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Graciela Ocaña demanded that Anses reject the privileged retirement of Alberto Fernández: "It would be a mockery for all Argentines"


Highlights: Graciela Ocaña, former national representative and current legislator of the City of Buenos Aires, submitted a letter to the ANSES in the last few hours so that the organization rejects the privilege retirement of Alberto Fernández. The former President would earn about 7 million pesos per month, if granted. "It would be a mockery for all Argentines and especially those who voted to end the privileges of the political caste," she claimed. According to the legislator, it would not be surprising “that Alberto is a scoundrel who has asked for this benefit”

He did so through a letter to the director of the organization, Osvaldo Giordano from Córdoba. The former President would earn about 7 million pesos per month, if granted.

Graciela Ocaña

, former national representative and current legislator of the City of Buenos Aires, submitted a letter to the ANSES in the last few hours so that the organization rejects the privilege retirement of almost 7 million pesos that the now former president Alberto Fernández could collect



"It would be

a mockery for all Argentines

and especially those who voted to end the privileges of the political caste," she claimed.

The claim was initiated by Ocaña, who was also Minister of Health in Cristina Kirchner's government, after it became known that the former president

had initiated the process to collect the honorary pension

that corresponds to him as former president of the Nation.

"That Alberto dares to ask for a retirement for his management, which has been disastrous, with the Olivos party and the VIP vaccination, to remember some of his milestones and the more than 100 legal cases that are being processed due to complaints he received in the 4 years of mandate,” Ocaña challenged in dialogue with

Radio Miter


According to the legislator, it would not be surprising “that Alberto is a scoundrel who has asked for this benefit.”

“He did it just

the days before Congress will surely eliminate

, and hopefully forever, this privilege that presidents and vice presidents have had, of collecting income that is much higher than the retirements and pensions that most of the citizens are receiving today. Argentine retirees,” he assured.

This law is among those that the Bases Law presented by Milei seeks to eliminate through Congress.

In his letter, dated Monday, February 5, Ocaña addresses the Director of ANSES, Osvaldo Giordano, "with the purpose of

requesting that a possible request

by former President Alberto Fernández for the collection of the lifetime monthly allowance be denied.

for President regulated in law 24,018".

He claims that, according to different publications and interviews,

Fernández currently lives in Spain

"and it is evident that he is not going to reside in our country", which makes it "incompatible with the requirement established in Art. 5 of Law 24,018 when establishes that to be entitled to enjoy this allowance it is a condition that the beneficiaries be domiciled in the country."

But that is not the only argument that the legislator uses to request the rejection of the benefit of the current president of the PJ: "I consider that the privileged retirement sought by former president Fernández should be denied

for not meeting the sufficient ethical and moral conditions

to enjoy of such a privilege. It is not necessary to investigate deeply to discover that the former president leaves office with dozens of criminal complaints against him. He must point out as the most aberrant and offensive the complaint for the dinner in Olivos during the pandemic.

And he recalled that there are "108 criminal complaints against him" in the registry.

"I insist, an official who has clearly committed poor performance of his duties cannot be reached by the benefits of an exceptional retirement regime that were clearly designed for those people who have performed the highest administrative functions of our country with diligence and honorability. The former President

would lack both considerations

, neither due diligence for the performance of his position nor honorability as demonstrated with the Olivosgate, the VIP vaccination case and finally for being ultimately responsible for having left the country mired in one, if not the worst economic crisis in its history," he added.

For her, the fact that half of the Argentine population has been left "in poverty" is "living proof of

the ineptitude of those who now try to secure a way of life that is alien to the majority of Argentines

and dedicate themselves to being a good vivant in Europe, squandering his privileged retirement on dinners in luxury restaurants.

"The ANSES cannot be complicit in these obscenities, we citizens have enough

with the obscene privilege retirement of Cristina Kirchner

and now we have to add to it the nonsense of Alberto Fernández," he stated.

Regarding the end, he mentions the note published in Clarín this Monday, February 5, in which it was announced that Alberto has already begun the retirement process, and says that within the framework of the public emergency in fiscal matters that Milei included in the Law of Bases, the perception of such a figure becomes "inadmissible", in reference to the almost 7 million pesos that the former president would earn.

"It would be allowing a waste of public funds in favor of the caste that was being fought and nothing less than through a privileged retirement. Not only would it hurt the ANSES coffers - thus affecting the almost 9 million retirees who has the system and that more than half receive the minimum pension of just over 100 thousand pesos - but it

would be a mockery for all Argentines

and especially those who voted to end the privileges of the political caste," he concluded.

Alberto Fernández would have already started the process to retire

Although ANSES refused to confirm the information, a former official who knew how to work side by side with the former president revealed that the process "has already started" and that

"in March Alberto will be back here

. "

Shortly after the end of his term, Fernández traveled to Spain with the intention of exploring the possibility of settling for a time in the Iberian country and teaching at different universities.

Those around him indicate that "the pension corresponds to him and he is going to process it" and that he plans to return to Argentina during the course of this month.

"She is not going to settle in Spain," insists a close collaborator of Alberto to Clarín.

Yes, it is likely that during the year he will maintain an agenda in both countries because his wife, Fabiola Yánez, will remain in the peninsula for "personal reasons."

Close to the president, meanwhile, they justify the possible collection of the benefit and that he needs this income

to be able to "pay the bills

. "

They highlight, in this sense, that he retired from public service without judicial cases of corruption against him.

More objections to the "honorability" of the former president

On November 23, deputy

Marcela Campagnoli (JxC)

, asked the Administrative Investigations Attorney's Office to evaluate whether she would be entitled to collect this income, alleging a series of facts that would compromise her "honorability", one of the requirements of the benefit. .

According to the deputy, Fernández would have failed to fulfill his duties as a public official because during his term he did not leave his position as a university professor while mentioning the scandals that involved him such as the “Olivos party” during the quarantine and the so-called “VIP Vaccination.”

In her opinion, these facts would expose a clear “violation of the Public Ethics law on duties and guidelines for ethical behavior.”

The deputy also accused the former president of "non-observance of the National Constitution regarding the appointment of magistrates of the Judicial Branch" and for the "delegation of the president's powers to a minister", alluding to the unusual prominence that the former minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, who opted for his presidential candidacy.

He also mentioned as reprehensible facts that Yáñez had allegedly used the Banco de la Nación Argentina Foundation for “promotion of his personal company,” in reference to the signature “Live and Dream.”

"What we want is to declare his non-honorability. But the Attorney General's Office argued that it was not up to him to process this file and that Anses should do it," Campagnoli told this newspaper.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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