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"There is nothing now, no pacifier and no water": the horrifying recordings of the kindergarten teacher from Holon - voila! news


Highlights: A kindergarten teacher in a kindergarten in Holon was recorded cursing and abusing toddlers. She is heard saying, among other things, "fool", "son of a thousand" and "shut up", against the background of continuous crying sounds. The police started an investigation following a complaint filed by the parents. The kindergarten teacher denied the allegations and refused to listen to the recordings, for her part, "She doesn't admit to anything. She told us that we are wrong and exaggerating and that it is sometimes allowed to raise our voice"

The parents of 12 toddlers were shocked to hear the kindergarten teacher admonishing their children: "Sleep the son of a thousand" and "Shut up, you'll cry when you get up anyway," she says in the recordings over a background of cries. After noticing signs of harm to their children, they suspect that the kindergarten teacher also used physical violence: "She didn't give him food, he went to bed crying"

On video: Recordings from a kindergarten in Holon: Kindergarten teacher curses and bullies toddlers 05.02.24/ShutterStock

A kindergarten teacher in a kindergarten in Holon was recorded cursing and abusing toddlers - in the recordings that came to me tonight (Tuesday) and voila!

She is heard saying, among other things, "fool", "son of a thousand" and "shut up", against the background of continuous crying sounds.

The police started an investigation following a complaint filed by the parents.

The suspicion of the parents of the toddlers in the kindergarten arose due to the unusual behavior of their children.

In the recent period, they began to show signs of regression, to be nervous, restless and violent, even towards themselves.

The questions that came up led to sending one of the 12 toddlers in the nursery, ages six months to three, with a recording device.

When he returned home, they listened to the six hours of recording and were amazed.

The kindergarten teacher and the assistant silenced the children rudely again and again, accompanied by derogatory names and suspicion of molestation.

"Shut up, even so you will cry when you get up," scolded one of the toddlers, and after a few minutes added angrily: "Enough, we heard you."

In another case she clarified: "There is nothing now, not my blankets, not a pacifier and not water. Shut up too."

About another toddler she said "A thousand son fell asleep", and about another she screamed "Idiot".

In addition, the kindergarten teacher called one of the toddlers "Yokuzuna".

"She doesn't admit to anything.

She told us that we are wrong and exaggerating and that it is sometimes allowed to raise our voice"/TPS, his peace

"We felt that something bad was happening," said Coral, mother of a two-year-old boy.

"I trusted her, I left my child with her for a year and a half. My husband noticed from the first moment that something wasn't right with her, but I loved her. Recently the child came home angry, hit, bit, and was very thin. He is usually a dominant child. I asked him - When you eat, does she give you a little or a lot? And he answered a little. He showed her grabbing his face tightly, demonstrated to his older brother that she pushed him on the table and he fell. In the recordings, they scream and she tells them that if they keep crying, they won't get out of the coop."

C enrolled her one-year-old son in nursery school at the beginning of the year.

"Suddenly in January, I felt that this was not my child," she says, "He has changed. He is irritable, resentful, refuses to take a shower, barely eats, beats himself when he drops food or drink. When I heard the recordings, my eyes darkened. She did not let him eat, drink, to fall asleep. It turns out that he fell asleep there while crying."

In the recordings, the kindergarten teacher is even heard calling the mother "stupid".

"It's horrible, she even called me derogatory names. In one of the videos you hear her hitting a boy and her assistant, her daughter, says you hurt him, and she answers him so what, he hurts me too. It suddenly dawned on me why my son behaves like that. I'm afraid he was beaten ".

Following what they heard, the parents went together to the kindergartener's house at the weekend and asked to confront her with her actions.

She, for her part, denied the allegations and refused to listen to the recordings.

"She doesn't admit to anything. She told us that we are wrong and exaggerating and that it is sometimes allowed to raise our voices. Then her son came and locked himself in the room with the cameras. I don't know what he did there, but the police say that in the garden they entered a code for the cameras and they can't open them." , said the mother.

Now the police are waiting for permission to listen to the recordings in order to advance the investigation.

Meanwhile, all parents took their children out of kindergarten.

"As soon as they hear what we heard, the kindergartener won't stay another day."

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"I trusted her, I left my child with her for a year and a half"/TPS, Shalu Shalom

The police stated that "immediately upon receiving the complaint, an investigation was opened, which is being conducted these days thoroughly and professionally, during which a variety of investigative actions were carried out and will continue to be carried out in order to reach the truth."

Chen Kubritz Cohen from the headquarters of the struggle for the children, who accompanies the parents, said that "Unfortunately, even in this period, we are receiving harsh defamatory tapes from all over the country, complaints are being opened and investigations are underway. This case was conducted in an unsupervised, unlicensed nursery school, even though there were seven or more children there There is a violation of the supervision law here, and the fact that cameras were installed does not absolve the owner of the daycare from reporting it to the Ministry of Education. Thanks to the recordings that the parents made after several clear red flags in the children's behavior came up, the conduct at that daycare was exposed and led to an investigation by the police. This only emphasizes what we are crying out for. For years, record what happens in the kindergartens because that's the only way you'll be able to understand what's going on. And secondly, don't put the children in daycares without supervision. It's true that there are a lot of cases that come to light in supervised dormitories, but at least we have a way to act and understand what happened there."

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  • Child abuse

  • Holon

Source: walla

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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