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“I am not a delinquent”: young repeat pimps trivialize their actions in court


Highlights: Two young people aged 18 and 19 were sentenced on the evening of Thursday February 1 to one year in prison in a prostitution case. The young F., originally from Jouy-le-Moutier (Val-d'Oise), is fell back very quickly for having prostituted two young women, who came from Dijon and Jura. His 19-year-old sidekick, who had already been previously convicted in a drug case and was also appearing as a repeat offender, was sentenced to eighteen months in prison.

Two young people aged 18 and 19 were sentenced on the evening of Thursday February 1 to one year in prison in a prostitution case.

He just turned 18 at the end of December and pimping already has no secrets for him: ads on Sexemodel or Wannonce, like hotel or Airbnb reservations, girls' safety... Released a few months earlier from the Porcheville minor detention center (Yvelines) where he spent four months for a previous case of aggravated pimping, kidnapping and sequestration, the young F., originally from Jouy-le-Moutier (Val-d'Oise), is fell back very quickly for having prostituted two young women, who came from Dijon (Côte-d'Or) and Jura.

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Tried for aggravated pimping on Thursday, February 1, before the Pontoise judicial court, this young school dropout was sentenced by the criminal court to one year in prison and was incarcerated, this time among adults, at the remand center of 'Osny.

His 19-year-old sidekick, who had already been previously convicted in a drug case and was also appearing as a repeat offender, was sentenced to eighteen months in prison, including ten months in prison.

In this case, another adult is the subject of a guilty plea procedure and a minor before the children's court.


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Source: leparis

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