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Father attacks ex-wife: Did mother want to make her son a girl?


Highlights: Father attacks ex-wife: Did mother want to make her son a girl?. Mother dresses three-year-old son as a girl. Father only found out about the gender change through a letter from the school. Father went to court to gain custody and the right to make medical decisions about his son. The sex reassignment treatment has now completed. Father and son continue to see each other on weekends during the week. Meanwhile, a heated gender discussion on Austrian television got heated.

As of: February 6, 2024, 6:54 a.m

By: Michel Guddat




Gender reassignment without the child's consent?

A father made this accusation against his ex-wife - and went to court.

New York – “He has no desire to be a girl.

It was the mother's illusion.

He was forced to do it,” the father said.

“There are two sides to every story,” the mother countered to the

New York Post


“The number of lies in this story are appalling.

It is only the child that is important here.” Statement against statement.

But what is the truth in the case of a boy who underwent gender reassignment surgery?

Boy or girl?

A father went to court to challenge his son's sex change.

(Symbolic image) © Pawel Opaska /Imago

Forced to undergo gender reassignment?

Mother dresses three-year-old son as a girl

We are talking about a dispute in the USA.

A 32-year-old father told the US portal that his ex-wife forced their son to become a girl.

Even though the son didn't want that at all.

According to his father, he never expressed a desire to have a sex change.

The mother is said to have dressed the child in girls' clothes since she was three years old.

From then on the boy's name was "Ruby Rose".

But only as long as the father was not present, he claims.

When he picked up his son from his ex-wife's house to spend the weekend with him, he came dressed as a boy, the father said.

Father only found out about the gender change through a letter from the school

He only found out about the gender change when he received a letter from his son's school.

The child's name was "Ruby Rose."

At first the man thought the letter had been delivered to the wrong address.

But then he was also informed about his son's sex change.

"I didn't know that when he was with his mother it was a girl called Ruby," the father told the

Daily Mail.

His ex-wife had apparently already taken their son to a gender therapist who prescribed him puberty blockers.

At that time the son was nine years old.

These blockers stop the physiological sexual maturation.

Then so-called cross-sex hormones (CSH), such as testosterone, estradial or progesterone, are used.

They induce typically female sexual characteristics in boys who want to transition, explains


“My son was never dissatisfied with his gender” – There is also no diagnosis from the doctors

Meanwhile, the father went to court to gain custody and the right to make medical decisions about his son.

His goal: to stop what he sees as unnecessary treatment for his son.

“My son was never dissatisfied with his gender,” the father explained.

The doctors are also said to have failed to officially diagnose dysphoria.

This is understood as a disorder of emotional experience.

An affected person appears anxious, depressed, dissatisfied or in a bad mood.

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According to his own statements, the process cost the former vice president of a bank and now a software developer $150,000.

He was still not granted custody or the right to make medical decisions, “but I saved my son,” said the 32-year-old.

The sex reassignment treatment has now been completed.

A year after the trial, the now 9-year-old son is living happily as a boy, according to his father's statements.

Father and son continue to see each other on weekends and a few hours during the week.

Meanwhile, a gender discussion on Austrian television recently got heated.

Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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