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"Free the dead": hundreds of ultra-Orthodox protest against the autopsy of a 13-year-old boy Israel today


Highlights: Hundreds of ultra-Orthodox people blocked an intersection on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem for three hours. The protesters blocked buses and shouted "release the body, release the dead". So far, the police have arrested five rioters in Jerusalem who attacked police officers and threw objects, and one of them on suspicion of trying to steal a weapon from a police officer. Dozens of Haredim also demonstrated outside Abu Kabir. They tried to break through the gate and confronted the police on the spot.

The Israel Police opened an investigation due to the death of a resident of Beit Shemesh, for unknown reasons • Ultra-Orthodox protesters blocked the intersection of Yehzakel and Shmuel streets in Jerusalem in protest of the police's intention to perform an autopsy • Another demonstration takes place in Beit Shemesh and Abu Kabir • A suspect in disorderly conduct was arrested near the Medical Institute Legally

Clashes between police officers and hundreds of ultra-Orthodox people who have been blocking an intersection on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem for three hours, due to the police's request to perform an autopsy on the body of a 13-year-old boy who died.

The protesters blocked buses and shouted "release the body, release the dead".

So far, the police have arrested five rioters in Jerusalem who attacked police officers and threw objects, and one of them on suspicion of trying to steal a weapon from a police officer

13-year-old dies, ultra-Orthodox protest against the autopsy, photo: police spokeswoman

Jerusalem District police officers, with the assistance of cavalry and security forces, tried to disperse the demonstration and repel the protesters. The protestors began to riot, blocking the movement of vehicles, and some even threw eggs and attacked police officers. Three were injured in the clashes.

They want to take the body out

The protest and breach of order that developed in the place is taking place against the background of the death of a 13-year-old boy in Beit Shemesh.

As part of the investigation into the circumstances of the case, and in order to rule out suspicion of criminality, it was decided after consultation with the prosecutor's office to check the circumstances of the death, among other things, by examining the body at the Forensic Medicine Institute.

13-year-old dies, ultra-Orthodox protest against the autopsy, photo: police spokeswoman

At the same time as the protests in Jerusalem, dozens of Haredim also demonstrated outside Abu Kabir.

They tried to break through the gate and confronted the police on the spot.

"We want to get the body out," they said.

The police said: "For the last hour, a protest has been taking place while violating the order and blocking the traffic axis on Shmuel Hanevi - Yehezkel Street in Jerusalem. Hundreds of protesters began rioting on the spot, blocking the movement of vehicles and buses, rioting and some of them even threw eggs and attacked police officers."

13-year-old dies, ultra-Orthodox protest against the autopsy.

Blockades in Abu Kabir, photo: Police spokespersons

"After a dispersal order was given by a police officer for disturbing the order and rioting in the place in violation of the law, the Jerusalem district police officers are now working together with the Jerusalem Police officers to restore order in the place and repel the rioters.

The Israel Police continues to operate in the area of ​​Samuel the Prophet in Jerusalem and in the city of Beit Shemesh on Nahar Jordan Street, in two centers of disorder where hundreds riot.

Earlier, there was also a sporadic disorder in the tribes of Israel in Jerusalem."

"Nazis, terrorists"

"Unfortunately, the protests that took place in these centers since the late hours of the morning quickly turned into a disturbance of order and a violent riot in violation of the law. In both centers, the rioters blocked roads and vehicles, endangering their lives and those of the road users. In addition, some of the rioters set fires on the road/can, and damaged the windshields of two buses that were traveling there in Jerusalem".

Documentation of the violent violations of order in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh // Credit: Police spokespersons

"After police officers ordered the rioters to disperse without reason, the officers acted using means and force to repel them," the police say.

"During the disturbance, a number of rioters deliberately jumped under the police horses and the wheels of buses while they were driving. In addition, a number of rioters threw eggs, bottles and other objects at the police and the police cavalry, at least one of the bottles hit one of the protesters in the head (who did not need medical attention). In addition, many rioters They insulted the policemen and shouted at them: 'Nazis, terrorists, go back to Germany, go to Gaza'."

So far, five suspects have been arrested at the riot centers in Jerusalem for attacking the police officers and throwing stones, bottles and eggs, with one of them arrested on suspicion of trying to steal a weapon from a police officer when he drew his personal weapon.

The arrested suspects were taken to the police station for questioning.

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Source: israelhayom

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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