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Seine-et-Marne: convicted for dumping 150 liters of fuel oil into the water


Highlights: 38-year-old man dumped 150 liters of fuel oil into rainwater in Combs-la-Ville. Tried at the end of January, he was ordered to reimburse the damages. It is strictly forbidden to throw away waste, spill solvents, paint, oils, etc. or hydrocarbons on public roads, under penalty of criminal sanctions (up to 2 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros) and an order for significant damages in the event of pollution of the natural environment.

A 38-year-old man who dumped 150 liters of fuel oil into rainwater in Combs-la-Ville has just been sentenced by the corr court.

The least we can say is that its installation in rue de l'Yerres in Combs-la-Ville has not gone unnoticed by the neighborhood.

This 38-year-old man who had just purchased a property wanted to get rid of cans filled with fuel oil.

He then emptied them through the rainwater grates, under the dismayed gaze of the residents of the Yerres, who raised the alarm.

Tried at the end of January, he was ordered to reimburse the damages.

The scene dates back to June 24.

That day, firefighters and municipal police received calls from residents of Combs-la-Ville reporting that a resident had just spilled 150 liters of fuel oil.

They then go to the site, where a strong characteristic odor is emanating, to urgently set up a first barrier in an attempt to stop the pollution.

Syage, the intercommunal union managing the sanitation and rainwater networks, and the agglomeration of Grand Paris Sud are notified while Suez, mandated by Syage, takes care of setting up a second dam downstream at the level from the neighboring town of Varennes-Jarcy, in Essonne.

He will have to reimburse nearly 10,000 euros in damages

As for the owner of the cans, interviewed by the local judicial police service at the Melun Val de Seine police station, he explained that he had first wanted to dispose of them twice at the recycling center.

In vain.

He then chose this solution which risks costing him dearly.

“He thought that wastewater treatment plants could filter all that,” confides a person close to the case.

Summoned to court on January 30, he was ordered to repay nearly 10,000 euros spent by Syage for the decontamination of the site.

He also received a suspended fine of 1,000 euros.

Also read: Rampillon: 1,500 liters of fuel oil spilled into the sewers almost put the treatment plant out of action

“As a reminder, everything that is thrown on the public highway ends up in the drains of the rainwater network, then in the river, resulting in pollution of the natural environment,” writes the union on its website.

It is strictly forbidden to throw away waste, spill solvents, paint, oils, etc. or hydrocarbons on public roads, under penalty of criminal sanctions (up to 2 years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros – article L. 216-6 of the environmental code) and an order for significant damages in the event of pollution of the natural environment.


Source: leparis

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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