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Large demonstration against right-wing extremism in Weilheim: Only Free Voters did not support the action


Highlights: Large demonstration against right-wing extremism in Weilheim: Only Free Voters did not support the action. 5,000 people came to the demonstration. All factions and groups in the city council supported the action – except for one. Further demonstrations are not planned for the time being. The initiators in Penzberg also have also decided not to hold another demonstration for at least the next few weeks. The goal of setting up a “quiet procession” without agitation and exclusion has definitely been achieved.

As of: February 6, 2024, 6:02 a.m

By: Boris Forstner




The Free Voters under their frontman Hubert Aiwanger are certainly met with criticism for their stance, as was the case with this demonstrator on Sunday in Penzberg.

© schörner

5,000 people came to the demonstration against right-wing extremism in Weilheim.

All factions and groups in the city council supported the action – except for one.

Weilheim - There are three factions in the Weilheim city council (BfW, CSU/FDP, Greens), plus three groups (Free Voters, SPD and ÖDP) - and almost all of them supported the demo organizers, their logos (including that of the Left) appear on the official homepage for the demo.

With one exception: The Free Voters (FW) are missing.

Some participants also noticed this at the demonstration.

Ask the FW local chairwoman Romana Asam what the reason for the lack of support for the demo was.

Asam's brief answer: "We were not asked." She didn't want to say anything more and referred to Susann Enders, district chairwoman and FW general secretary from Weilheim.

She was somewhat surprised that Asam forwarded the request to her, “because the local chairmen are actually responsible for something like this.”

Large demonstration against right-wing extremism in Weilheim: Free voters did not support the action

She herself didn't have time because she had been at the traditional “Fastnacht in Franconia” in Veitshöchheim the evening before, which once again drew millions of viewers to the television.

“It was a difficult balance.

But I have also attended demonstrations against right-wing extremism, for example in Munich,” says Enders.

And she was at many farmers' protests, which for her was also a fight for democracy.

The only thing that bothers her is that many people now say “everything that isn’t left-wing is right-wing.”

They are clearly opposed to any form of extremism and are opposed to any attempt to place the Free Voters or themselves in the right-wing corner.

And what about the lack of participation in the Weilheim demo?

“Just because you're not part of an action doesn't mean you're against it,” said Enders, but admitted that it was “unfortunate” without going into details.

She was just surprised that Brigitte Gronau, as the initiator, did not speak to her personally on the sidelines of the last city council meeting, “especially on such an important topic”.

By the way: Everything from the region is also available in our regular Schongau newsletter.

And in our Weilheim-Penzberg newsletter.

The organizers of the demo were also “surprised” that the Free Voters did not take part, says organizer Felix Henkel.

And he emphasizes: “We sent the invitation to participate to all parliamentary group and group spokespeople, which also went to Ms. Asam.” They would have been happy if the party had also been on board.

“After all, it was a strictly non-partisan event.”

No further demonstrations planned for the time being

“It was overwhelming,” enthused the co-organizer of the Weilheim “demonstration against right-wing extremism,” Brigitte Gronau.

The relief at the great response from 5,000 visitors literally poured out of her.

“Everyone pulled together,” she said happily.

The goal of setting up a “quiet procession” without agitation and exclusion has definitely been achieved.

She quoted her organizational colleague Felix Henkel as saying that they had peacefully conveyed a “message of assistance” and “celebrated a high mass for democracy.”

The event was even spared from technical problems, even though the live stream broadcast was a novelty.

The stream already has four-digit views on YouTube.

Gronau remembers Walter Hüglin's speech as a personal highlight.

“We have to do it,” he finally announced.

This is also the view of the co-organizer, who is now particularly concerned with “carrying the flame forward”.

Because she also knows: “What matters is how people vote afterwards.”

On Monday evening, those responsible wanted to meet for a final debriefing, during which they would certainly “hold each other” and give each other a little “pat on the back,” she said.

Further demonstrations are not planned in Weilheim – at least for the time being.

The three initiators in Penzberg also have no concrete thoughts about organizing another rally so soon after the demonstration with over 1,500 participants.

Clemens Meikis, one of the three, said when asked on Monday that they would meet in the next few days.

He cannot currently answer the question of whether there will be a repeat.

But he doesn't want to rule it out.

Basically, he is of the opinion that things must continue, as is being discussed elsewhere in Germany, said Meikis.

He had already formulated this in his speech on Sunday and called for people to get involved in society and strengthen civil society.

There was a “great response” and “a lot of positive feedback” to the Penzberg demonstration itself.

“We are very happy that it went that way, it was very successful, we are grateful for it,” said Meikis.

According to him, there were no agreements with the organizers in the surrounding area, specifically with Weilheim and Geretsried, in order not to get in the way of time.

“I find it charming that there are no agreements and every city sends its signal.” Although he doesn’t rule out the possibility that it might make sense in the future.

According to reports, nothing further is planned in Schongau in the near future.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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