Turin


Highlights: The funeral of Victor Emmanuel of Savoy will take place on Saturday February 10 in the basilica of Superga, near Turin. The Superga basilica was built at the beginning of the 18th century to thank the Virgin Mary for having defeated the French army of Louis XIV in Turin in 1706 during the War of Succession. Most of the members of the Savoy family are buried in this basilica. A funeral chapel should be organized in the preceding days at Reggia di Vednaria Reale, the royal palace of Venaria, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site since 1997.

The funeral of Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, son of the last king of Italy, who died on Saturday, will take place on Saturday February 10 in the basilica of...

The funeral of Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, son of the last king of Italy, who died on Saturday, will take place on Saturday February 10 in the basilica of Superga, near Turin (northern Italy), indicated the religious television channel Tv2000 .

“The funeral of Victor Emmanuel will take place on Saturday at 3:00 p.m. (2:00 p.m. GMT) when he will be buried on the hill of Turin, in the basilica that the Savoys dedicated to the Madonna of the Graces

,” writes on X the channel which is the property of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI).

The Superga basilica was built at the beginning of the 18th century on the orders of Duke Victor Amédée II of Savoy, to thank the Virgin Mary for having defeated the French army of Louis XIV in Turin in 1706 during the War of Succession. from Spain.

Most of the members of the Savoy family are buried in this basilica.

A funeral chapel should be organized in the preceding days at Reggia di Vednaria Reale, the royal palace of Venaria, also near Turin, one of the residences of the Savoy family, listed as a UNESCO world heritage site since 1997, according to the media.

Victor Emmanuel of Savoy died on Saturday in Geneva after a long exile.

Born on February 12, 1937 in Naples, he was the head of the House of Savoy which occupied the throne of Italy from 1861 to 1946 and the son of the last king, Umberto II, who only had this title from May to June 1946. He left Italy at the age of 9, banished with all male descendants of the royal house by the Constitution of 1946 to sanction the supposed collaboration of his grandfather, Victor Emmanuel III, with the fascist regime and the signing of racial laws.

He was only able to return to the peninsula in December 2002, after the lifting of the exile voted by the Italian Parliament.

To obtain it, he had to swear loyalty to the Republic, a gesture he refused for a long time.

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-04

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