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New treatment for cancer sufferers: vaccine possible “by 2028”.


Highlights: New treatment for cancer sufferers: vaccine possible “by 2028’... As of: February 6, 2024, 9:36 a.m By: Karolin Schaefer Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Germany. According to the Cancer Information Service, more than half of all people affected by cancer are still alive five years after diagnosis. Patients could still live for decades in the future, according to Curevac boss Alexander Zehnder. The company is currently researching new mRNA-based treatment methods in the fight against cancer.

As of: February 6, 2024, 9:36 a.m

By: Karolin Schaefer




Cancer is the second most common cause of death in Germany.

But a lot is happening in research: a vaccine could come onto the market in a few years.

Munich – Cancer is still associated with hopelessness and incurability.

While, according to the Cancer Information Service, more than half of all people affected by cancer are still alive five years after diagnosis, patients could still live for decades in the future.

Cancer “no longer a death sentence”: Curevac boss convinced of imminent vaccination

According to Alexander Zehnder, new boss of the biotech company Curevac, this should be possible in just a few years.

The group is currently researching new mRNA-based treatment methods in the fight against cancer.

Apparently with success: “Our goal is to bring a cancer vaccination onto the market by 2028,” Zehnder told



This means that cancer should “no longer be a death sentence” in the future.

The current progress is enormous after the corona pandemic brought the breakthrough for mRNA vaccinations.

The effect of mRNA vaccines has already been demonstrated during the pandemic: the dose contains a blueprint through which the body produces the so-called spike protein.

This activates the immune system and produces antibodies.

In addition, a “memory” is stored that protects the body from the virus in the event of a reinfection.

Vaccination planned by 2028: “Cancer would then become a chronic disease”

Curevac is primarily researching cancer vaccinations, “which can be used in therapy if someone is already sick,” Zehnder told the newspaper.

Certain eating habits can also reduce the risk of cancer.

The potential vaccine is then intended to stop the growth of the tumor, “even if the cancer has already metastasized,” it continues.

“Cancer would then become a chronic disease that you can live with for decades.”

Curevac boss Alexander Zehnder expects a vaccination against cancer by 2028.

(Symbolic image) © Sigrid Gombert/imago

mRNA vaccines have the advantage of “targeting only cancer,” explained the Curevac CEO.

During radiation or chemotherapy, not only is the tumor attacked, but the entire body is also affected, the German Cancer Society reported.

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New treatment in the fight against cancer: Biontech is also researching a possible vaccine

Curevac is not the only pharmaceutical company researching a cancer vaccine.

Biontech recently published the first interim results on a novel form of treatment in the fight against cancer.

This is the combination therapy called “BNT211” made from so-called CAR-T cells and an mRNA vaccine.

The vaccination is intended to support CAR T-cell therapy - a form of treatment in which the body's own defense system fights tumor cells.

In an initial clinical study, cancer growth was curbed in 74 percent of the participants, and the tumor even shrank in 45 percent.

First, however, the recommended dose for the start of a potential approval-relevant phase 2 study should be determined.

There was also a ray of hope recently in the USA.

Researchers have managed to identify an area of ​​an antigen that can cause cancer cells to die - a self-destruct button, so to speak.

In addition, a doctor explains how the risk of cancer can be reduced enormously.


Source: merkur

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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