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Pommeuse: the accused loses his father, his trial before the assizes is postponed


Highlights: The trial of Philippe B. opened this Monday afternoon before the Assize Court of Seine-et-Marne, in Melun, to close less than two hours later. The 57-year-old father was to be tried for attempted murder, for having - on August 18, 2021 - fired a shot with a hunting rifle at a neighbor, in Pommeuse. His lawyer asked for the case to be postponed, due to completely exceptional circumstances: the father of the accused, hospitalized at the end of last week, died on Sunday.

His trial was scheduled to take place this week. A fifty-year-old was prosecuted for having fired a shot at his neighbor in August 2021.

The trial of Philippe B. opened this Monday afternoon before the Assize Court of Seine-et-Marne, in Melun, to close less than two hours later.

This 57-year-old father was to be tried for attempted murder, for having - on August 18, 2021 - fired a shot with a hunting rifle at a neighbor, in Pommeuse.

But his lawyer asked for the case to be postponed, due to completely exceptional circumstances: the father of the accused, hospitalized at the end of last week, died on Sunday.

It was a dejected man who entered the box of the criminal court.

“My client is not able to answer questions and participate in the debates.

You have to respect your sentence.

The funeral will take place this week, witnesses – like his wife and son – are preparing the funeral, this is a major difficulty.

This is not a delaying tactic to avoid trial.

My client is going back to prison.

Whatever he did, he will answer for it later,” argued Mr. Christophe Dayras.

The accused collapsed in the box

On the side of the civil parties, Me Charlotte Boullard, the lawyer for the victim and his wife, did not oppose the postponement of the trial, “out of humanity and brotherhood” and “for a peaceful hearing”.

Advocate General Éric de Valroger was of the same opinion: “Everything has been said, the stakes are high.

The accused must have all his faculties to defend himself.”

The president then gave the floor to Philippe B. The father collapsed in tears: “I am not in a position to answer you.

I'm mourning.

I miss my father.

I haven't seen him since I was incarcerated.

It was my life, he taught me everything.”

The Assize Court therefore postponed the trial to a later session, which should be held in the coming months.

Pending the next hearing, the accused will remain in pre-trial detention.

In this case, a 30-year-old man was seriously injured in the abdomen.

After three weeks in a coma, he underwent several operations.

At the origin of the drama: a neighborhood conflict between two traveling families.

The accused always explained that he did not want to kill the victim.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-02-05

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