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In Troyes, long-term unemployed find work thanks to an “employment company”


Highlights: In Troyes, long-term unemployed find work thanks to an “employment company”. Seventeen people, all from a long period of unemployment, joined the workforce. From administration to furniture restoration, ironing to textile alterations and end-of-construction cleaning, the services offered to individuals and communities are numerous. The beneficiaries of the system have all been on permanent contracts since the beginning of November, full or part time depending on their pace, and paid the minimum wage.

As part of the “Territories zero long-term unemployed” operation, an employment business was launched in the S district.

“The objective is to eradicate long-term unemployment!

» Visiting Troyes on January 30, Louis Gallois, president of the Territorial Experimentation Fund against long-term unemployment, does not hide his ambitions around the national system “Territories with zero long-term unemployment”, tested since 2016, and already deployed in 60 territories, including the community of communes of Troyes Champagne Métropole, certified since May 2023 (all the activities and creations of the EBE Séquoia can be found on

It is in this context that the Sequoia Employment Enterprise (EBE) was launched in the fall in the Sénardes district of Troyes, particularly affected by the riots last summer.

Seventeen people, all from a long period of unemployment, joined the workforce.

“The duration of non-employment of our current employees is 5 years,” underlines Alain Roussel, president of the association.

“The other particularity is to listen to these people to offer them positions that are suited to them.


Furniture restoration, ironing, construction site cleaning…

Supervised by four permanent employees, the beneficiaries of the system have all been on permanent contracts since the beginning of November, full or part time depending on their pace, and paid the minimum wage.

If salaries are financed by the State, the Aube department and private funds, “responsible for the company to find activities to balance the budget”, specifies Alain Roussel.

From administration to furniture restoration, ironing to textile alterations and end-of-construction cleaning, the services offered to individuals and communities are numerous for Sequoia, which plans to set up a grocery truck and a washing-ironing service. .

A breath of fresh air for Corinne, 58, who following a dismissal and health problems, found herself unemployed for several years, despite various training courses.

“It allows us to exist, because when we are unemployed, we are a little excluded.

» Oriented on the system by an Employment Advice Point, she first worked as a volunteer, before being hired as soon as the company's financing was released.

“I asked to work in the offices where I do secretarial work, and I am gradually improving my skills,” she says happily.

“I have a stable situation and I am less in trouble”

Johnny, 43, often worked in temporary work before losing all contact with employment.

The company allowed him to become truly versatile.

“I can create furniture, do DIY, take care of computer equipment, I’m everywhere,” he relishes.

“Today, I have a stable situation and I am less in trouble.”

A springboard also for younger people, like Aurélien, 25 years old.

“I left school around 15.

I didn't really get a job because that's not what interested me.

But now I have to think about life after.


Also readEmployment: the Territories with zero long-term unemployment, it works!

After several months of volunteering, Aurélien was hired as a graphic designer, a skill that he learned on the job, training over time.

“I take care of the website, communication, social networks.

And if they need help lifting furniture, I'm there as backup.

» What has the company brought him?

“More self-confidence, a little more skills that I lacked in graphic design, and, above all, the understanding between colleagues that I am discovering, because I had never had a job before.


Born from an exchange between the mayor of Troyes François Baroin and employees of an integration project, the idea matured for five years before coming to fruition under the leadership of Troyes Champagne Métropole.

“It is from the ground up, with associations, local elected officials, economic players, that we created this project,” underlines Marc Bret, deputy mayor in charge of employment.

A collective adventure which went as far as the choice of the name and logo by the beneficiaries.

And why Sequoia precisely?

“It makes us think of the conifer that takes root and grows very, very high.

And we hope to go very, very high,” smiles Corinne.

Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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