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Sweeping your chimney: an essential measure, but where to turn?


Highlights: In France, more than 300,000 domestic fires are reported annually. A significant proportion arise from poorly maintained chimneys, inserts or stoves. A single millimeter of soot can cause a loss of efficiency of up to 10%. In the Grand Ouest region, La Centrale des Ramoneurs stands out by adopting innovative practices and offering transparency and clarity in its services. For gas boilers, annual chimney sweeping is essential, while oil boilers and wood heating devices require two interventions per year.

Taking care of your chimney and heating system is essential to ensure the safety and proper functioning of your home. But do you really know when to carry out these maintenance operations? What elements to take into account and who do you turn to? In the...

What sweeter comfort than that of settling down by the fire, lulled by its crackling and enveloped by the gentle warmth of the wood!

To enjoy these moments in complete peace of mind, it is essential to take care of your heating installation.

In fact, it is even obligatory to carry out a chimney sweep once a year, or even twice in certain regions.

In France, more than 300,000 domestic fires are reported annually, and a significant proportion arise from poorly maintained chimneys, inserts or stoves.

Neglecting this maintenance therefore represents an unnecessary risk, particularly at a time when wood heating occupies a preponderant place in many homes.

Moreover, in addition to guaranteeing safety, chimney sweeping allows significant savings to be made by optimizing the operation of the device.

You should know that a single millimeter of soot can cause a loss of efficiency of up to 10%, which is not negligible, especially in these times of soaring energy prices.

In this context, a serious, professional and rigorous approach is essential, both to ensure safety and to guarantee the proper functioning of the installation.

In the Grand Ouest region, La Centrale des Ramoneurs stands out by adopting innovative practices and offering transparency and clarity in its services.

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What the law says ?

To ensure the proper functioning and safety of heating systems, regular maintenance is mandatory.

The regulatory requirements (article L.2213-26) vary depending on the type of appliance: for gas boilers, annual chimney sweeping is essential, while oil boilers and wood heating devices require two interventions per year.

In detail, it is essential to carry out a first intervention before or after the heating period, and a second intervention during this period is strongly recommended.

In accordance with article R.1331-22, you must use the services of a professional for annual maintenance, this guarantees compliance with safety and efficiency standards to prevent all risks that would be linked to the accumulation deposits in the ducts.

After each operation, the company provides a certificate, an essential document to benefit from the coverage offered by home insurance in the event of a disaster.

Please note that a fine of 450 euros is provided for in the event of an inspection and failure to carry out the required chimney sweeping.

Stove, fireplace, boiler: who to turn to for maintenance?

The maintenance of heating installations goes well beyond the simple cleaning of flues.

It also includes checking and adjusting combustion devices, as well as inspecting heat distribution and air inlet ducts for combustion.

In some cases, modern designed devices even require updates or control of computer chips to ensure optimal operation.

The technicians at La Centrale des Ramoneurs have specific training allowing them to carry out maintenance and troubleshooting on all brands of heating appliances.

Although they are capable of intervening for emergency repairs - a stock of parts is at their disposal to deal with any eventuality - it is always preferable to act in anticipation and carry out an annual check before heating .

This allows critical elements such as the spark plug to be treated in advance and thus to use your heating system peacefully during the winter.

In certain cases, when maintenance has not been carried out for several years or when an element impacts the installation, traditional chimney sweeping may prove insufficient to eliminate excessive deposits in the conduits.

The Centrale des Chimney Sweeps then offers an alternative treatment, debistrage.

This procedure, equivalent to deep cleaning, requires the use of specific tools and requires more time to be carried out effectively.

If you suspect excessive clogging of your device's conduit by bistre, it is imperative to opt for this in-depth method.

An installation with such fouling exposes the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, responsible for nearly 3,000 cases of poisoning each year.

A profession that new technologies are changing

The image of the chimney sweep with the beret screwed on his head, marked by soot, carrying a ladder on his back now belongs to the past.

Centrale des Chimney Sweeps has chosen to embrace new technologies rather than resist them.

Now, the technician relies on sophisticated equipment such as cameras, endoscopes and tablets to track down the slightest malfunction, whether it is a leak, a faulty draw or even to assess the viability of 'a conduit after a fire.

He uses portable power tools which simplify and improve the efficiency of chimney sweeping.

Exchanges are made by telephone or email, with quotes transmitted and appointments made online directly from the site.

Everything is done to simplify the process, speed up operations and guarantee rapid and efficient interventions.

However, this shift towards the 21st century in no way sacrifices the privileged relationship with customers.

The teams remain accessible and ready to answer customers' questions, aware that they aspire to exchange with competent and educational professionals.

The Centrale des Chimney Sweeps, a true reference in the great West

Founded in 2012 by Axel and Virginie Onillon, the Centrale des Chimney Sweeps passed the milestone of 30,000 interventions in 2023, a figure which testifies to the trust placed by its customers.

This success is based on a team of 35 professionals, including 25 highly qualified technicians who are deployed in the municipalities of the departments of Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Vendée, Charente-Maritime and Vienne, thus covering a good part of the great West.

They work on all types of ducts, pellet stove, wood stove, oil boiler, gas boiler, fireplace, insert, pizzeria oven, among others.

And this, whether for individual, collective or industrial installations.

In addition, La Centrale des Chimney Sweeps offers additional services such as waterproofing tests and in-depth audits of installations to guarantee the safety and conformity of the devices.

Discover La Centrale des Chimney Sweeps >

Source: lefigaro

All news articles on 2024-02-06

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